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Human Rights Watch: Open Letter to Hong Kong Chief Executive C.H. Tung
2002-12-25'We write to express Human Rights Watch's profound concern that proposals by your government to implement Article 23 of Hong Kong's Basic Law will seriously undermine civil liberties and civil society in Hong Kong.'
USA today: Activists fear Hong Kong will silence dissent
2002-12-25'The human rights crowd isn't alone in its worries. Librarians, clerics, journalists, bankers and foreign governments have voiced fears that the proposals could undermine the "one country, two systems" setup designed to insulate Hong Kong from China's repressive political system.'
Switzerland: Nearly 21,000 People Sign a Petition in Zurich (photos)
2002-12-24Zurich is the sister city of Kuming in China. Falun Gong practitioners in Zurich are very concerned about the practitioners in Kunming who are suffering beatings, torture, illegal imprisonment and even death at the hands of Jiang Zemins regime. They have drafted a petition to request the Zurich City Council to pass a resolution to appeal for an end to Kunmings persecution of Dafa practitioners. 20,967 people have signed this petition.
Italy: Exposing the Persecution During Activities held by Amnesty International in Milan
2002-12-24After the seminar, the Chief of Amnesty International in Italy and the Chief of the Italy-Tibet League clearly understood the persecution of Dafa in China. They also expressed concern over Article 23 and said that they would pay attention to this from now on.
France: Falun Dafa Practitioners Rally in Strasbourg to call on the European Union to oppose Article 23
2002-12-24Officials and visitors to the European Parliament building were very impressed by the peaceful scene that confronted them as the practitioners did Falun Gong exercises and collected signatures against Article 23. They gave encouragement and support to the practitioners.
Germany: A Dresden Practitioner Reveals the Truth about Article 23 on Prime-time TV
2002-12-24After briefly describing the basics of Article 23, the practitioner revealed how this legislation is the direct result of pressure from Jiang Zemins regime in China. He told the viewers how Article 23 would limit the freedoms of Hong Kong people.
UK: Leader of Liberal Democrat Party Takes Concerns Over Article 23 "very seriously"
2002-12-24"I appreciate you taking the time write to me and am very sympathetic with the points that you raise. I would like to assure you that my colleagues and I in the Liberal Democrats take your concerns very seriously..."
Letter from the German Association of Civil Servants Appealing Against Article 23
2002-12-24'Article 23 will endanger the integrity of Hong Kongs [financial and judicial] systems and will block the free flow and exchange of information and ideas. By doing this, Article 23 will endanger economic vitality and stability in Hong Kong, things which have always been the mainstay and strength of the region.'
Co-Signed Statement from Falun Dafa Associations in Europe regarding Article 23 in Hong Kong
2002-12-23'We urge the HK government to preserve Hong Kong's autonomy in determining the legal status of Falun Gong and other groups in Hong Kong, to ensure that the rights and freedoms of the Hong Kong people are upheld, and to comply with widespread calls for a white bill for public consultation.'
Sweden: People Support our Efforts against Article 23
2002-12-23Swedish practitioners held a peaceful appeal in Stockholm to inform people about Jiang Zemin's attempts to export his persecution of innocent people to Hong Kong through the implementation of Article 23. Many Swedish people signed a petition against this violation of human rights.
Denmark: The Difficulties in Obtaining a Passport for our Daughter
2002-12-23This is the story of a Chinese couple who were denied a passport for their new daughter. The Embassy staff refused to give this baby girl her basic human rights to a nationality because her parents practise Falun Gong. However, after their actions were exposed on a Falun Gong website, the Chinese authorities were frightened that the world could see their irrational and wicked actions and they quickly awarded the girl a passport.
New Tang Dynasty TV: Renowned British Sinologist talks about Article 23
2002-12-23'On 17th December 2002, New Tang Dynasty TV interviewed Professor Michael Yahuda, a renowned China expert in the London School of Economics and Political Science, on the proposed legislation on Article 23 in Hong Kong. Professor Yahuda is one of the 44 scholars who wrote to the Chinese government in opposition to this legislation.'
German Falun Dafa Association Writes to Hong Kong Chief Executive Regarding Article 23
2002-12-23'We are concerned that this enactment of article 23 will bring Hong Kong closer and closer to one country, one system, a totalitarian system. This will ruin the confidence of the world towards Hong Kong and will not promote and safeguard a positive development of Hong Kong.'
Amnesty International Press Release: Article 23 Legislation -- the potential for abuse
2002-12-23"The current government proposals are vague and ill-defined, contrary to international law and standards which require that the definitions of criminal acts should be clear and specific to clarify what types of conduct are criminalized," Amnesty International stated.
Ireland: Letter from the Irish Minister of State
2002-12-22'This government, together with our EU partners, takes very seriously the human rights concerns of Falun Gong members. Both the Taoiseach [Irish equivalent to the Prime Minister] and Minister Cowen have raised the issue on a number of occasions with the Chinese authorities...The rights of Falun Gong members have also been raised through European Union channels..Ireland has also pursued this issue through the United Nations.'