Worldwide News
Canada: Taking Part in the "Celebration of China" Festival in Quebec
2004-09-22The waist drum team performed before an opening ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by special invited guests. A Falun Gong practitioner introduced the waist drum team, Falun Gong and the persecution of Falun Gong in China to the audience. The dance group and waist drum team performed three programs in an indoor show.
Peru: Host of Radio Station Moved to Tears During Interview with Falun Gong Practitioner
2004-09-21A Falun Gong practitioner sang the song, "Coming for You" in both Chinese and Spanish. The beautiful song was broadcast to tens of thousands of listeners. Dr. Cai heard the song for the first time and was deeply moved. Tears streamed down his face. When the singing ended, Dr. Cai kept silent for a few seconds. He then wiped away his tears and said to his audience, "The song makes me cry because I am deeply touched. Yes, let's remember, Falun Dafa is great! Don't miss this chance!"
Taiwan: Native Fair Ends with Everyone Acclaiming, "Falun Dafa is Good"
2004-09-21Besides the performances, the hosting institution also arranged many booths to display the traditional food and culture of native Taiwanese. Among them, however, there was a very special booth by non-native Taiwanese, the Falun Dafa booth. Falun Dafa practitioners displayed different types of free materials and played a series of Falun Gong movies.
Canada: Toronto City Council Member Speaks at Mid-Autumn Festival Organised by "Friends of Falun Gong"
2004-09-20Toronto City Council member Mr. Balkissoon attended the celebration in person and gave a speech. He believes that Falun Gong practitioners' efforts should be recognised world-wide, and that he personally recognised their efforts. He also encouraged Falun Gong practitioners to continue their efforts in seeking their basic human rights.
Taiwan: Introducing Falun Gong to the Students of the National Chiao Tung University
2004-09-20New students from different departments would visit the Activity Centre. Falun Gong practitioners briefly introduced them to Falun Dafa and presented them with some Falun Gong related bookmarks. On Monday afternoon, practitioners along with other groups on campus set up booths and handed out Falun Gong introductory materials.
Indonesia: The 2004 Indonesia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held at Jakarta
2004-09-19Those Falun Gong practitioners who gave speeches came from all over Indonesia. A student from a school for the blind in Bali recited the preface of the main text of Falun Gong Zhuan Falun, and the principal of the school presented the Falun Dafa Association with a plaque to express appreciation for Falun Dafa's contributions to the school.
Korea: Raising Awareness of the Persecution to the 7th International Conference for National Human Rights Institutions
2004-09-19The conference was the largest one to date, with representatives from human rights, international and non-governmental organisations from 70 countries. Korean Falun Gong practitioners first clarified the truth about Falun Gong to the Korean National Human Rights Commission. Practitioners visited the commission and delivered materials to each individual office, urging them to pay more attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China. People were happy to receive the leaflets.
Korea: Persecution of Falun Gong Exposed at NGO Forum on National Human Rights Institutions in Seoul
2004-09-18Falun Gong practitioners distributed materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin and his regime to NGO representatives from more than forty countries at a booth at the forum site. With the forum sponsor's permission, a photo exhibition highlighting the persecution was held during the forum.
The U.S. Department of State's Sixth Annual Report on International Religious Freedom Condemns the Violations of Citizen's Religious Liberty in China
2004-09-18On September the 15th, the U.S. Department of State issued its sixth annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Country by country, this report documents the conditions of religious freedom around the world. Because of its persecution of Falun Gong and other religious groups, China has once again been identified as one of the Countries of Particular Concern by the U.S. Department of States. This label refers to governments that engage in or tolerate gross infringements of religious freedom.
Taiwan: Those who Practise Falun Gong Call For Help in Southern Taiwan to Rescue Mainland Family Members Persecuted in China
2004-09-18The Liaoyuan Police Bureau has refused Ms. Xiang's request to return to Taiwan to reunite with her husband. Moreover, the security brigade of the police bureau even wanted to detain her for a second time. Falun Gong practitioners from Southern Taiwan have been raising awareness of their case at the Taiwanese tourist resort "Chiqian Lou."
United States: Children with Smiles on their Faces Hold Lotus Flowers in New York
2004-09-17The young man talked to her about Falun Gong, and told her about the persecution in China. After hearing this, she signed her name on the petition book that called for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong, whilst her child accepted a bright-orange paper lotus flower with glaring eyes and a large smile.
United States: Introducing Falun Gong in Monterey, California
2004-09-17On the weekend of September the 11th, 2004, two Falun Gong practitioners from the California Bay Area carried out the first major event to introduce Falun Gong in Monterey of California, at one of the city's busy intersections.Two practitioners set up posters and leaflets, and took turns performing the exercises and talking about Falun Gong to those who passed by.
United States: Exposing Former Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin's Terror on the Streets of New York on the 3rd Anniversary of September the 11th
2004-09-16Falun Gong practitioners from different countries could be seen everywhere calling for an end to former Chinese President Jiang Zemin's state sponsored terror. They held anti-torture exhibits to inform people of the brutal persecution that is happening in China, and mourned more than 1,000 fellow practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in a Spring Festival in West Sydney
2004-09-16In the morning, practitioners went to San Maries to take the opportunity to introduce Falun Gong to the locals who were at the festival. They used a desk to allow people to participate in calligraphy or sign the petition to help stop the persecution of those who practise Falun Gong and to learn more about Falun Gong.
Epoch Times: Police Force 9-Month-Pregnant Woman to Abort Her Baby
2004-09-16An Epoch Times reporter called the Planned Parenthood Committee, and a woman answered the call and said it was impossible to find Wang. The reporter asked whether Wang was forced to abort the baby. She said: "It should be somehow agreed to, or a forceful abortion cannot be done. They are all 'taking care' of her in turn." The reporter asked whether Wang is physically well. She said, "I cannot say she is good."