Worldwide News
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in Front of Chinese Consulate in Houston on New Year's Day, Call for an End to Persecution
2005-01-06On January 1, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from the Houston area gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to practice the Falun Gong exercises and continue to call on the Chinese government to stop persecuting Falun Gong. They strongly demanded that Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang and Liu Jing be brought to justice.
European Practitioners' Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution in Manhattan
2005-01-06It was a warm Spring-like day on December 30th 2004. Practitioners from several European countries were in Manhattan to introduce Falun Gong to New Yorkers and expose the brutal nature of the persecution taking place in Mainland China. Here are a few of their experiences.
The Epoch Times: Holiday Symbols of Freedom Produced in Slavery
2005-01-05"The small outdoor Christmas lights that adorn our homes this time of year are manufactured for the most part in slave labor camps operated by the Chinese military. Most of those prisoners are Christians and Falun Gong [practitioners]. "Mr. Murray also said that many of the things made in China are also made in forced labor camps. Harry Wu, Executive Director of the Laogai [forced labor] Research Foundation, agrees with Mr. Murray about the manufacture of Christmas lights in China.
Sued in a US Court, Zhao Zhizhen Claims Chinese Communist Party's State-Controlled Defamation Should be Protected as "Free Speech"
2005-01-05Zhao Zhizhen, former director of the Wuhan TV Station, was sued in a U.S. court by Falun Gong practitioners for inciting hatred against practitioners. According to a report in the New York Times on January 2, 2005, Wuhan TV station director Zhao Zhizhen visited the U.S. last summer and was sued in a federal court by practitioners for programs shown on his station that had incited violence against them in China.
United States: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa at the Peach Bowl New Year's Parade
2005-01-05Falun Dafa practitioners from Atlanta were invited to take part in the 37th Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl Parade on December 31, 2004 and were warmly received. Nearly 100 organizations participated in the annual parade. A CBS TV affiliate also came to broadcast the event live.
Korea: Council of Seocho-gu, Seoul Passes Resolution to Demand the Release of Ko Sung-nyo
2005-01-04Ms. Ko Sung-nyo was abducted and imprisoned in Jiamusi Municipal Forced Labour Camp because of her practise of Falun Gong. The Council of Seocho-gu, Seoul passed a resolution on December 16, 2004 to demand that the Chinese authority immediately release Ko Sung-nyo and escort her safely back to Korea.
Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Canberra on New Year's Eve
2005-01-04 -
Central News Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners from Taiwan's Jiayi Region Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition
2005-01-04Central News Agency report, January 1, 2005: Falun Gong practitioners in the Jiayi region of Taiwan held an "Anti-Torture Exhibition" in Puzi Park on the afternoon of January 1, 2005. They demonstrated how the Mainland government persecutes Falun Gong practitioners, and called on the Chinese Communist Party to respect human rights and to end persecution of good people.
Malaysia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference and Anti-Torture Exhibition
2005-01-03On December 23rd, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners in Malaysia held a press conference. Torture reenactments during the press conference exposed the Jiang regime's cruel treatment of practitioners, and reporters at the site were shocked by the brutality of the persecution.
United States Newswire: National Press Club Rebuffs Chinese Embassy Attempt to Squelch Press Event
2005-01-03The National Press Club today made public its refusal to comply with a request by the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., to stop a recent press event at the Club. "We would never bow to a request to silence anyone," said John M. Donnelly, chairman of the National Press Club Board of Governors, in a Dec. 22 letter to Chinese Embassy spokesman Sun Weide. Weide had called and emailed the NPC ahead of a Dec. 21 press conference by the Epoch Times newspaper, calling on the Club to cancel the event [...].
Taiwan: Practitioners Hold a Three-Day Fa Study and Experience Sharing Conference During the Christmas Holiday
2005-01-02On December 24th, 25th and 26th, practitioners in Central Taiwan held a three-day group Fa study and experience sharing conference. Through study and sharing, practitioners found many of their own shortcomings. Some practitioners from distant locations sacrificed their vacation time to join this activity.
Canada: He Zhili Requests Justice for Thousands of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-01-02On November 15th, 2004, six Canadian Falun Gong practitioners formally filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of Ontario against China's former General Secretary Jiang Zemin and four other high-ranking officials responsible for the 610 Office, whose sole purpose is to persecute Falun Gong.
New Zealand: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at Victoria University
2005-01-02On November 19, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners in Wellington, New Zealand were invited to speak about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China to law students at the University of Wellington. Practitioners talked for about an hour about how the practise was introduced to the public in China, and how it has been spread to over 60 countries worldwide. They highlighted the differences between Falun Dafa and other qigong practises, explaining how Falun Dafa emphasises the cultivation of one's character.
BBC Monitoring International Reports: CHINA: 11 Falun Gong [Practitioners] Arrested for Posting Torture Photos on Internet
2005-01-01"In a country where the press is under the authorities' control, Falun Gong [practitioners] have no choice but to use the internet to denounce the atrocities of which they are victims," the organization said. "Like political dissidents, they are targeted by a regime that cannot stand criticism and closely controls information circulating online."
Taipei Journal (Taiwan) Report: New Yorkers Are Moved by Falun Gong Practitioners' Anti-torture Exhibitions
2005-01-01Amateur actors dressed as Chinese prison guards pretended to administer electric shocks to chained female Falun Gong practitioners, with faces contorted in agony and bodies covered with torture marks. Another simulation showed a woman prisoner in chains hunched over in a cramped "birdcage." "Eeeek!" screamed a female passerby upon seeing the birdcage and its bruised and bloodied occupant. "Don't tell me this is really happening in China?"