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Chairman of a Prominent UK Law Society Expresses Concern Over Article 23
2002-11-25The widely opposed Article-23 legislation has caused deep concerns within the UK. Several MPs and Lords have raised the issue with UK and HK authorities and the UK government has urged the HK authority at various occasions to protect human rights and freedoms which must not be jeopardised by any legislation.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Social Groups Expo
2002-11-25A young man asked us after viewing our posters, "Which Chinese foundations or organizations support you?" He was moved after he learned that Falun Gong is persecuted in China and we spent our own money to prepare various truth clarification materials to call on people to help our fellow practitioners in China.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 13) - Belgian Citizen Arrested and Detained in China
2002-11-25He was transferred to another police station and was interrogated for several hours and kept in custody for an entire night with at least 15 other Falun Dafa practitioners. The following day he was deported and told that he was forbidden to enter China again.
Czech Republic: Dafa Activities During the 2002 NATO Summit (photos)
2002-11-24One journalist, who speaks seven languages, read through all the different language versions of the Dafa flyers, including Chinese. When he had finished, he just stated, What can I do? Please tell me what I can do to help.
Germany: Parade and Activities in Goslar
2002-11-24These activities have helped to gain the support of the policemen...During our activities, there were only two policemen. One practitioner asked them: only two of you? One policeman said: its enough.
Letter to a Malaysian Newspaper from the Falun Gong Association (UK)
2002-11-24"I am distressed to see a report in your newspaper 11/11/02 presenting Beijing regime propaganda on Falun Gong and its attempt to dissuade Malaysia from approving the registration of a Falun Gong Association in your country..We hope that you will be able to see through the false Beijing propaganda and support the human rights of innocent civilians who practise Falun Gong."
British Practitioner Reveals the Truth to Queen Elizabeth about the Persecutory Nature of Article 23
2002-11-24In the letter, the practitioner listed the reasons why they believed Great Britain, as a democratic society, should take its stand in morality, and immediately express its support in preventing Article 23 from being enforced in Hong Kong. Article 23 is a direct violation of human rights.
The Spectator: Jiang's regime is a fascist regime
2002-11-24"Jiang and the CCP have carried on regardless, ruthlessly quashing worker protests, smashing a nascent democratic movement, and dealing mercilessly with religious believers: Roman Catholics, Tibetan Buddhists and the Falun Gong movement."
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong): IT experts voice fears over Article 23
2002-11-24Information technology professionals have voiced fears that the government's proposal to introduce an anti-subversion law would inhibit the free flow of data in the cyber world. "The Article 23 legislation will have a direct impact on Hong Kong's status as Asia's information and telecommunications hub," said Democrat Sin Chung-kai.
Ukraine: A Warm Autumn in Yalta
2002-11-23After introducing the principle of Dafa and the exercises, one older gentleman said, "After listening to what you said, I know this is what I want."
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 12) - Austrian Beaten in China
2002-11-23Mr. Hamrle refused to go with them, and the three men then forced him to go by beating and kicking him outside the police station. He was also handcuffed. Mr. Hamrle recalled that he is still not able to feel with four fingers of [his] left hand now, three months later.
AP: Falun Gong HK Follower Goes On Trial For Sending VCDs
2002-11-23The trial lasted about 90 minutes..."They've already decided he's guilty," said Kan Hung-cheung, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for Falun Gong.
AFP: Media Groups Warn Hong Kong Anti-Subversion Law Would Muzzle Free Speech
2002-11-23The World Association of Newspapers (WAN) on Wednesday commented that the proposed Article 23 "would have a chilling effect on all individuals, groups and enterprises engaged in the business of information exchange."
AP: HK Man Arrested On Falun Gong Charges Faces China Trial Friday
2002-11-22"They've already decided he's guilty. They're deferring to the wishes of senior Chinese leaders"
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 11) - Denmark residents' family harrassed
2002-11-22After the birth of his daughter in Denmark, Mr. Zhu applied, on her behalf, for a Chinese passport and citizenship. The Chinese embassy staff however has been using various excuses to delay, or prevent his daughter from obtaining Chinese citizenship. They have also declined to give Mr. Zhu a reason for the delay. To date, his daughter is stateless.