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EFGIC: Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Spain Charging Former Chinese Leader and Senior Aide with Genocide, Torture
2003-10-22Attorney Carlos Iglesias conducts a press conference shortly after filing a lawsuit with Spains National Court charging former Chinese leader and a senior aide with genocide, torture. 5 plaintiffs also attended the press conference.
Finland: Practitioners Invited to Discuss Falun Gong on a National TV Show
2003-10-22Finnish TV's Yokotai invited Falun Gong practitioners onto a live chat show to discuss Falun Gong and the situation in China. During the show, four practitioners demonstrated the exercises to beautiful Dafa music while another practitioner was being interviewed. Channel 1 has shown the programme throughout the whole country.
UK: MP and the Public Support Grand Performance in Cambridge
2003-10-22Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Cambridge city centre to promote Falun Gong and let people know about the human rights violations occurring against practitioners in China. Their performances showed the Cambridge people the true beauty of Chinese culture in a lion dance and traditional Chinese fan dancing. There were also songs performed by practitioners and a Public Trial of Jiang Zemin.
"The Epoch Times": Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Spain Charging Former Chinese Leader and Senior Aide with Genocide, Torture
2003-10-21The United Nations Conventions are clear on this issue, [stated lawyer] Mr. Iglesias. If justice cannot be served in the countries where alleged crimes of genocide and torture occur, it is the responsibility of the international community to step in. In Spain, we have laws that can accept and try such cases, and thats exactly what we intend to do.
Clarifying the Facts in the Process of Filing the Spanish Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-10-21On the day after my arrival, I joined two practitioners in contacting the Swedish embassy in Madrid to tell them about the lawsuit, the persecution of Falun Gong in China and how China has extended the persecution to foreign countries. After explaining the facts to them, the staff wanted to know more and also wanted to attend the press conference that was to be held the day after the lawsuit was officially filed.
Spain: Falun Gong Practitioners File a Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-10-20“The purpose of this lawsuit is to stop the persecution and guarantee that the crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners will receive appropriate punishment. Since the start of the persecution in 1999, there have been between 800 and 2000 Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death and approximately 200,000 sent to labour camps.”
Why is the Evil Regime so Afraid of Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition?
2003-10-20Zhang Cuiying’s art exhibition has long promoted the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, as well as exposing the evil nature of Jiang’s dictatorship. As a result, she has become a thorn in the side of the evil regime that persecutes Falun Gong. Her story has become more and more well-known by people, and the Jiang regime’s suppression has been condemned by more and more people as well. During this time she has also been continuously monitored and interfered with by the Chinese embassies.
Sweden: Demonstrating Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution at a Linköping School
2003-10-20 -
"Radio France Internationale": Falun Gong practitioners sued Jiang Zemin in Spain
2003-10-19'On the 15th of October in Madrid, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit against the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin at a Spanish court, accusing him of persecuting Falun Gong.'
Denmark: Dafa Practitioners participate in Nighttime Activities at the Copenhagen Cultural Festival
2003-10-18October the 10th was the annual Cultural Festival in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Practitioners hoped that their actions would allow people to learn more about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. They gave out leaflets to the large audience and within a short period of time, all of the Dafa materials were gone.
UK: Conversations with Chinese Students Jiang Zemin? We dont like him!
2003-10-18The response we received was amazing. The Chinese students seemed to have been waiting for us and we couldnt clarify the truth fast enough. One young lady talked with a practitioner about the way Jiangs regime treat practitioners in China. She knew about the persecution of Falun Gong and stated clearly that it is wrong. The girl told the practitioner that Chinese people all share the same disdain for this dictator who is bringing a bad name to China.
Sweden: Falun Gong was well received at a Health Fair in Linköping
2003-10-17Falun Gong practitioners had an opportunity to demonstrate the exercises live on stage with a voiceover providing more information about Falun Gong and the lawsuits filed against Jiang and his regime all over the world, the latest of which was launched in Spain yesterday. The local TV station came to the festival to film the practitioners exercise performance.
Article from Bulgarian Newspaper Dnevnik: Chinese Embassy Forbids an Exhibition at Parliament
2003-10-17'The exhibition of Zhang Cuiying, an Australian artist of Chinese origin, should have opened at the MPs café in Parliament. Invitations were sent out about 10 days ago. However, according to the organiser of the exhibition Ms. Kremena Krumova, it was not opened after personal interference from the Chinese ambassador...One of the initiators of this cultural event is an MP of the National Movement Simeon II, Mrs. Snezhina Chipeva.'
Newsflash: Lawsuit Filed in Spain Against Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan
2003-10-16At 10am on Wednesday 15th October 2003, a lawsuit was filed in Spains National Court against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and 6-10 Office chief Luo Gan for genocide and crimes of torture. The lawsuit had 15 plaintiffs and was filed by Falun Gong practitioners from US, Australia, Belgium and Spain, along with Madrid lawyer Carlos Iglesias.
Speech by a Bulgarian MP: "“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”...will remain in our hearts."
2003-10-16"Tolerance, understanding, responsibility and respect for human rights, respect for freedoms of belief, expression, and choice; these are part of the objective of the Alliance for Women’s Freedom. The Alliance for Women’s Freedom is truly honoured to invite everyone to attend this art exhibition. Mrs. Zhang once said, “Chinese painting is like light music and enables people to experience vigour and vitality.”"