Worldwide News
Taiwan: Students Reflect on the "Falun Dafa Practitioners Validating the Fa" Photo Exhibition
2006-01-13Some Taiwanese students visited the exhibition recently, and were amazed by the uncompromising spirit and great compassion highlighted by the exhibition. A student said: "After viewing the exhibition, I really wanted to practise Falun Dafa to get closer to the principle of 'Truthfulness, compassion and Tolerance'."
New Zealand: Fa-Validating Photo Exhibition Held in Nelson
2006-01-13Written on the album were many comments such as, "It is so sad!" "Stop the torture!" "Freedom is all!" Some who had never heard about Falun Gong became interested in learning Falun Gong. Many people thanked Falun Gong practitioners for introducing Falun Dafa to them.
New Zealand: Travelling to Northland for the Holidays, Practitioners Clarify the Truth and Introduce Falun Gong
2006-01-12Many people asked with concern, "How can I help you?" When they learned that nearly seven million people have withdrawn their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates, they're so excited, "Good, good! China has hope."
Bangkok Post: Falun Gong [practitioners] stage rally
2006-01-12A dozen Falun Gong adherents staged a peaceful rally opposite the Chinese embassy yesterday, calling for the release of five Chinese followers being detained at the Bangkok immigration office for nearly three weeks. They vowed to hold a meditation protest every Friday until the police free the five detainees. The gathering also protested against the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong followers.
Thailand: Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy Attracts the Attention of Media
2006-01-11On January 6th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioners in Thailand went to the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok to denounce the Chinese Communist regime for the pressure it brought to bear on the Thai government that led Thai police to arrest five refugee Falun Dafa practitioners on Thai soil last December 15th.
"Hold the Perpetrators Accountable"
2006-01-11Though the serial rape case in which Hebei policeman He Xuejian raped two practitioners was more than one month ago, and the Chinese Communist Party's typical trick is to let people forget, there is increasing condemnation from the international community regarding this case. Below are some comments received by the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group.
New Zealand: Clarifying the Truth During the Holidays
2006-01-10During the 2006 New Year holidays, practitioners from New Zealand visited Whangarei to promote Falun Dafa and clarify the truth of the persecution to local people and tourists. Reporters from local media, including Whangarei Leader and The Northern Advocate, covered the event.
AP Reports on Thailand Practitioners' Peaceful Protest in front of Chinese Embassy in Bangkok
2006-01-10Practitioners gathered to protest the recent arrest of several of their fellow practitioners in Thailand. The banner that the practitioners held read, "The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] is the criminal. Thailand: Immediately free Falun Gong practitioners."
United States: Magnificence of Falun Gong Displayed at Mummers New Year's Parade in Philadelphia
2006-01-09A young practitioner who did the dragon dance was interviewed by WB17. He said, "We are all Falun Gong practitioners. I am very happy to bring Chinese culture to an American audience. Chinese dragons are different from American dragons. They stand for good fortune. They will bring you good fortune and happiness."
The Epoch Times: UPDATED: Five Falun Gong Still Detained in Thailand; Legality of Arrests in Doubt
2006-01-09The week-long demonstration was initiated to condemn the serial rape of female Falun Gong by a Chinese policeman in Hebei province, China. "When a policeman rapes two women with others watching and gets away with it, they [the Chinese authorities] need to be told this is wrong," said one of the protestors.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Group Stands Out at Taitung County New Year Flag Ceremony
2006-01-08On the morning of New Year's Day 2006, government department directors and their staff and non-governmental organisations participated in the Taitung County Flag Ceremony. Before the ceremony began, a Taitung County government official especially thanked the Falun Gong group.
Australia: Seen and Heard While on Vacation in Sydney
2006-01-08During this time there is a group of people persevering in the burning sun, in the morning and at dusk, at the Sydney Opera House, at Mrs. Macquarie's Chair, in Chinatown, and in front of the Chinese Consulate, peacefully handing out leaflets, and explaining to passersby and tourists about the appalling persecution happening in China. No matter what attitudes the listeners hold, these people maintain kind and peaceful states of mind, and many passersby are deeply moved. From time to time, I have hear such dialogues...
Thailand: Falun Gong Wins Award at Tenth Thailand Spiritual Science Exhibition
2006-01-07The Tenth Thailand Spiritual Science Exhibition was held at Jak Krapong Phuwanart University on December 9th-12th, 2005. Over one hundred medical science, religious, and non-governmental organisations participated in the exhibition. The Thailand Falun Gong Association was also invited.
Australia: On the Eve of New Year, Practitioners Protest in Front of Chinese Embassy
2006-01-07"The great tide of resignations from the CCP is irreversible. The total of documented withdrawals is near seven million. The demise of the CCP is inevitable... The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) will investigate thoroughly the related departments, organisations, and persons involved in the persecution, regardless of how long it takes. For the good of yourself and your family, don't participate in the persecution. Otherwise, you will be brought to justice for whatever wrongdoings you commit."
Taiwan: Depicting a Story of Courage in a Minghui School Drawing Class