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Denmark Should Resist the Jiang Regime’s Pressure Against Falun Gong on Summit Art Show
2002-09-15In July, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to perform at Asian Comments - the Asia-EU Summit's art programme in Copenhagen on 21 September. However, the Chinese Embassy threatened to pull out all Chinese community performances unless Falun Gong practitioners were excluded from Asian Comments. According to the event organiser KIT, the Danish Foreign Ministry, which sponsors the event, bowed to the pressure.
Letter to Practitioner from Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002-09-15"The Irish Government takes the human rights concerns of Falun Gong members in China very seriously. Both the Taoiseach and the Minister have raised the issue on a number of occasions with the Chinese authorities."
Amnesty International Holland Begins Campaign Together with Two Other Dutch NGOs
2002-09-15Prior to their campaign, Amnesty dedicated their two-monthly newsletter on human rights and philosophy completely to religious freedom in China. Falun Gong was extensively covered in the newsletter and mentioned as one of the most severely persecuted
Letter to Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002-09-15"If we go along with Jiang Zemins leadership approach we are guilty of helping to create a dangerous situation for the future of the democratic countries. As you are aware of, Chinese officials are already pressing European governments to infringe upon the rights of Falun Gong practitioners in Europe. There are many such examples. This situation is extremely serious."
FDI: Toronto Residents Mourn Friend's Death in China with Candlelight Vigil (Photo)
2002-09-14Falun Gong practitioners and supporters gathered for a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese consulate to honor their friend, Mr. Chan, recently tortured to death by authorities in China.
The Guardian: Google is back in China but don't try asking any difficult questions
2002-09-14China's web censors have lifted their ban on access to the popular international Google search engine - but they have ways of making sure no one asks the wrong question.
Croatia: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at the Meeting of Conventional and Frontier Medicines (photos)
2002-09-14On June 29, 2002, Swedish and Austrian Dafa practitioners were invited to introduce Falun Gong at the collaboration meeting of Croatian conventional and frontier medicines. This meeting was held in Zagreb. Many medical doctors and physicians attended the meeting.
AP: Hong Kong justice chief: Time has come for subversion law
2002-09-14After five years as part of China, Hong Kong must soon enact an anti-subversion law, the justice secretary said Friday in an announcement critics have been dreading ever since the handover.
The Houston Chronicle: CHINA'S DISSIDENTS; Must open mental wards for honest examinations
2002-09-14China continues to deny long-standing accusations that it silences political dissidents and [practitioners] of the Falun Gong spiritual [movement] by imprisoning them in mental hospitals, where they are subjected to mind-altering psychiatric drugs and electric shock treatments.
Reuters: China still blocking some Google links
2002-09-14China is once again allowing its citizens to use the popular search engine Google, but is still blocking Internet users from content it deems politically taboo as part of a media crackdown ahead of November's pivotal Communist Party congress.
Foreign Affairs: China's Governance Crisis (Part II of Two Parts Series)
2002-09-14 -
Letter from European Friends of Falun Gong to the President of Ukraine
2002-09-13"We would further urge the Ukrainian authorities not to be influenced in its decisions by pressure from China, and to stand fast against a brutal regime, which has shown no mercy in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in its own country, and which is now worryingly trying to widen its evil influence by persuading other countries to act likewise."
CNN: China gags media ahead of party gathering
2002-09-12 -
CNN: Google searching again in China
2002-09-12 -
SCMP: Spy sacked over e-mail