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Jiang Regime's Ruthless Persecution of Female Falun Gong Practitioners Condemned at the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
2003-08-10After the speech, many representatives came up to the practitioner's seat and expressed their admiration and greetings for her speech. They also expressed their support for Falun Gong practitioners' four-year peaceful and rational actions. The several dozen copies of the speech that the practitioner brought with her, including her own copy, were instantly taken by the attendees.
UK: Small Stories from Activities during the Edinburgh Arts Festival
2003-08-10One Chinese boy studying in London came to tell us, Im waiting to see whats going to happen to that evil guy (Jiang). The boy told us that he did not dare to take our leaflets when walking past the appeal at the Chinese embassy in London. Meeting Dafa practitioners in Edinburgh was a very good opportunity for him and he took leaflets for his friends. Before leaving, he told us, I wish you success!
EFGIC: Falun Gong Practitioners Broadcast Programmes in Southern China
2003-08-09'Instead of the regularly scheduled programme, according to reports, hundreds of thousands of residents saw two programmes reporting on the human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China something Jiang Zemin has gone to great lengths to conceal. The programmes also debunked much of the anti-Falun Gong propaganda put forth by the Chinese regime.'
Czech Republic: Practitioners Tell the People of North Moravia about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-08-09After seeing the beautiful exercises, a reporter came to find out more about why practitioners were introducing Falun Gong to the public, and about the irrational persecution of innocent people, who live according to the principles of Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance. The media then published articles about the persecution, so many people got to find out about the situation in China.
UK: Practitioners Perform a Piece of Street Drama in Edinburgh called Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin's Worst Nightmare
2003-08-09After winning First Prize in the Edinburgh International Festival Parade, Falun Gong practitioners performed a piece of street drama, which also featured several actors and a puppet, to expose Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins crimes against humanity and morality. The show took place at one end of the busiest street in Edinburgh on 4th August.
The Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice held a Conference in Paris
2003-08-09"Wu Jiang severely accused Jiang Zemin of using the cruellest, meanest, and dirtiest violence to persecute millions of Falun Gong practitioners. He also represented the China Democratic Party in paying the highest respects to all Falun Gong practitioners for surviving through the cold winter of 4 years of persecution and passing through this terror."
The France-based China Democratic Party: Speech from the Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice Conference in Paris
2003-08-08"On behalf of the Chinese Democratic Party, I would like to express my sincere respect to all the Falun Gong practitioners. Over the last four years, Jiang Zemin and the 610 Office have employed the most cruel, base and despicable means to torture and persecute Falun Gong...He is guilty of the most heinous crimes which are beyond description."
UK: Falun Gong Won First Prize Again in Edinburgh's International Art Festival Parade
2003-08-08Falun Gongs team was formed by Chinese waist drums, traditional dances and a float. It had a unique style among the many performance groups and was full of rich oriental culture, as well as friendliness, beauty and creativity. Many newspapers used pictures of Falun Gong practitioners performance as the headline when reporting on Edinburghs Art Festival.
Germany: Falun Gong at the Multicultural Music Festival in Karlsruhe
2003-08-08Every year, there is a big multicultural music festival held for three days in Karlsruhes Goethe Square, which always attracts over 100,000 people. Dafa practitioners rented a stall over the weekend so that they could tell people about the brutal persecution against practitioners in China and the unprecedented lawsuit launched against the persecutions instigator, dictator Jiang Zemin.
EFGIC: Falun Gong Woman Dies from Force Feeding Torture
2003-08-08'More often used as a torture technique than a method for supplying the victim with nutrients, more than 10% of all deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese custody have resulted from force feeding. On one occasion while force-feeding Ms. Cui, an eyewitness reports that Detention Centre Chief Cheng Haitao observed blood on the force-feeding tube, but told Ms. Cui, Dont even think about getting out, even if you bleed.'
London Councillor writes to UK Prime Minister about the Persecution of Falun Gong and Article 23
2003-08-07"For a number of years I have supported the campaign by Falun Gong practitioners in the UK to raise awareness of the human rights violations carried out by the Chinese government against Falun Gong practitioners in China. As my constituency contains the largest Chinese community in London, this is an issue very close to my heart."
Ireland: Spreading the Fa during Waterfords Street Festival
2003-08-07There was a lively atmosphere in the city centre on Saturday as thousands of onlookers came for Dafa leaflets and to ask about the practice. On Sunday morning we held a free exercise teaching class in the local park. The class was very successful: many enthusiastic locals came to learn from the volunteer practitioners who taught them the peaceful exercises and introduced the practise.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice held a Conference in France and Exposed Jiang Zemin's Crimes
2003-08-07A representative from the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong 'said that up to this point, the number of Falun Gong practitioners beaten to death in China has been known to be about 800 and countless thousands have been cruelly tortured, beaten, and spiritually abused. Two female Falun Gong practitioners spoke at the conference about their painful experiences in suffering from various forms of torture and abuse.'
France: Photo Report - The Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice Held a Rally to Support the Public Trial of the Chinese Dictator
2003-08-06 -
Article from German Newspaper Prima Sonntag: The Consequences of an Undemocratic State Visit - A Wuerzburg City Resident Sues Sachsen State
2003-08-06'When the Chinese Presidents car passed Hotel Kempinski, a woman among the spectators shouted Falun Dafa is good! A Chinese secret policeman rushed at her and grabbed her by the throat. The German police did nothing to stop the aggressor; instead, they dragged the woman away. This should be sincerely considered because the police themselves should have stopped the aggressor, not the peaceful woman.'