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Edinburgh Amnesty International Group Releases a Statement calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-24"Members of Edinburgh South Group of Amnesty International have been very concerned to learn yet again of the appalling treatment Falun Gong practitioners have received at the hands of the Chinese authorities. News has reached us in the past few days of the dreadful way in which practitioners have been illegally detained and tortured in China."
Russia: Appealing in front of the Moscow Chinese Embassy for an End to Four Years of Persecution
2003-07-24We call upon all of the compassionate people, governments and media to condemn the crimes committed by Jiangs group, and the unlawful diplomatic pressure put on foreign countries. Put a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong. The criminals who commit torture, anti-human behaviour and genocide should be brought to justice and legal punishment!
UK: Dafa practitioners were Invited to Demonstrate the Falun Gong Exercises at an Arts Festival
2003-07-24People pointed to our yellow Dafa t-shirts with smiles and greeted us: Oh, Falun Gong. We were just talking about you! When are you going to start the demonstration? As the exercises began, the whole hall was enveloped in a peaceful atmosphere. The exercise demonstration ended with enthusiastic applause.
Ireland: Statement from Zhao Ming Highlighting Four Years of Persecution against Falun Gong
2003-07-24"Two years ago, when I was jailed in a Chinese labour camp, you were standing up and speaking out for my release. Now I am free and Im here standing up together with you to campaign for other peoples freedom. Isnt this encouraging? This shows that the righteous force for justice and human rights is expanding and the evil force of persecution has been suppressed."
Statement from Irish Member of Parliament Joe Higgins T.D. at Practitioners Dublin Rally on July 20
2003-07-23"I continue to support the demand that there must be full freedom for supporters of Falun Gong and other beliefs to express their views freely in China and to peacefully practice their beliefs. It is an outrageous assault on human right and human dignity that members of the Falun Gong should be persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and even killed in China."
UK: Practitioners hold a Press Conference and Parade on July 20th to Appeal for an End to the Persecution
2003-07-23July 20th 2003 marked four years of inhumane brutality against Falun Gong. To remember the millions of innocent practitioners who have suffered for their belief in Truth, Kindness and Endurance, UK practitioners held a press conference in front of the London Chinese Embassy. They exposed the crimes of Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and supported the worldwide call to bring him to justice.
Belgium: Telling People the Facts in front of the Chinese Embassy and the Supreme Court
2003-07-23July 17th was the World Day for International Justice. The purpose of this day is to motivate the international judicial system to uphold human dignity by restraining human rights abuses. Belgian Falun Dafa practitioners appealed for an end to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China over the past four years, and to bring the prime culprit of this persecution, Jiang Zemin, to stand public trial in an international tribunal.
Letter from European Falun Dafa Association to the International Criminal Court
2003-07-22"Wed like to inform you about a crime against humanity that will enter its fifth year on July 20th. It concerns the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, the genocide of over 70 million people. This persecution is unprecedented in cruelty and scale. Basic human rights, like freedom of speech and freedom of belief are shamelessly violated. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed by torture, hundreds of thousands have been sent to labour camps or prison, most of them without a legal trial."
Ireland: Statement from 7-20 Activities Marking Four Years of Persecution
2003-07-22"In the year 2000 Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin was labelled a human rights scoundrel by the American branch of Amnesty international. This year the American branch of Amnesty International is supporting the suing of Jiang Zemin for genocide in the US courts. The following is an account of why Jiang Zemin is being sued for genocide and why he was labelled a human rights scoundrel."
France: Practitioners March On July 20 to Clarify the Truth, Expose the Jiang Regime's Lies and Raise Awareness of the Persecution
2003-07-22 -
EFGIC: 33 Year-old Falun Gong Woman Tortured to Death
2003-07-21'On October 7th, 2002, Ms. Tang was arrested again while distributing flyers with information about the persecution of Falun Gong in Zhongjiang County and returned to Mengyang Town government where sources say she was brutally tortured. Covered in cuts and bruises, she was transferred to Pengzhou City Brainwashing Centre. On March 3rd, 2003, Ms. Tang was sentenced to two years of forced labour and sent to Nanmusi Female Labour Camp in Zizhong County, where she was tortured until on the verge of death. '
France: Telling the Facts to Celebrities on the Reporters Association Charity Night
2003-07-21Those who learned the truth about the persecution were shocked. Some of them said, Why are they so cruel? Others said, We support you. You are doing very well, and should continue with that. More of them suggested that we keep in touch with them to have further discussions.
Austria: As the Persecution Enters its Fifth Year, Practitioners hold Big Parade in Vienna
2003-07-20Dafa practitioners from various places in Austria and Slovakia held an SOS parade in Vienna. The parade passed through scenic spots where tourists gathered in Wiener Staatsoper, Hofburg, Heldenplatz and Stephanskirche. When people in the parade arrived at Stephanskirche, various activities took place in the city centre, including Falun Gong exercise demonstrations, a musical performance and a Chinese calligraphy performance.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in front of 10 Downing Street before the Prime Minister Visits China
2003-07-20On the 16th July, Falun Gong practitioners in the UK peacefully appealed in front of 10 Downing Street. Because the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is going to make a state visit to China from 20th July, the practitioners hope Mr.Blair will raise the human rights issue with the leader of the Chinese Communist Party during his visit to China.
Sweden: Four Years of Persecution are in Vain Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance are Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts (IV)
2003-07-20On July 20th it will be four years since Jiang Zemin instigated the vicious persecution against Dafa practitioners. Some Swedish Dafa practitioners held a photo exhibition in Kungsportsplatsen in downtown Gothenburg on July 13th to expose the evil of Jiangs regime and the beauty of Dafa.