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Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Appeal to Punish Jiang Zemin, the Prime Criminal in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-01On December the 16th, Dafa practitioners in Belgium held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy to call for a public trial to punish Jiang Zemin, the main culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Appeal to Punish Jiang Zemin, the Prime Criminal in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-01On December the 16th, Dafa practitioners in Belgium held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy to call for a public trial to punish Jiang Zemin, the main culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Appeal to Punish Jiang Zemin, the Prime Criminal in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-01On December the 16th, Dafa practitioners in Belgium held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy to call for a public trial to punish Jiang Zemin, the main culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 23) - Practitioners' Relatives Detained in Labour Camps
2003-01-01Since initiating his persecution in July 1999, Jiang has extended it to western democratic countries. The following article covers 3 cases where relatives of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained in labour camps for their peacefully held beliefs.
WSJ: Just Another Chinese City
2003-01-01'The subversion law directly contravenes the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the pre-handover treaty guaranteeing all Hong Kong's freedoms -- including press freedom, religious freedom, and freedom of association -- would continue for 50 years, not a mere five. But the Chinese government has been clever: the spotlight once on Hong Kong has shifted, and few outside the territory have reacted to the subversion law with appropriate alarm.'
Speech in the European Parliament Debate on Article 23
2003-01-01"We hear not only what Hong Kongs religious groups, but also Hong Kongs economists, press and journalists are telling us, and we must take these concerns very seriously. These concerns clearly tell us that the opposition will be silenced, that freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to publish and the right of assembly, as well as the right and the freedom to form labour unions are no longer guaranteed."
Video: Swedish People Join Practitioners to Appeal Against Article 23 (photo)
2003-01-01At the moment, 6.5 million people in Hong Kong are being threatened with the loss of their basic right of expression, belief and association by Article 23, a proposed law in Hong Kong. Swedish Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the public to support an international petition against this threat to the human rights of Hong Kong citizens.
Dafa practitioners in France wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-01 -
Dafa Practitioners in Finland Wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-01All Dafa practitioners in Finland send their highest regards to our esteemed Teacher and devoutly wish Teacher: Happy New Year!At the same time, we also wish practitioners around the world a Happy New Year!
Northern Europe Dafa Practitioners Wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-01 -
Italy: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Christmas fair in Spinea
2002-12-31In the two days, several thousand fliers were handed out; nevertheless, some people still couldnt get one. Whenever practitioners demonstrated the exercises, people crowded around to watch. A cameraman from a local TV station was also attracted by this event and took some footage of the practitioners demonstrating the exercises.
Speech in the European Parliament Debate on Article 23
2002-12-31"Last weekend, a large demonstration in Hong Kong illustrated the genuine concerns that Article 23 laws could undermine existing human rights and civil and religious liberties. I share these concerns and I urge the Hong Kong SAR Government to address them in the final proposals that they bring forward."
Germany: Postcard Activity to Rescue Xiong Wei
2002-12-31The success of the campaign was widespread; on December 19, 2002, Heidenheim Weekly, a weekly journal which is sent to every house in the area, reported on the postcard campaign. The report also contained photos of the front and back of the postcard, which allowed readers to cut them out and send them to the German Prime Minister.
Italy: We Love Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance As Much As You
2002-12-31A famous reporter and expert on the situation in Tibet commented, Now I realise that they treat all their people in this way - whoever they are. Falun Gong followers, Tibetans, or Catholics will be suppressed in the same brutal way. Brutality is their nature.
EFIC: 25 Falun Gong Deaths from Police Torture and Abuse Reported in the Past Month
2002-12-31Police called Huajiang's 15-year old son from the labour camp at approximately 1:00 AM to take his father home...When his son arrived at the labour camp, however, Huajiang was dead. Huajiang's son says there were strangulation marks around his throat and other signs of torture. Huajiang's body has been transferred to a different location for cremation.