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Czech Republic: Practitioners Peacefully Remember the Victims of Persecution in China
2002-10-22A group of practitioners from different countries introduced Falun Dafa to the public in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. They also peacefully appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins visit to the USA that begins on Tuesday 22nd October.
Denmark: Amnesty International Holds Human Rights Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy
2002-10-22In a message to its members, Amnesty International mentioned the background of this activity, "Jiang and his regime's terrible record on human rights is highlighted. Besides persecuting Chinese people in large scale, they also utilize other countries' governments to persecute the freedom of Chinese people."
UK: Parade, Dancing and Exercise Demonstrations in the Historical City of Cambridge
2002-10-21 -
Clarifying the Truth at a Large Concert
2002-10-21In September and October 2002, world famous English musician and songwriter David Bowie went on tour through Europe visiting Germany, France, the UK, Sweden and other countries. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to each of his concerts so that they could clarify the truth of the persecution to the people there.
Germany: Introducing Falun Gong During the Chinese Week in Hamburg
2002-10-21We held a "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition and demonstrated Falun Dafa exercises downtown. Many Chinese passing by showed great interest and accepted our information and materials without any hesitation. They seemed to be very happy to have an opportunity to learn about Falun Gong and looked at the photo displat for a long time.
Press Release: European Falun Gong Practitioners to Hold Large-Scale Activities During Jiang Zemin's Visit to the U.S
2002-10-21LONDON, October 20, 2002 (European Falun Gong Information Centre) During Jiang Zemin's personal visit to the United States, Falun Gong practitioners will hold large-scale appeal activities in Chicago and Houston. In support of these activities Falun Gong practitioners will also hold activities in front of Chinese Embassies and consulates throughout Europe. These appeals are being made because Jiang is the chief human rights criminal and instigator of the persecution of Falun Gong.
Tyler Morning Telegraph (Texas) : Falun Gong Members Bring Protest to Tyler (Excerpt)
2002-10-21"We know this is a very precious chance for Falun Gong participants in China," said Li Ding, a University of Maryland graduate student who emigrated from China five years ago. "We sincerely wish President Bush can directly raise the issue when he meets the president of China."
The Daily Herald: Support Falun Gong
2002-10-21"I hope that when Jiang Zemin visits the United States this month, President Bush and good-hearted Americans will raise their concerns over human rights violations in China."
Brock Press (Newspaper of Brock University, St. Catharines): Falun Gong is Good
2002-10-21It is because of my love for China and Chinese people that I want people to know the truth. More than one billion Chinese people are deceived into hating an innocent group of their fellow countrymen. The self-immolation is staged. Falun Gong is good. It is a practice that improves peoples health and teaches them to be good people, following the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. I want Chinese people to know the truth so that they will not be deceived into participating in or supporting this enormous injustice.
UK: Letter from MEP to Chief Executive of HK government.
2002-10-20If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its subversion law...I urge the Hong Kong SAR government to investigate the human rights abuses that have been alleged and to drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners.
AP: Falun Gong [practitioner] Gets Death Penalty
2002-10-20A [practitioner] of the Falun Gong spiritual movement in northeastern China has been sentenced to death...a state-controlled newspaper reported Friday.
College Station Eagle: Falun Gong set to protest Jiang
2002-10-20"All we want is for the persecution to stop" - Dianne Roberts, a spokesperson for Falun Gong in Houston.
Czech Republic/Slovakia: Introducing Dafa and Clarifying the Truth
2002-10-19In Prague, where there are many tourists, we meet many people who have known for long time Falun Dafa is good and they are well informed about the situation in China. They tell us: Go on. We keep our fingers crossed for you.
Exposing the Persecution I Suffered - Zhao Ming
2002-10-195 policemen in Tuan He Labour Camp shocked me with 6 electric batons simultaneously. They firstly bound me on a bed board to prevent my body from jumping when being choked. Then they shocked me with electric batons on my legs, upper body, shoulders and arms simultaneously, which made my body tremble very violently.
Letter from a Practitioner to the Prime Minister of Belgium
2002-10-19Mr. Prime Minister, I, on behalf of the tens of millions of people persecuted in China, sincerely request that you could investigate this issue, take firm actions to support the justice and urge the Chinese government to stop the persecution immediately. -- Zhao Ming