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Candlelit Vigil in City Hall Square
2002-09-25On 23 September, practitioners from Europe held a candle vigil in the City Hall Square in Copenhagen, to appeal for end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Music and Dancing During the Europe-Asia Summit
2002-09-25During the Asian Commens Cultural Festival in Copenhagen, Falun Gong music and dancing could be seen every on every corner throughout the city.Left: The Lotus Flower dance
The Price of Conscience--I Lost My Citizenship Because of My Faith in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance"
2002-09-24Today, I am forced to face a choice; should I be a man of conscience or should I keep my Chinese citizenship?
Dow Jones: Amnesty Says China Using Anti-terror War To Crush Dissent
2002-09-24 -
Wall Street Journal: A Dangerous Law
2002-09-24 -
Central News Agency: Taiwan Falun Gong Followers To Meet With Justice Minister
2002-09-24 -
Copenhagen: Press Conference and Parade Ends at Danish Parliament
2002-09-24On Monday September 23rd, Falun Dafa practitioners held a press conference and parade in the city hall square of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. The press conference was attended by Danish media and featured speeches by dignitaries and practitiones who have suffered at the hands of the Chinese regime.
Copenhagen: Opening Speech at the European Fa Conference, September 22, 2002
2002-09-24Practitioners in Europe are cooperating better than ever before. We have realised that we still have a long way to go in order to fulfill our goals, but we can certainly say that we can and will speed up our steps.
Copenhagen: Open Letter to the Premier of Denmark
2002-09-24We have gathered in Copenhagen to show the Danish people, the top 25 leaders from European and Asian countries, and the world, what kind of people Falun Gong practitioners are, what Falun Gong is, and to let people become more aware of the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Copenhagen: European Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference Successfully Held
2002-09-23Practitioners shared their experiences of practising Falun Dafa and studying the Fa, and their experiences and understandings of stepping forward to shoulder their responsibilities in this great historical period.
Copenhagen: Brief Report On Clarifying The Facts At The NGO Forum
2002-09-23Practitioners attended an NGO Forum in Copenhagen on 21 September where they held a workshop on Falun Gong. Three Falun Gong practitioners attended (Left). Chinese agents tried to disrupt the meeting. See text for details.
Copenhagen: Practitioners Gather In Front of The Chinese Embassy
2002-09-23Some practitioners clarified the facts to the police and one of them said that Falun Gong practitioners are more peaceful than Gandhi.
Austria: Practitioners Call on Austrian Prime Minister to Ask Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji to Help End the Persecution (Photos)
2002-09-22On September 19, 2002, when the Chinese Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, was visiting Austria, Dafa practitioners held a press conference and appeal to call on all circles to pay attention to the Jiang regime's brutal persecution against Falun Gong.
Press Release: Falun Gong Remains Determined to Resolve Open Issues in Iceland
2002-09-22Icelandic authorities would neither confirm nor deny that the Chinese government is the source. They also officially cleared that the source of the list was not Interpol.
European Report: EU/CHINA: Human Rights Back On Agenda at Copenhagen Summit (Excerpt)