Worldwide News
Japan: Raising Awareness of the Persecution at the National Fireworks Competition
2005-09-03On August 27th, 2005, the Japan National Fireworks Competition was held. Falun Gong practitioners drove there to distribute Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials so as to help people learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. This year, there were over 800,000 people visiting the event, 100,000 more than last year.
Toronto: Falun Gong Practitioners Receive Warm Welcome at Largest Ukrainian Festival in North America
2005-09-02The Falun Dafa parade, composed of a drum troupe, fan dance, Taiwanese mountain dance and exercise demonstration, was in the middle of the procession. Falun Gong practitioners' bright banner that read, "Falun Dafa Is Good," their resonant drums and beautiful dances were refreshing and energising.
Supporting Ms. Gao Rongrong Worldwide and Condemning the Chinese Communist Party's Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-09-02EVERYONE who is able must help put an end to the torture of these people. In sharing this planet we share the responsibility of standing up for what is right and standing against what is wrong. This is truly horrific. My thoughts are with the Falun Gong practitioners and the truth.
Taiwan: Sharing and Progressing Together During the Northern Taiwan Experience Sharing Conference
2005-09-01The two-and-a-half-day experience sharing conference concluded successfully on August 14th. When practitioners walked out of the conference hall, they were all full of happiness and expressed that they would join group Fa study more. They thought that experience sharing helped them to find their own shortcomings and gaps.
Falun Dafa Association Seeks U.S. Entry Ban for China's Minister of Commerce
2005-09-01On August 26th, 2005, the Canada Falun Dafa Association held a press conference at the Canadian Parliament building, requesting that the Canadian Government refuse to grant Bo Xilai a visa. The Falun Dafa Association also requested that the current Dalian City Mayor Xia Deren, scheduled to visit Canada in late September, be denied a visa. At the press conference thirteen page document was presented with detailed proof of the actions of Bo Xilai and and Xia Deren in persecuting Falun Gong in Liaoning Province and Dalian City.
Taiwan: Photography Exhibit of Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in Taipei
2005-08-31The Falun Dafa Art Centre provided these hard to find photos. Some photographers risked their lives to capture some of the valuable scenes. Starting from Dafa's first introduction in China, the photos portray each step in Dafa practitioners' journey of validating the Fa. The truth of Dafa is unfolded through the exhibition.
Indonesia: Practitioners Participate in National Day Parade
2005-08-31"I recall that two years ago we came here to introduce Falun Dafa to the public. The Indonesian people, especially Chinese people here, had been misled by the Chinese Communist Party's slander...Through two years of truth clarification and setting up practice sites and Fa-study groups, the participation of practitioners this time is welcomed."
Canada: Two Chinese Communist Party Officials Visiting Canada Are on the List of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2005-08-30Xiaonan Zeng, a resident of Toronto, gave testimony in the press conference that his mother was still imprisoned in China for practising Falun Gong. His mother Huang Xin, more than 50 years old, was unlawfully sentenced to an 8-year term imprisonment. In prison, she was tortured and injected with toxic drugs that damaged her nervous system.
United States: Falun Dafa Entry Wins Trophy for Second Year in a Row at the Lentil Festival Parade in Pullman, Washington
2005-08-30Enthusiastically greeting the Dafa group, the crowd was waving and smiling, and holding out their hands for flyers. The practitioners' lovely float, covered with lotuses of all sizes, carried Tang Dynasty costumed ladies and a sweet little girl in her own lotus, as well as practitioners demonstrating the exercise movements.
Australian University Student Council Pass Resolution to Support Falun Dafa
2005-08-29In the resolution, the SRC showed their support for the rights and freedom of belief of Falun Dafa practitioners. They expressed their deep concern about the widespread torture and deaths of Falun Dafa practitioners in China, and for the harassment and interference in Australia conducted through Chinese Embassy and Consulates.
The Mercury News (California, United States): Falun Gong dispute stirs interest in art
2005-08-29"I have significant concerns around the autonomy of local government," said fellow Supervisor Chris Daly. Daly, who unsuccessfully sponsored a local resolution condemning the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, was angered by the negative letters and phone calls he received from the Chinese consulate four years ago. Appearing at a news conference Thursday, Daly called "interference by an outside country'' as "a chilling thought.''
United States: Practitioners in Hawaii Collect Signatures to Rescue Orphans in China
2005-08-28Falun Dafa practitioners in Hawaii started a petition drive in their local Chinatown to rescue children orphaned by the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Many people signed their names and expressed their sadness about the persecution in China. Some people didn't know much about the persecution so practitioners clarified the truth to them.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Study Camp for Instructors Held at Pingdong College
2005-08-28The fourth Falun Dafa Study Camp for instructors was held from August 15th to 17th, 2005 at Meihe Technical College. A total of 120 teachers registered for the study camp and the classes were packed. The three-day session touched many of the teachers attending and helped them to understand the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."
United States: Report from the Orphan Rescue Car Tour in Texas
2005-08-27"There is currently information on 2,784 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners as a result of the persecution. Their children have become orphans. These children not only haven't received any help, but have instead suffered great pressure...We can work together to stop the persecution, rescue the orphaned children..."
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Persecution to a Former International Court Judge
2005-08-27When the lecture concluded, the Falun Gong practitioners went up to the podium to speak with this former judge. They discussed the various countries' lawsuits against Jiang and the current lawsuit against Jiang in Japan. This former judge expressed that he had heard of the persecution. Practitioners then gave him some materials including information about the collusion of Jiang and the CCP to persecute Falun Gong and a copy of 'Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party'. The former judge accepted the materials with great interest.