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Business Week: Rights group looks at China and techs
2002-11-29The government has also introduced strongly worded laws prohibiting the transmission of what it calls "state secrets" to overseas organizations via the Internet. Violators can be sentenced to long imprisonment and death for more serious violations, according to Amnesty's citation of a Chinese law introduced in January 2001.
Austria: Falun Dafa is Warmly Received during the Vienna Health Expo
2002-11-28The Falun Gong booth...was surrounded by flowers and display boards, and practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises in the middle. People who passed by the booth all felt the peaceful atmosphere. They accepted the Falun Dafa introductory leaflets and smiled at practitioners to express their gratitude.
UK Parliament Concerned about Persecution in China Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-11-28"..Religious beliefs, freedom of association and of expression and the media are routinely restricted. The crackdown on activists in the China Democracy party and the Falun Gong continues, and Falun Gong [practitioners] have been handed harsh sentences..."
Amnesty: State control of the internet in China
2002-11-28At least 14 Falun Gong practitioners have been detained and imprisoned for Internet-related offences, several have died in custody reportedly as a result of torture. Amnesty International has investigated the cases of 33 people believed to be prisoners of conscience. They have been detained or are serving long sentences in prison or labour camps for Internet-related offences. Three have died in custody, two of whom reportedly died as a result of torture, and there are reports that others have been tortured or ill-treated in detention.
EFIC: Women Tortured and Sexually Assaulted in Beijings Chaoyang Detention Centre
2002-11-28The cries of the women being tortured often echo in my ears, and the brutal scenes still appear before my eyes.
AFP (Agence France-Presse): Amnesty appeals for Internet freedom in China
2002-11-28Amnesty warned..."Anyone surfing the Internet could potentially be at risk of arbitrary detention and imprisonment"...adding that under the law, those who publish information on the Internet considered to be a state secret could even be sentenced to death.
Ireland: Report from the Second Irish Falun Dafa Conference
2002-11-27On the 23 November, a parade was held through the centre of Dublin...One reporter commented positively on the parade, saying that it was the most imaginative event that we had organised.
Reply to the Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association: France Hopes for China to Respect Fundamental Freedoms
2002-11-27France and her European partners have attentively followed this campaign [against Falun Gong] since 1999...[and] will continue to remind the Chinese authorities of our countrys attention to the need for respect of fundamental freedoms..
AFP: Amnesty appeals for Internet freedom in China
2002-11-27"The cases detailed in the report include political activists as well as those connected to organisations such as the outlawed Falungong spiritual group. Both the prisoners who died in custody were Falungong followers, Amnesty said."
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 14) - Jiang's Blacklist of Practitioners
2002-11-26Mr. Aurnhammer commented It is this blacklist the Chinese authorities are using to exert pressure on the Lithuanian government.
BBC: US warns HK over anti-subversion law
2002-11-26"Britain has also expressed its concerns regarding the law, saying in a statement on Monday that any laws which undermined basic freedoms would be "seriously damaging" to the territory. And the Paris-based World Association of Newspapers warned on Wednesday that the legislation would "give excessive weight to national security at the expense of civil liberties, especially press freedom and freedom of speech"."
AFP: Media groups warn Hong Kong anti-subversion law would muzzle free speech
2002-11-26"It said the proposed law would damage "Hong Kong's reputation for free-flowing information and possibly spark an exodus of journalists and news organisations, among other dire effects on the territory."..The controversial legislation -- which opponents say is being rammed through at China's behest -- is due to be enacted after a three-month consultation exercise ends December 24."
AFP: US ambassador to China slams Beijing over human rights (Excerpt)
2002-11-26""If China wants to be accepted as both a respected and responsible member of the international community, then China must abide by certain internationally-accepted forms of behavior," Randt told members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing."
MEPs Support European Friends of Falun Gong's Appeal Against Loss of Freedom in Hong Kong
2002-11-25"In reply to your letter I have sponsored a motion in the European Parliament condemning the Hong Kong governments proposals. I wish you all the best in your campaign against the introduction of Article 23."
France: Government Officials are Concerned about Dafa Practitioners Suffering in China
2002-11-25It was said in the letters that France and the European Union have made efforts to improve human rights in China. Every six months they bring up with the Chinese Government issues such as violations of human rights, the freedom of speech for individuals and for groups, and the freedom to express ones opinion.