Worldwide News
The Epoch Times: University Takes a Principled Stand
2005-07-08Sydney's University of Technology (UTS) has stood up to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party by refusing to remove mention of a Falun Dafa meditation club from its website. As a result, the UTS website has been blocked in China, which is expected to lower the number of incoming Chinese students, substantially affecting university revenue. At a Vice Chancellor's meeting on June 20, UTS Vice Chancellor Ross Milbourne announced that an increase in undergraduate student fees was largely due to the university taking a principled stand in keeping Falun Dafa content on the site.
United States: Falun Gong Invited to Participate in Independence Day Parade in New York's Chinatown
2005-07-07This year, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the Independence Day Parade in New York's Chinatown and were warmly received by the community. Falun Gong practitioners have held many large-scale parades with rich content, dancing and singing. The Chinese community has come to admire Falun Gong.
The Epoch Times: Beijing-based Hate Campaign Targets Falun Gong Practitioners in the U.S.
2005-07-07"We know where you are and who you are. If you don't give up what you are doing, we will kill more practitioners and come after you!" This chilling message was delivered to Falun Gong practitioner Mitchell Gerber of Atlanta over his cell phone on the evening of June 29. At least two other Falun Gong adherents received a similar call. Mr. Gerber, a student of business and international relations at Georgia State University, knows why he was targeted for this abuse.
Australia: During the Australia-China Dialogue, Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding Lawsuit to Uphold Human Rights
2005-07-06During the Australia-China Human Rights Dialogue, Sydney Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference with the theme, "Australian Lawsuit to Uphold Human Rights" on June 30th 2005 outside the New South Wales Supreme Court. They called upon the Australian government to make human rights a priority before economic interests.
Malaysia: Anti-Torture Exhibit Is Held in Taman Sri Aman Park
2005-07-06Recently, Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia held anti-torture exhibitions at several parks to expose the cruel persecution against Falun Gong. On the morning of Sunday July 3rd 2005, an anti-torture exhibition was held at the Taman Sri Aman Park in Petaling Jaya. People signed the petition to oppose the persecution.
Toronto: Celebrating Canada Day, Falun Dafa Takes Root in Local Community
2005-07-05Numerous activities were held in Toronto to celebrate Canada Day. The Falun Dafa Association of Toronto was also invited to take part in two grand parades in East York and Scarborough, respectively. Their performances were warmly received.
Macao: Chinese Tourists from Shanghai Ask for Help Quitting the CCP
2005-07-05When his group left the practitioners' information site, this tourist, who was from a city in southern China, approached one of the practitioners. With a very solemn expression, he asked the practitioner to do a favour for him. The practitioner asked what she could do for him. He carefully took out a piece of paper signed with twelve names.
Malaysia: Practitioners Protest the Murder of Gao Rongrong
2005-07-04On June 30th, 2005, Malaysian practitioners rallied in front of Chinese embassy to protest the murder of Gao Rongrong and call for punishment of the murderers. Several media outlets including Reuters, AP and several Chinese language newspapers in Malaysia interviewed practitioners at the event.
United States: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Miami International Women's Show
2005-07-04The Miami International Women's Show was held at the Miami Convention Centre from June 24 to 25. About 150 groups participated in this event. The show included fashion, jewelry, costume, beauty and food as well as health and fitness. Local practitioners had a booth, promoting Falun Dafa as a holistic health practice.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Mourn Gao Rongrong and Condemn the CCP's Atrocities
2005-07-03Falun Gong practitioners from Pingdong County, Taiwan gathered on the evening of June 26th at Chaozhou Town Older People's Activity Centre.They held a candlelight vigil in memory of Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong, protested the CCP for showing no regard for people's beliefs and human rights, and demanded an end to the persecution.
Malaysia: Practitioners Hold Anti-torture Exhibition to Awaken People's Conscience
2005-07-03To help more people learn about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners in Malaysia held an anti-torture exhibition on the morning of June 19th, 2005, in the busy Peoples' Park in Klang City, Selangor Province.
Reporter's Question About the 610 Office during the Australia-China Human Rights Dialogue Silences Chinese Official
2005-07-03Recently, Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Guofang's statement that the Chinese communist regime has the "responsibility to restrict overseas Falun Gong activities" aroused attention from overseas media. On June 28th, SBS, an Australia special broadcasting service broadcast an interview with Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Ying. Li Ying said, "What Shen Guofang said can not be accepted. The Chinese communist regime has no right to demand that the Australian government restrict Falun Gong activities."
Australia: Practitioners in Melbourne Call on Foreign Minister Downer to Stop Helping the Chinese Communist Party Persecute Falun Gong
2005-07-02On June 23rd, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioners in Melbourne rallied in front of the federal government building to call on Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer to withdraw the restrictions on Falun Gong's peaceful appeals. They also reenacted torture methods used in China in the persecution and distributed leaflets.
Hawaii: Taiwanese Practitioners Join Local Practitioners to Promote Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution
2005-07-02On June 25th and 26th, Hawaiian practitioners shared their experiences with practitioners from Taiwan and promoted Falun Dafa in Hawaii. The peaceful Falun Gong exercises attracted the attention of many passersby. For many of them, it was the first time they had come into contact with Falun Gong.
Canadian Press Reports on Chinese Defector Who is Exposing More Inside Stories of the Persecution
2005-07-02Inspired by former diplomat of Chinese Consulate in Sydney Chen Yonglin and former Tianjin 610 agent Hao Fengjun, who openly renounced their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and exposed the inside stories about how the Chinese regime persecutes Falun Gong practitioners outside China, Mr. Ha Guangsheng, former Head of the Shenyang Municipal Judicial Bureau and third-level police supervisor, revealed more inside stories about the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong to the Canadian Press.