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Ireland: Falun Gong practitioners letter to the Ukraine Ministry of Education
2002-10-15But there are deeper benefits, which I have come to experience. I have found that by applying the principles of Falun Gong; Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, students come to have a respect for my moral standpoint and this then sets them a standard by which they must adhere to in my class.
SCMP: Article 23: let us debate the language of the law (Excerpt)
2002-10-15The proposed legislation states; "we should defer to the decision of the central authorities based on the comprehensive information it possesses". [...]That means if the Chinese government proscribes Falun Gong on national security grounds, Hong Kong will follow suit, since Beijing knows best what is a threat to its national security.
Catholic News Service: President Bush urged to press China on religious, human rights
2002-10-15A coalition of human and religious rights advocates called on President Bush to make human rights a top agenda item in meetings with Chinese President Jiang Zemin in late October.
Orange County Register: Chinese leadership feels pressure from many directions (Excerpt)
2002-10-15President George W. Bush is expected to express his concerns about [..] repression when he hosts Chinese leader Jiang Zemin at his Texas ranch this month...
Chicago Tribune: Grass-roots war heats up against government Web blocks (Excerpt)
2002-10-15Google's main site is no longer blocked by China, although search requests are being filtered. The words "Falun Gong," for example, [...] do not return search results.
France: Mayor of Versailles Meets Zhao Ming and Toulouse Media Report Falun Gong
2002-10-14On October 1 2002, Zhao Ming, a practitioner who endured almost 2 years in a Chinese labour camp for his faith in Falun Dafa, met with the Mayor of Versailles Mr. Pinte MP. Mr. Pinte was very pleased at Zhao Ming's release. He expressed his admiration for Zhao Ming's courage in prison and his strong beliefs.
UK: Activities at the UK's largest Contemporary Biennial Arts Festival in Liverpool
2002-10-14Practitioners were graced with a fine day and demonstrated the exercises outside in the heart of the city centre, often attracting a large audience of passers-by. Members of the public were transfixed by the simplicity and serenity of the Falun Gong exercises and were eager to take leaflets; 2000 leaflets were distributed to the public in the space of a few short hours.
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in City Festival Celebration
2002-10-14As our presentation finished, we sincerely asked everyone to remember "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". A local artist was deeply moved by our performance and unexpectedly presented us with one of his paintings. He was almost in tears when we had a conversation with him. We thanked him and had a photo taken with him.
The Chinese Embassy’s Pressure on the Danish Asian Cultural Festival Incites Condemnation
2002-10-14The exclusion is met with political frowns. "It is reprehensible and very non-Danish, if the Chinese authorities have taken part in the censorship of a Danish cultural festival," says Peter Skaarup, the legal spokesman of The Danish Peoples Party, who has asked the Foreign Minister for a statement of the Chinese authorities' role in the case.
Jyllands-Posten (Denmark): Photos of Falun Gong Practitioners Appealing During ASEM Summit Published
2002-10-14On September 24 2002, one of Denmark's major newspapers, Jyllands-Posten, published photos of practitioners peacefully appealing at the Asia-Eruope Summit Meeting. Left: One of the pictures to appear in Jyllands-Posten.
Taipei Times (Taiwan): Coming full circle
2002-10-14"While the Chinese government outlaws Falun Gong and condemns its practitioners, the group is finding increasing acceptance on college campuses in Taiwan."
UK: University Lecturer Urges Ukrainian Education Minister to resist Chinese propaganda
2002-10-14A UK university lecturer has written to the Ukrainian Education Minister to inform him of Falun Gong, its support in the UK and the classes and associations in UK universities. In particular, he has asked the Minister to resist Jiang's attempt to pollute the young minds of his country with Chinese state propaganda.
Schwetzingen News (Germany): Falun Gong in Steffi Graf Park Traditional Chinese Exercises for Inner Peace
2002-10-13"Falun Gong encompasses five easy to learn movements and the teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, the principles taught and thoroughly explained in the book Zhuan Falun. These all help people to lead a life of inner peace and harmony, free from excess stress."
Associated Press: China Imposes New Web Cafe Rules
2002-10-13"But the new rules also reflect the fear of China's communist leaders that the Internet could nurture subversion...Already, China operates a special force to police the Internet for content deemed subversive. Scores of Web sites are blocked due to their content and the search engines Google and AltaVista have been blocked because they permit access to information on the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement and other sensitive topics."
Iceland: Falun Gong Practitioners Clarified the truth to the President