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AFP: Hong Kong's Chan calls for debate on subversion law
2002-10-04'Chan called on Hong Kong's people to have the courage to speak up to defend their freedoms, saying "we will not serve the best interests of our country, nor those of our children and grandchildren, if we allow them to be gradually chipped away for the sake of expedience, or a short-sighted solution to a far-reaching problem."'
Far Eastern Economic Review: Hong Kong - A Time for Prayer
2002-10-04'The Falun Gong spiritual movement is seen as one of the more likely potential targets of Hong Kong's proposed new national security laws.'
Associated Press: Hackers hit Hong Kong newspaper; Falun Gong suspected
2002-10-04'But a Hong Kong-based spokesman for Falun Gong said the meditation [group] was not responsible for the hacking. "Just because the users are redirected to the Falun Gong Web site doesn't mean Falun Gong did it," Kan Hung-cheung said. "We suspect others are trying to frame Falun Gong with these kinds of tricks. In a free and open society, you don't have to resort to these tactics."'
US Congressional Commission calls on President Bush to press Jiang Zemin on the issue of human rights
2002-10-04A congressional panel has issued a report criticizing human-rights abuses in China and recommending ways the United States can help China improve its rule of law. The panel also calls on President Bush to press China on the issue of human rights when he meets later this month in Texas with Chinese President Jiang Zemin.[read full text]
Denmark Police Statement: “Practitioner’s Detention was Totally Groundless”
2002-10-03On September 26 2002, Copenhagen police made a special trip to Hotel Ibis and formally apologized to a Greek Falun Gong practitioner for wrongfully arresting him. The police delivered a statement initiated by their attorney.
Reuters: Panel urges active US role on China human rights
2002-10-03In its first report, the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China took Chinese leaders to task for human rights abuses..."China's leaders still do not respect fundamental international standards on many rights for the Chinese people," the commission said...the panel highlighted Beijing's suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual group.
Denmark: Dafa Practitioners Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions during the Asian Cultural Festival
2002-10-03With rich and colourful banners as the background and accompanied by the song Falun Dafa is good, practitioners gracefully performed different dances. Their beautiful performance and pure and righteous energy field attracted more and more people.
South China Morning Post: Multinationals Making a Mint from Chinas Great Firewall
2002-10-03"There is a growing trend towards holding multinational corporations accountable for any degree of complicity with repressive governments in human-rights abuses...The United Nations, meanwhile, is exploring ways to bring corporations under the same umbrella of human-rights laws that apply to states."
Association for Asian research: Beijing's think-tanks: China re-enters a period of social instability
2002-10-03"Three 40-something scholars with substantial influence over the Chinese leadership have co-authored their newest report on Chinas social dilemma [..] entitled Social Instability behind the Economic Prosperity"[..]. In it, they send their most serious warning yet to the Chinese leadership that its society has entered into a period of instability wherein terrible turmoil and crisis loom."
Haaretz (a daily newspaper in Israel): Members of Falun Gong protest in Tel Aviv
2002-10-03Falun Gong practitioners protesting yesterday outside the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv against the Chinese government's crack down on the meditation movement.
UK: Photos from the Edinburgh Festival Parade
2002-10-02These are some photos taken during the 2002 Queen's Jubilee Festival Cavalcade which opened the Edinburgh Arts Festival, the World's largest performing arts festival.
Politiken (Danish newspaper): Censorship at Danish festival
2002-10-02"It is reprehensible and very non-Danish, if the Chinese authorities have taken part in the censorship of a Danish cultural festival, says Peter Skaarup, The legal spokesman of The Danish Peoples Party, who has asked the Foreign Minister for a statement of the Chinese authorities role in the case."
Financial Times: National security move makes it hard for HK to claim it is business as usual
2002-10-02"Hong Kong, a city with civil liberties enshrined in its post-colonial constitution, stands poised to enact laws on sedition and subversion that would in many cases allow its Communist sovereign, which has been often- criticised on civil liberties grounds, to define what sort of behaviour crosses the line."
Reuters: Hong Kong activists protest China's violation of rights [Excerpt]
2002-10-02"The planned law, unveiled last week, has raised concerns it could be used against anyone whom China or Hong Kong's Beijing-backed government finds objectionable, such as political dissidents and Falun Gong adherents. "This would allow a dictator to impose his own will on the government and people, and spread the human rights abuses, persecution of Falun Gong and other peaceful groups to Hong Kong,""
Time Magazine: Subverting Hong Kong's Autonomy
2002-10-02"It's taken a few years, but now Beijing has what it wants: complete control."