Worldwide News
Canada: 100,000 Signatures to the Prime Minister - Urge Hu to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-09-10Montreal practitioner Yanyu Gao said: "China is not the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We hope that China will develop prosperity, however the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is a crime against China, all Chinese and all human beings. During Hu's visit to Canada, we hope that he can see the truth and consequently stop the persecution."
Canadian MP: It's a Shame That Hu Will Be Kept Away From the Series of Demonstrations
2005-09-10In response to Hu's state visit to Canada on Thursday, independent member of Canadian Parliament, Mr. Kilgour accepted that trade was important, but insisted it could not be divorced from human rights issues. Kilgour stated that it was a shame that Hu will be kept well away from the series of demonstrations planned in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.
Taiwan: Over 2,000 People Support the Rescue of Orphans of Persecuted Practitioners in China
2005-09-09To rescue orphans of practitioners persecuted in China, the Minghui School and the Taiwan Association for Rescuing Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted initiated a signature drive and rescue activities. Altogether, the association received 2,000 signatures from children and people from each county and city.
United States: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition Well Received in Cincinnati
2005-09-09The art exhibition received a lot of support and encouragement from the city government of Cincinnati and congressmen of Ohio. Mayor Luken issued recognition to the exhibition, and two city councilmen gave speeches at the opening ceremony. State Congresswoman Catherine Barrett went to the exhibition in person.
Amnesty International Calls for Bringing the Killers of Ms. Gao Rongrong to Justice
2005-09-08Amnesty International initiated a call to write or send faxes to Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and other officials, to request bringing to justice the killers of Ms. Gao Rongrong who was tortured to death after being shocked with electric batons while in police custody.
South Africa: Practitioners Participate in Health Expo in Durban
2005-09-08On August 28th, practitioners participated in the Durban Health Expo in South Africa. They held a photo exhibition entitled, "The Journey of Falun Dafa" and set up a booth to talk with visitors. During the expo, practitioners held a workshop to help people learn more about Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Chinese Communist Regime Spends Money to Conceal the Persecution Facts
2005-09-07Former Chinese diplomat Chen Yonglin remembered that when Hu Jintao visited Australia in 2003, he was still serving in the Chinese Consulate in Sydney. The Chinese communist regime gave an order that protests should not be "seen or heard". The order especially targeted Falun Gong. This has been a tactic that CCP constantly used.
Canada: Practitioners Urge Government to Bar Entry of Criminals Who Violate Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights
2005-09-07A practitioner from Liaoning Province recounted her experience of being detained in a detention centre and later imprisoned in a labour camp and brainwashing centre simply because she went to Tiananmen Square to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She called upon the Canadian government to bar Bo Xilai, a member of Hu's delegation in accordance to the related law on anti-human and war crimes.
Canadian Government and People Call For the End of the Persecution of Falun Gong before the Visit of Chinese Leader Hu Jintao
2005-09-06Before the arrival of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Hu Jintao to Canada, the Chinese human rights issue, especially the CCP's six-year-long persecution of Falun Gong, has again caught the attention of Canadian political circles and citizens. To date, more than 85,000 letters of appeal have been collected from across Canada.
Malaysia: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition" Held on National Day
2005-09-06Many local people came to visit the art exhibition and learn Falun Gong. When they heard about the CCP's ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, many were astounded. After learning the facts, many people signed their names to call for an end of the persecution. Many people also wanted to learn Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Paintings Speak of Things of Heaven and Earth
2005-09-05From the standpoint of artists, this Truthfulness -Compassion -Forbearance art exhibition held something special; that is, these artistic creations both reflected things happening in reality and embodied many upright values in life. So she felt that the art exhibition had great social significance.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada): Falun Gong Group Plans Protest to Pressure Canada on Chinese Visit - Practitioners to Re-enact Torture on Parliament Hill
2005-09-05On August 26th, Canadian Falun Gong practitioners held a news conference to call on the Canadian government to ban Bo Xilai and Xia Deren from entering Canada. They are also hoping that Canadian officers will deny entry to the two members of a Chinese diplomatic entourage due to visit Canada next month.
Canada: Prior to Hu Jintao's Visit to Canada, Practitioners Make a Greater Effort to Clarify the Truth in Vancouver
2005-09-04The Falun Gong practitioners attending the activity told people that the persecution has lasted for six years, leading to many deaths, yet they still want to give Hu Jintao an opportunity to act righteously. The practitioners hoped that the visit could enable him to make a prompt decision and stop the persecution of Falun Gong.
Detention of Hong Kong Reporter's Family Members Captures the Attention of the United States Consulate
2005-09-04On August 9th, the U.S. Consulate officials in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province sent out diplomatic correspondence to the authorities in Luzhou City to express their concern. They also made phone calls to follow-up. They first called the Police Department of Sichuan Province, but the latter refused to reveal any information...The U.S. Consulate again made many phone calls to the Luzhou City Police Department, but their calls went unanswered.
US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour (DRL) Urges China to Respect Falun Gong Practitioners' Basic Rights at a Congressional Hearing
2005-09-03The Department urged China to travel the path to human rights and political liberty at the hearing on July 21st. The DRL called for Falun Gong practitioners to be accorded their basic rights to freedom of belief, conscience and assembly. The DRL will also continue to promote China's compliance with international labour standards.