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63-Year-old Woman Left to Die on the Street by Chinese Police
2002-10-12Witnesses say that a local egg seller found Ms. Guo Xiumei kneeling on the pavement on the Southwest Road of Huaiyang County Xiguan Health Bureau in the early morning hours of September 23rd. Doubled over from pain, her face black and blue with one eye punctured, she clutched her stomach. The egg seller called for the police.
Falun Gong Exhibition Held Every Day in Front of Koeln Cathedral Since June 2002
2002-10-12Koeln Cathedral is an important sightseeing stop and attracts visitors from around the world. Every day several hundred, sometimes even close to a thousand Chinese tourists come to visit the cathedral. Three of the nine photo display boards are in Chinese, and many Chinese tourists have expressed interest in our exhibition.
Reuters: CHINA: Subversion law to give HK powerful arsenal
2002-10-12An anti-subversion bill proposed by the Hong Kong government is like a powerful arsenal which could be used against anyone leaders in Beijing or the territory find objectionable, a legal expert said on Friday.
International Herald Tribune: Liberties in doubt
2002-10-12Autonomy under the "one country, two systems" formula must be strongly defended. The United States, the EU, Canada, Japan, Australia and others should speak up, privately and publicly, to support full protection of Hong Kong's civil and political rights.
AP: China Plans Strict Rules On Internet Cafes From Nov 15
2002-10-12China has passed harsh new restrictions on Internet cafes, banning minors and demanding operators register users and keep records of what information they access on line...
Japan Economic Newswire: Protesters rally for human rights in China before Jiang trip
2002-10-12The rally is intended to press Bush to address human rights problems in China when he meets Jiang at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Oct. 25.
MASA ACHER Magazine: Reports on the Rapid Development of Falun Gong in Taiwan (Photo)
2002-10-12 -
Germany: Practitioners Invited to Attend a Press Conference Hosted by the Green Party in Hamburg City Hall
2002-10-11We would like to thank Green Party again for their concern about human rights in China, and also pass on the thanks of the Chinese practitioners who cannot speak in public. It goes without saying that what we want is their freedom to practise Falun Dafa and not be under threat of violence, incarceration and even death.
Amnesty International Urge the European Union to Stand up against the Chinese Communist Partys Suppression of Falun Gong and Minority Nationalities
2002-10-11On Monday 23rd September, International Human Rights Organisations urged the European Union to take an uncompromising stand and oppose the Chinese governments suppression of Falun Gong and other minority groups.
Denmark: The Righteous Actions of Police Officers and Hotel Staff who Realize the Truth about Falun Gong
2002-10-11The police who had realized the truth gave us a lot of support for our peaceful appeals and activities. They showed their admiration several times to Dafa practitioners. As one policeman on duty in front of the Chinese Embassy said, You are even more peaceful than Gandhi.
Wall Street Journal: Hong Kong Squeezes the Press
2002-10-11"There has already been a definite trend toward self-censorship in areas that are sensitive to China. These include Taiwan, Tibet, Falun Gong, mainland dissidents and the inner workings and personnel matters relating to state and party leadership. Many media organizations feel it is just not worth the trouble of carrying out their own investigations into such matters."
AFP: China's Jiang to visit United States from October 22-25
2002-10-11"Jiang is due to hold talks with President George W. Bush on the US leader's Texas ranch during the trip, which will see them meet for the third time in 12 months."
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Revisit Wolfsburg City
2002-10-10In early June, Jiang Zemin visited Wolfsburg and signed an economic contract with the Volkswagen Automobile Company. Everywhere he went, he disturbed the lives of the citizens. He pressed the local government and police force to avoid seeing Falun Gong practitioners.
Denmark: Fa-rectification activities during the Asia-Europe Summit in Copenhagen
2002-10-10This meeting attracted the attention of a lot of news media. Dafa practitioners from the European countries made use of this valuable opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to the Chinese delegation, media and politicians from other countries.
Statement of Support from Danish Member of Parliament
2002-10-10"We have during the recent period experienced how the Danish authorities, in what can hardly be seen as anything other than obliging the Chinese authorities, have limited peaceful demonstrators protesting the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners...We strongly protest this. If we start to lose our democratic rights then the terrorists -- whether they are individuals or states -- have won."