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  • Speech by a Bulgarian MP: "“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”...will remain in our hearts."

    "Tolerance, understanding, responsibility and respect for human rights, respect for freedoms of belief, expression, and choice; these are part of the objective of the Alliance for Women’s Freedom. The Alliance for Women’s Freedom is truly honoured to invite everyone to attend this art exhibition. Mrs. Zhang once said, “Chinese painting is like light music and enables people to experience vigour and vitality.”"
  • A Letter to the Editor of Danish Newspaper “Berlingske Tidende”: Hate Propaganda against Falun Gong in China

    'Many westerners have long been wondering why so many Chinese were involved in irrational and fanatic movements, like the Cultural Revolution for instance. The answer may be found in present day China by studying how people’s opinions about Falun Gong have been manipulated by Jiang Zemin´s regime.'
  • Macedonia: Painting Exhibition is a Great Success

    At the opening ceremony, the secretary of the Artists’ Association introduced the exhibition and a practitioner described Zhang Cuiying and Falun Gong in more detail. Afterwards, practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. One of the guests said that she felt so peaceful that she closed her eyes and put her hands in the Jieyin position.
  • Article from Danish newspaper “Ekstrabladet”: His Drummer Demonstrates in Copenhagen

    'Sterling Campbell is a dedicated practitioner of the Chinese-inspired meditation method called Falun Gong, whose millions of adherents in China are brutally persecuted by the authorities. "The hatred is unfathomable since Falun Gong has nothing to do with politics, money or religion. This persecution can only be explained by the Chinese authority’s need to control everything about each citizen,” says Sterling Campbell.'
  • “Radio France International” (RFI): The Crime of Genocide Exists - Falun Gong Practitioners will file a Lawsuit in Accordance with the Law

    'Tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners have suffered from various forms of persecution including murder, torture - both mental and physical - unreasonably long detention and forced brainwashing. Even their families and friends have endured pressure in their lives, schools, and work. Hundreds of millions of people have been affected. That is to say that crimes of genocide, torture, and crimes against humanity do exist and the scope is pretty large.'
  • Chinese Consulate persecutes a Chinese Doctor in the UK - An Eye Witness Account

    Zhao Liping is a doctor of Chinese medicine and a Falun Gong practitioner. Because the clinic she is working at is under pressure from the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh, she was forced to resign on October the 4th 2003. Miss Zhao concluded, “It is shameless for the Chinese consulate to extend the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong overseas.” She hopes that more people around the world understand the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong, stand up to support the victims and call for an end to the persecution.
  • Germany: "Zhuan Falun" is Exhibited at the World’s Largest Book Fair

    Among the audience, the most noticeable were tourists and employees from participating companies from China. When they saw “Zhuan Falun” published with different colours in various languages, they all stared at the books with open eyes. Practitioners went to talk to them.
  • Belgium: Renowned Lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier talks about the Progress of the Lawsuit against Jiang

    The law requires the federal prosecutor to make a decision regarding four set stipulations. He did not mention that China violates international human rights conventions, nor did he mention that China does not sentence criminals fairly. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have pointed out that these illegal acts exist in China.
  • Press Release from the Belgian Falun Dafa Association

    'The Federal Public Procurator does not deny the existence of genocide toward Falun Gong practitioners. This is typical genocide, which has been verified many times by human rights organisations and western governments in recent years. Falun Gong practitioners in Belgium will continue to protest and clarify the facts to people about the treatment of Falun Gong in China and throughout the world.'
  • Germany: Spreading the Fa at the Festival of Asian Culture in Fulda

    During the two-day festival, practitioners had several opportunities to introduce Falun Gong on the main stage. Many members of the audience came to the Falun Dafa information booth. They praised the practitioners’ graceful performance and said that they had learned more about Falun Gong. Several people expressed an interest in learning the exercises.
  • A Report on Falun Gong from the Finnish Newspaper “Länsi-Suomi”

    'Falun Gong was banned in China by former president Jiang Zemin in 1999. Practising or spreading information about Falun Gong is forbidden...Numerous governments and human rights organisations from different countries have appealed to the Chinese government to end this persecution. Hundreds of people are known to have been killed. Thousands have been arrested and tortured.'
  • Finland: Many People learn the Truth of the Persecution at a Concert in Helsinki

    Almost 2000 flyers were distributed and nearly everyone who passed by the Friends of Falun Gong booth accepted one. During the concert, whilst the audience was listening to the music, people who worked at the concert hall, security guards, vendors etc, all came to find out more.
  • UK: Promoting Dafa and Explaining the Facts at Cambridge University Freshers’ Fair

    Practitioners performed the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises, and distributed materials so that new students could learn more about the brutal persecution that is happening in China. Practitioners handed out around 3,000 English flyers. More than 100 Chinese Vdoe-CDs were handed out in one day.
  • Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Eckernfoerde

    People were surprised and could not quite understand why Falun Dafa is being persecuted. They expressed sympathy for the practitioners who are still being persecuted in China and immediately signed a petition to end this persecution. Passers-by also felt that China’s dictator, Jiang Zemin, should be brought to justice and held responsible for his actions.
  • Sweden: Exhibition informing People about Falun Gong

    Over summer and autumn, practitioners in the city of Gävle held an exhibition about Falun Gong in several different venues. The exhibition portrays the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and lets people know more about the lawsuits filed in several European countries against Jiang Zemin and members of his regime.