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Washington Post: Falun Gong [Practitioners] Receive Stiff Sentences (Excerpt)
2002-09-22 -
Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER): Internet Access Denied
2002-09-22 -
Agreement of Speakers (Korea): Korean Newspaper Reports the True Facts of the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation Incident
2002-09-22 -
Copenhagen: Practitioners' Shining Performance in Kongens Nytorv (Kings New Square)
2002-09-22There was a wonderful atmosphere around the whole area. It seemed to radiate from the beauty of the dancers costumes, from the warm smiles of the practitioners who stood quietly at the sides, from the bright sunshine, the elegance of the dancers, the many golden banners, and the rapt attention of the onlookers.
AP: Reports on Sentencing of Falun Gong Practitioners who Broadcast Truth-Clarifying Programs on Cable TV (excerpt)
2002-09-21 -
Reuters: China jails Falun Gong TV [tappers]
2002-09-21 -
AFP: Coalition protests Hong Kong plans for anti-subversion law
2002-09-21 -
New York Times: China's Cyberspace Censorship
2002-09-21 -
Press Release: Falsified Reports, Immediate Cremation Used to Conceal Those Tortured to Death
2002-09-21European Falun Gong Information Centre - September 19 200212 Falun Gong Deaths in 14 Days
UK: Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa in Coventry City
2002-09-21On June 14, 2002, Dafa practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to peaceful and kind-hearted citizens of Coventry under the Lady Godvia statue, in order to let more people learn the truth about Falun Dafa.
AP: China sentences Falun Gong sympathizers to 20 years in prison for hijacking cable-TV signal
2002-09-20 -
AFP: Coalition protests Hong Kong plans for anti-subversion law
2002-09-20 -
Press Release: A Mockery of Justice
2002-09-20European Falun Gong Information Centre - September 19 200215 Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial for Broadcasting TV Programmes Exposing Human Rights Abuses
Germany: Clarifying the Truth about Falun Dafa on the Occasion of the General Election
2002-09-20As the general election is about to begin, the Germany political parties have organized many election activities, which also provide Falun Gong practitioners good opportunities to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to government officials.
Morgunbladid (Icelandic newspaper): Representatives of Falun Gong Finish Meeting with Icelandic authorities