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AFP: Hong Kong Must Release Security Law Details As Soon As Possible: US Says
2002-12-21'Many Hong Kong residents have expressed concern that the proposed new laws could curtail freedoms in the territory. Human rights and press groups have also condemned the bill.'
MEPs Adopt Resolution Expressing Concern Over Article 23
2002-12-20MEPs expressed concern over the Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong by adopting a resolution emphasising that the future development of relations with China hinges on respect for the full autonomy of Hong Kong and the freedom of the Hong Kong citizens.
Belgium: Photo Report - Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of Chinese Embassy
2002-12-20 -
More MEPs, including a Vice-chairman of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, express concern over Article 23 legislation
2002-12-20"This is a very important issue and one that I have been following closely...If this particular change [toward more draconian laws] does occur as a result of pressure from the Chinese Government, I will make representation to the British Government. Certain moves have already been made regarding this subject."
Letter from Swedish Practitioner to Hong Kong's Leader
2002-12-20'The proposed law, Article 23, will make Hong Kong citizens lose their civil liberties and human rights. Politicians from democratic countries, media organisations and human rights groups all over the world all have the same view.'
Letter to the Hong Kong Government from a Member of the Nordic Falun Dafa Association
2002-12-20'Be aware that what you choose will have a big impact in many people's lives, as well as your own lives. Be also sure that you will have support from all over the world if you stand up for human rights and freedom in Hong Kong.'
Former leader of the Conservative Party Writes Letter to Practitioner Regarding Article 23
2002-12-20"I was interested to read your comments about Hong Kong and the introduction of Article 23 and sympathise with your concerns. I appreciate your letting me know and I will follow further developments carefully."
Media Summary: People from All Walks of life in Hong Kong Oppose Legislation on Article 23 (Photos)
2002-12-20'The Hong Kong government's proposal of legislation on Article 23 caused worry in the business community. The latest issue of Far Eastern Economic Review published an article saying that the proposal erodes Hong Kong's laws and undermines the guarantee of "One country two systems."'
Apple Daily News Report: No More Room For Silence (Photos) (Excerpt)
2002-12-20"Since the Hong Kong government proposed the consultation documents regarding Article 23 of the Basic Law in September, citizens of various social strata, professions and political backgrounds have expressed all kinds of concerns and opposing views regarding the government's proposal. However, these voices fell upon deaf ears...which is truly disappointing and regrettable."
Värmlands Folkbladet (Swedish newspaper): When Will Todays World Wake Up?
2002-12-20'Why does [jiang Zemin] want to persecute innocent people? Perhaps because he is jealous of Falun Gong which touched peoples hearts, as 100 million people began to practise Falun gong in only several years and started to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.'
International Radio Broadcasting (France): Falun Gong Appeals to the USA Government to Ask the Chinese Government to Release All Detained Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-12-20AFP quoted the [Falun Dafa Information Centre's] statement, which mentioned that international pressure has had some effect; some Falun Gong practitioners have been released, and the situation of other practitioners in detention has improved.
A Statement from the European Falun Dafa Association
2002-12-19'The European Falun Dafa Association opposes the proposed legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law.'
EFIC: Hong Kongs Ominous Anti-Subversion Law Faces Broad-based Opposition from MEPs
2002-12-19On December 19, 2002 the European Parliament will be voting on a resolution against the ominous Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong. Practitioners will be holding a press conference at 11 am on 19 December at which the following MEPs will be speaking:Mr.Lennart SacredeusMr.Roger HelmerMr.Oliver Dupuis
Denmark: Activities Despite the Cold on World Human Rights Day
2002-12-19Dafa practitioners held some activities on this day to tell people about the brutal persecution being inflicted on millions of innocent practitioners in China. They also wanted people to see through the Jiang regimes attempts to spread their terror tactics into the free society of Hong Kong by introducing Article 23.
UK: MP Strongly Warns Hong Kong's Tung Not to Use Article 23 Against Falun Gong
2002-12-19"I have received a number of representations expressing concern about the proposed Article that would appear to take your government one step closer to proscribing Falun Gong as an illegal organisation. You will be well aware of the hostility to any such a move that is shared across the international community."