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The Epoch Times (Europe): Interview with Chairman of Hong Kong Democratic Party
2002-12-05On 21st November, the Epoch Times correspondent in London interviewed Mr. Martin Lee in his hotel in central London. The full text of the conversation is in the body of this article.
Apple Daily: Expose the deceit of Article 23 - One Could Be Charged with Treason at any Moment (photo)
2002-12-05"[Hong Kong] government officials often emphasize that the legislation of Article 23 of the "Basic Law" will only limit to define some high-level crimes that ordinary citizens would not commit. However, a large group of lawyers stand up boldly and write articles in person to expose the governments lies."
Reuters: Subversion law seen turning HK into "police state"
2002-12-05"Hong Kong's controversial anti-subversion legislation will turn the freewheeling city into a police state, a human rights expert said on Wednesday."
BBC: China 'blocks 10% of websites'
2002-12-05"As many as one in 10 websites may be deliberately blocked to users in China, a US study suggests."
EFIC: Persecution of Falun Gong in China Claims at Least 15 Lives in November
2002-12-04In the last month, the deaths of 15 Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed by the European Falun Gong Information Centre. Sadly these recorded cases are only the tip of the iceberg - One can only imagine how many more murders have been carried out in cold blood and covered up by the Jiang regime's web of lies and corruption.
Italy: Falun Gong, the Focal Point at an Annual World Conference on Women and Peace
2002-12-04While practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises amid the melodious Dafa music of "Pudu," the entire conference floor was still without a sound. It was a deeply touching moment.
IGFM Press Advisory: Fischer to intervene for the release of Xiong Wei
2002-12-04The International Association for Human Rights (IGFM) appealed on Monday to Mr. Joschka Fischer, Germanys Foreign Minister. He will meet Thursday in Berlin with his Chinese counterpart, Tang Jiaxuan, to intervene for the release of former Berlin student Xiong Wei. We want to know that Xiong Wei is safe and beseech you to assertively bring about her release,
UK Foreign Office Minister: SAR Government should go the extra mile and ensure that no rights and freedoms are eroded
2002-12-04The Foreign Minister pointed out: the Sino-British joint declaration on Hong Kong provides that Hong Kong should have a high degree of autonomy from mainland China, In addition, we have noted strong concerns among many sectors of Hong Kong society about the SAR Government's proposals
MEP: Article 23 widens Jiang persecution of Falun Gong to Hong Kong
2002-12-04Mr Helmer MEP asked: How will the Commission oppose China's introduction of Article 23 which will tend to limit the right to free speech and freedom of the press in Hong Kong?
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 16) - British Citizen's Maltreated in Beijing
2002-12-03They started to pull Rosemary out of the room after she sat on the bed saying that she was not going anywhere as she had done nothing wrong. Two policemen dragged her out of the room and pushed her down the stairs of the hostel...At the police minivan Earl and Robert were roughly pushed into the bus Rosemary was dragged into the van by her hair.
Best of Vienna Report (Austria): Free of Charge Outdoor Practise
2002-12-03The latest issue of the Austrian magazine Best of Vienna, which is published twice a year, contained a report on Falun Gong and some of the benfits of practising.
Reuters: Bankers and HK security head to discuss treason law
2002-12-03The new law is aimed at preventing acts of subversion, sedition, treason against, or secession from China, but the government has not revealed the full content of the planned legislation, which it wants in place by July.
- (Singapore): Amnesty details 33 Chinese Internet arrests
2002-12-03The longest sentence detailed in the report is a 12-year jail term handed down to Yao Yue, a Beijing graduate student who was tried in December last year for downloading and disseminating material from Falun Gong web sites, according to Amnesty.
Finland: Letter from 15 Finnish Parliament Member to Jiang Zemin
2002-12-02We have been informed about ongoing repressions and violence against Falun Gong supporters...Arbitrary detentions, imprisonment without fair trial, abuse, torture and death in police custody should come to an end. We urge China to respect freedom of worship, freedom of opinion and the individual rights of Chinese citizens.
Tribune de Geneve: Falun Gong: Threat or Opportunity for China?
2002-12-02Whatever the line taken by the new leadership of the Party, the desire to eradicate Falun Gong is totally absurd and doomed to failure. Inner freedom cannot be destroyed, even by the most powerful tools of suppression.