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Sharing The Olympic Spirit: 500 Practitioners Appeal At Winter Olympics
2002-02-07"The Olympic Charter describes these Games as an opportunity to 'promote peace' and express respect for 'universal fundamental ethical principles.'We believe these principles must include the right for human beings to think, speak, and practice their spiritual beliefs without fear of persecution from their own government."
Sweden: Information day at an Adult Education College
2002-02-06 -
Message to the Precious Chinese People from an Irish Practitioner
2002-02-06 -
Sweden: Falun Gong at Volvo
2002-02-06 -
Sincere Respects from Swedish Practitioners to Practitioners in China
2002-02-05 -
Some Short Stories of Spreading Falun Dafa in Greece
2002-02-05 -
UK Practitioners Hold a Study Day in London
2002-02-04 -
Austrian and German Practitioners From Many Cities Join Together for Falun Dafa Information Day in Augsburg
2002-02-04 -
UK Practitioners Invited to Present Falun Gong Workshop by Mid-England Education Committee
2002-02-04 -
German Practitioners Appeal Outside Chinese Embassy
2002-02-04 -
Netherlands: Falun Gong at the Health Expo in Amsterdam
2002-02-03In the weekend of 26 and 27 of January a big yearly health exposition was held in the RAI exposition centre in Amsterdam. The newly established Falun Gong Foundation Netherlands applied for a stand in order to let the Dutch public learn about Falun Gong.
AP Report: Jiang Denies Human Rights Violations
2002-02-02 -
Swedish Practitioners Meet Liberal Party Members in Parliament
2002-02-01I was walking along the Avenue when I heard tranquil, oriental music. And there these people came, dressed in white and yellow, slowly walking towards the”Gotasquare”. It was so beautiful and peaceful – this took place at the same Avenue which a few hours earlier had been left empty and destroyed by the riots. I’ll never forget this scene! Later I spoke to a woman from the parade, she told me that a policeman had come up to her and said:”Why didn’t you come earlier?” Those words have stayed in my head,”Why didn’t you come earlier?” [Harald Nordlund, Swedish M.P.]
Swedish Newspaper reports on Falun Dafa exhibition
2002-01-31 -
News Report - NTR : China will free jailed Montrealer