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EFGIC: International Rescue Committee Publicises Names of Over 100 Loved Ones from 16 Countries Imprisoned in China
2002-12-17The persecution of Falun Gong has had a far-reaching impact around the world ever since the persecution began in 1999. The Global Rescue estimates that in addition to the family and friends in China, over 150 overseas practitioners have been arrested and incarcerated for appealing for Falun Gong in China. At least one third are non-Chinese citizens of various countries. - Dr. Haiying He
International Petition to Human Rights Groups, the UK Government and the Chinese Authorities
2002-12-17The following text is from a petition calling for the urgent rescue of a Falun Dafa practitioner who is currently being persecuted in China. Her fiance is a PhD student at UMIST in Manchester, England.
AFP: Falungong urges US to appeal to China for [practitioners'] release
2002-12-17'The Falungong spiritual group has called on the United States to urge China during human rights talks next week to release more than 100 jailed adherents. The jailed Falungong [practitioners] have relatives living in 16 countries, including the United States, a statement from Falungong's [information center] in New York said.'
Denmark: Letter of response from Social Democratic party to Falun Gong practitioners
2002-12-16The Social Democrats does view the Chinese regimes attempt to implement the controversial article 23 into the Hong Kong legislation with great concern. Well raise the issue with our EU collaborators as soon as the occasion arises.
Letter to European Representative for Hong Kong on Article 23
2002-12-16'I feel sorry to know that you are representing the Hong Kong Government to lobby all MEPs to support the legislation of Article 23 in HK...I think that everyone in the world must be responsible for maintaining the basic human rights and the moral standard of human society, and be responsible for their conscience.'
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 20) - Jiang's Blacklist of Practitioners
2002-12-16It became quickly apparent to me that the Chinese Secret Service blacklist was behind all this. How else could it be that of the eight people in the car with me, only three were singled out, those names on the blacklist, known to the Chinese Secret Service from our visit to China.
AFP: 12,000 march against proposed Hong Kong [..] law
2002-12-16"We do not want to see a security law belonging to China introduced in Hong Kong because state security in China means suppression of the freedom of Chinese citizens so that they cannot even express themselves without fear,"
Apple Daily's Commentary: Enactment of Article 23 Is a Potion of Slow Poison
2002-12-16According to Apple Daily's report on December 10, 2002, when people carefully read the Hong Kong Bar Association's response to the proposals to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, most of them will agree that the government's legislative proposal would bring far-reaching harm to Hong Kong's legal system, and would gradually erode its citizens' rights and freedoms. Therefore, people should all say "No" to the legislative proposal, just as the Bar Association did.
BBC: Massive protest over HK treason law
2002-12-16'About 20,000 people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong in one of the biggest demonstrations in recent years to protest against planned anti-subversion legislation...Pro-democracy politicians and human rights activists have been joined by businessmen who fear the legislation could damage Hong Kong's role as a business centre because it might limit the exchange of financial information.'
Finland: International Human Rights day in Front of the Houses of Parliament
2002-12-15This was a very successful event. Many people learnt the truth about the Jiang regimes persecution and their hearts were touched when they found out that people are being tortured, raped and killed because they want to improve their health and moral standards by practising Falun Dafa.
Sweden: Falun Gong TV Program Broadcasts on Stockholm Channel
2002-12-15Practitioners hope that by showing these television programs, they can help more people to recognise the horrific human rights abuses occurring against Falun Gong practitioners in China today. If all people in the world can stand up and condemn the Jiang regimes brutal terror tactics against innocent Chinese people, then this persecution will no longer be able to continue.
Letter from Member of European Parliament to European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-12-15'Thanks you for your letter on the Hong Kong authoritys introduction of Article 23 legislation and the implications for the Falun Gong...I have raised this issue in a letter to Chris Pattern, now the EUs Commissioner for External Relations, and whom I know takes these issues very seriously.'
UK: Demonstrating the Dafa Exercises in Harlow Town Centre
2002-12-15The practitioners spoke to the owner of a Chinese herbal medicine shop who had a lot of negative ideas about Falun Dafa. They realised that this is because the man has been affected by the government-controlled media in China, which is used to slander Dafa and spread lies to conceal Jiang Zemins horrific crimes against humanity. After the practitioners told this man the facts, he changed his initial misconceptions and in the end agreed that human rights in China is in a terrible situation.
Letter from Friends of Falun Gong Ireland to the Hong Kong government Concerning Article 23
2002-12-15If the Hong Kong government wishes to continue to be seen as a democratic, open and free society then it must abandon the implementation of this proposed law. Not to do so threatens all those who live and work in Hong Kong, including those of its citizens who wish to practice Falun Gong, and those who wish to defend the right of others to do so.
AFP: International press group slams China's jailing of journalists
2002-12-15'"We observe that journalists and other advocates of free expression continue to be harassed, arrested and jailed and that more than 30 are currently in prison," Balding told the propaganda officials.'