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FDI: Falun Gong Practitioner Dies Making Peaceful Appeal on Tiananmen Square
2002-01-25 -
Friends of Falun Gong Europe Responds to the News that Zhao Ming will be released
2002-01-25Zhao Ming, a student at Trinity college, Dublin and a Falun Gong practitioner, returned to Beijing in December 1999 to appeal to the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, but was subsequently detained in Tuan He Farm Labour Camp in Daxin County outside Beijing, where he has been tortured and beaten by guards.
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Set up a Brainwashing Group to Brutally Torture Zhao Ming and Other Practitioners
2002-01-25The wardens themselves took part in shocking the practitioners' heads, faces and the rest of their bodies with high voltage electric batons...
UK: Harrow Council Passes Motion in Support of Falun Gong
2002-01-25 -
Email from a European Businesswoman who refuses to buy Chinese Goods until the Persecution of Falun Gong Stops
2002-01-25 -
Group Study for Falun Gong Assistants In and Around Russia
2002-01-25 -
Academy Award Winning Actress Celeste Holm Appeals for the Freedom of Teng Chunyan
2002-01-25 -
IRISH TIMES: Falun Gong detainee to be freed in March
2002-01-24Falun Gong members have claimed that Mr Zhao was tortured while in detention, beaten by guards with electric batons and allowed only two hours' sleep a day. They further claim that on one occasion guards tried to force him to write anti-Falun Gong material and that he was beaten to the brink of death when he refused.
A Dutch General says: ”Falun Gong is so good!”
2002-01-24 -
Meeting Chinese Students in Germany
2002-01-24“De guo ren zhi dao – Falun Dafa hao!” (Germans know that Falun Dafa is good)!
AP: China expels Ontario woman detained in Beijing Falun Gong protest
2002-01-24 -
BBC Monitoring Service: China expels Canadian Falun Gong protester
2002-01-24 -
Wired: A Human Rights Site? In China?
2002-01-24Amnesty International was not impressed. It has reported that 1,511 death sentences were passed in 2000 and at least 1,000 executions were carried out. Amnesty officials believe this represents only a fraction of the true figures, as death penalty statistics remain a state secret in China.
THE FRIENDS OF ZHAO MING: Zhao Ming is not forgotten
2002-01-23“Today we are calling on Premier Zhu Rongji to honour that promise and release Zhao Ming without further delay and allow him to return to Trinity College to resume his studies. We are also asking the Irish government to seek the release of Zhao Ming on the basis that his human rights have been violated.” Dowling concluded.
Canadian Mother Disappears in China
2002-01-23Connie Chipkar, a 61-year-old Mississauga mother has disappeared in China after appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing's Tiananmen Square earlier today. She has not been heard from since, but the Canadian Foreign Office told her son that a hearing is scheduled for Ms. Chipkar on Thursday at 12PM, Beijing time.