Worldwide News
Canada: National Spirit Stained by Violence, Five-Years of Bloody Persecution Seen in Recent Brutality
2004-10-06On the National Day of China, a Falun Gong practitioner was brutally beaten and abducted by policemen on Tiananmen Square. Falun Gong practitioners in Ottawa gathered in the rain in front of the Chinese Embassy in Canada to call for the end of violence on October 2nd, 2004.
Korea: "Uncompromising Spirit" World Art Exhibition Successfully Held in the City of Suwon
2004-10-06The "Uncompromising Spirit" World Art Exhibition depicting the persecution that those who practise Falun Dafa in China have suffered as well as their peaceful and resolute persistence in upholding their lofty beliefs was held in the City of Suwon from September 29th to October 3rd, 2004, after it was successfully held in the Daegu.
United States: Despite a Rainstorm, Falun Gong Practitioners Protest the Recent Violence on Tiananmen Square in Chicago
2004-10-05Shocked to learn that Beijing police once again beat Falun Gong practitioners on Tiananmen Square on China's National Day, a number of Falun Gong practitioners from the Chicago area voluntarily gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate despite a rainstorm. They unfurled a huge banner to protest the continuous suppression of Falun Gong in China.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in front of Chinese Consulate in Houston, Protest Police Violence on Tiananmen Square
2004-10-05At noon on October 1st, 2004, China's National Day, police brutally beat and arrested Falun Gong practitioners on Tiananmen Square. Practitioners in Houston gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate and protested the latest violence Tiananmen Square by former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his followers.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners from Sydney Invited to Participate in the Marrickville Spring Festival
2004-10-05On the 19th of September, Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney participated in the Spring Festival of Marrickville. Because of the excelence of their past performance, the Marrickville city government extended an invitation to us to participate in this event again. The city government told us that we could perform anything we wanted.
United States: Falun Gong Becomes a Highlight of New York City
2004-10-04In the past 2 months, practitioners in yellow clothing have been seen everywhere in Manhattan, on the streets and at tourist sites, parks and other busy areas. They either demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises or display posters about Falun Gong exposing the brutality of the ongoing persecution in China.
Philippines: Taiwanese Practitioners Invited to Cultural Events by the Naga City Government
2004-10-04Invited by the government of Naga City in the Philippines, Taiwanese practitioners participated in the Annual Regional Civic Parade. Practitioners' procession included a dance group, a waist drum troupe and a decorated float with the Falun Gong exercise demonstration.
United States: Activities During the UN Summit Former Prime Minister of Canada Cordially Greets Falun Gong Practitioners from Toronto on the Streets of New York
2004-10-03When a practitioner told the former Canadian Prim Minister, Mr. Chretien that they were from Canada, he showed them some folded Falun Gong material in his pocket. A practitioner recognised that the material was the one Canadian practitioners made and delivered to these MP's previously. Practitioners were very pleased that Mr. Chretien still carefully kept the material for such a long period of time.
Taiwan: Tainan City Sports Festival Focuses on Falun Gong
2004-10-02The Mayor of Tainan City, Tain-Tsair Hsu, praised Falun Gong practitioners for their peaceful and rational efforts to rescue the persecuted their fellow Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. A Falun Gong exercise demonstration consisting of a thousand people were asked to take part in the opening ceremony of the Sports Festival.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Display the Grace of Falun Dafa in Central America Independence Day Parade in Los Angeles
2004-10-02Falun Gong practitioners from Los Angeles and San Diego participated in this parade and received a warm welcome. During the parade, some greeted the practitioners in the traditional Chinese way of placing their palms together in front of their chests.
Australia: Falun Dafa Shines at the 2004 "Carnival of Flowers" Parade in Toowoomba, Queensland
2004-10-01Falun Dafa Practitioners from the southeast Queensland area joined the Toowoomba "Carnival of Flowers" Parade for the fifth consecutive year on Saturday September the 18th 2004. This is one of the largest parades and festivals in southeast Queensland, with an estimated 140,000 people attending.
Canada: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibit in Edmonton
2004-10-01 -
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners at Tsinghua University Introduce Falun Dafa to New Students
2004-09-30The Falun Dafa Club's booth was eye-catching after being decorated with a large banner that read, "Falun Dafa". During the activity, practitioners distributed information about Falun Gong to new students. Many students came forward to enquire about the practice and leave contact information. Some students asked where they could learn the exercises.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong on Human Rights Day at the University of Western Sydney
2004-09-30To commemorate the deaths of more than one thousand people who practise Falun Gong in China, the Falun Dafa Organisation at the University of Western Sydney in Perth held a Lotus Exhibit on Human Rights Day The event was organised by the Human Rights Environment Student team. Paper lotuses and information boards were displayed.
Touching the Hearts of New Yorkers During the 59th United Nations General Assembly
2004-09-29While the 59th United Nations General Assembly convened in New York from the 20th until the 24th of September, Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world gathered to demonstrate the peace and beauty of Falun Dafa and to raise awareness of the persecution against those who practise Falun Gong.