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The Main News (Germany): The Main News: A Picture of the Peaceful Journey
2002-12-15On December 4,2002, The Main News (Germany) reported that a photo exhibition held in Veitshchheim attracted many people’s attention to Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese meditation practice. They also reported that it raised awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, which has already caused the murder of over 500 innocent practitioners.
Video: Free Zhao Ming
2002-12-15 -
Video: World Human Rights Day in London
2002-12-15 -
Ireland: Speeches at the International Human Rights Day in Dublin, December 12
2002-12-14'My name is David Norris. I’m a member of the upper house of the Irish Parliament and I’m standing here today outside the Irish Parliament and protesting about the treatment of Falun Dafa practitioners within China and the infringement of their human rights.'
Reuters: Survey shows rising anxiety over freedoms in HK
2002-12-14Under the proposed law, people found guilty of acts of treason, sedition, secession from, or subversion against the mainland government could be imprisoned for life. Rights activists and legal experts worry the law may roll back civil liberties and could be exploited by Hong Kong and Beijing authorities to target anyone they do not like.
Wall Street Journal: Examining Asia: Tung Chee Hwa, “Friend of Democracy”
2002-12-14This is an ominous sign given the fact new anti-subversion laws are under consideration which will give the central government a mechanism to push the Hong Kong government to ban groups like the Falun Gong which are outlawed on the mainland.
Lithuania: Falun Gong Practitioners Spread and Appeal for Dafa in the 5th International Science Conference of Spiritual Healing
2002-12-13When we demonstrated the 5 sets of exercises on the stage, the audience was moved by the practitioners’ calm and compassionate field. Everyone who was there testified that there was indeed a strong energy field at that time. Later, some of the visitors asked for some information from us, and discussed with us the possibility of holding Falun Gong introduction meetings in other areas.
Poland: Peaceful Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy in Warsaw
2002-12-13The appealers wanted to tell people about the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners in China and how over 70 million innocent people face torture, incarceration and even death because they want to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.
UK: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty International’s Branch in Glasgow University
2002-12-13I especially paid attention to the student from Mainland China. I gave him some Chinese-version VCDs and newspapers. He told me that he was from Beijing and both of his parents are government officials. When asking him to mail the VCDs to his parents, he said that they have understood the real situation of Falun Gong. He also said that his mother once told him about the situation China’s past President Liu Shaoqi encountered in the time of the Great Cultural Revolution.
Rapid Dispatch: World Human Rights Lawyers Hold Press Conference in Paris Regarding Filing Lawsuit against Li Lanqing, the Chief of the 610 Office
2002-12-13The lawyers said that they are full of confidence that the court will [affirm] Li Lanqing's crime. He said that China has been warned. Those who perform or give orders to perform torture will be tried, no matter where they come from and where they are found.
Ireland: Resident Calls for the Rescue of Her Sister and Two Friends.
2002-12-13Ms. Dai Dongxue, a Dublin resident today called for help to free her sister Dai Xialing from Jinan Labour Camp in China; "My sister Xialing has been imprisoned simply because of her belief...I do not want to see my sister die in a labour camp."
Geneva Home Information (GHI): Human Rights in China - Falun Gong: the persecution continues
2002-12-13'Over 100,000 practitioners of Falun Gong have been sent to labour camps...The persecution has reached unbelievable proportions. According to the Swiss Falun Gong Association, millions of Chinese practitioners, albeit in good physical and mental health, have been committed to psychiatric hospitals.'
AFP (Agence France-Press): Hong Kong security law jeopardises freedoms
2002-12-13'At risk are the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; the right to freedom of expression; and the right to peaceful assembly and to freedom of association, the London-based human rights organisation Amnesty International said in a statement. The Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF - Reporters Without Borders) and the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also both warned that the proposed legislation would restrict the freedom of journalists.'
Far East Economic Review: HONG KONG: Business: The Biggest Victim
2002-12-13'Moves to outlaw sedition and subversion have generated a storm of protest. Even bankers and businessmen are criticizing proposals that may end Hong Kong's freedoms and change the way that business is done.'
Radio Free Asia: Hong Kong Bar Association Claims Proposal to Implement Article 23 Is Against International Human Rights Regulations
2002-12-13'The International Human Rights Organization and the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor joined together to contact the United Nations Human Rights Affairs Office in writing, requesting a show of concern about the issue of implementing Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong.'