Worldwide News
Australia: Practitioners Take Part in the Festival of Lights Parade in Cairns
2004-10-25For the second year in a row, Falun Gong practitioners from Queensland, Australia took part in the Cairns "Festival of Lights Parade." Over the weekend, thousands of people had the good fortune to see and learn about the beauty and peacefulness of Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution in China.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Well Received at Water Chestnut Festival in Guantian
2004-10-25Falun Gong practitioners from Tainan and Xinying held activities to introduce Falun Dafa at the Water Chestnut Festival in Guantian on October 16th and 17th, 2004. The activities were well received at this large annual event focused on introducing and promoting agricultural products.
Australia: Practitioners Participate in the Granny Smith Apple Festival in Eastwood
2004-10-24The city council member commented that the Falun Gong group does things very sincerely and persistently. Practitioners told him, "Because we benefit from the practise of Falun Gong so much, we wish to give others the opportunity to benefit from it as well."
Korea: Exposing the Persecution at the University of Seoul
2004-10-24During the second and third week of October, while the student government of the University of Seoul was having celebration activities, practitioners held a series of events on campus to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the ongoing brutal persecution. This is the second such activity on campus since May 2004.
Korea: Anti-Torture Exhibition Draws Attention and Exposes the Persecution in Seoul
2004-10-23On October 16th, Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in Myeong-Dong, a famous tourist and shopping center in Seoul. The purpose was to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, so the crowded Myeong-Dong area allowed many people to learn of the atrocities currently taking place in the Mainland..
Canada: Introducing Falun Gong at the Vancouver Health Expo
2004-10-23Falun Gong practitioners in Vancouver have been invited to every Health Expo since 1998. The Fourteenth Vancouver Health Expo was held in the Exhibit Hall of the Canadian Hotel on October 16th and 17th, 2004. Falun Gong practitioners brought the good news of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" to people looking for good health.
Taiwan: Press Conference Exposes the Xinhua News Agency's Slander of Falun Gong
2004-10-22On October 19th, the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association held a press conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan to lodge a formal complaint about the Xinhua News Agency's slander of Falun Gong. A written protest was delivered to Xinhua Deputy Director Xu Xi'an and others, exposing their crimes of disseminating and inciting hatred.
United States: Introducing Falun Dafa at the 2004 Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival in Northern California
2004-10-22Practitioners from the San Francisco Bay Area participated in the 2004 Art & Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay - an event that attracts over 250,000 people annually. There were lots of participants and events and practitioners cheerfully distributed leaflets to an enthusiastic crowd.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Association's Orientation for New Students in National Chung Cheng University
2004-10-21The Falun Dafa Association in the National Chung Cheng University held a student orientation on October 6th, 2004. A Falun Gong introduction video was shown at the orientation, and Dr Huang of St. Martin De Porres Hospital and Falun Gong practitioners from Nan Hua University and Wu Feng College shared their cultivation experiences.
United States: Local Community Invites Falun Gong Practitioners to Participate in the 35th Annual Columbus Day Parade in San Diego, California
2004-10-21On October 16th, 2004, San Diego Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the 35th annual Columbus Day Parade. The practitioners' procession consisted of large banners reading "Falun Dafa", a beautiful float, and waist drum and Fan Dance troupes, all of which were highly commended by parade organisers and the spectators.
Japan: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution at the 47th Convention on the Protection of Human Rights Held by Japan Federation of Bar Associations
2004-10-20On October 7th and 8th, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) held its 47th convention on the protection of human rights at Miyazaki-ken, Japan. Falun Gong practitioners in Japan considered this as a good opportunity to introduce Falun Gong and expose the persecution to Japan's legal system.
Canada: "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition Held at York University
2004-10-20From October 12th-22nd, 2004, the art exhibition "Uncompromising Courage" is being held at York University in Toronto. Teachers and students at the University offered much encouragement and support. The art exhibition attracted many visitors, making it a grand occasion. Several media representatives also came to interview the artists.
Taiwan: Introducing Falun Dafa at the 2004 Grapefruit Festival in Moatou
2004-10-19The Taiwan County Government holds the Moatou Grapefruit Festival and Danei Fruit Festival to reward farmers and encourage their involvement in community. Performances of traditional skills and art by schools and local communities are highlights of the festival, which also includes booths and exhibits.
South Africa: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at the Durban Institute of Technology
2004-10-19After learning that such a good practise is banned in China, and that Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted, the Institute's Student Union felt it hard to understand, and asked me to set up a Falun Gong practice site at the institute as soon as possible. The lecture was finally scheduled for October 13th.
Chinese Embassy Rejects Passport Renewal for a Falun Gong Practitioner who is a Permanent Resident of Japan
2004-10-18"I am a citizen of the People's Republic of China. I have not committed any crime, and I merely wanted to speak out in support of a cultivation practise that is good for mind and body. For this simple reason, my right to return to my country and my right to passport renewal were taken away from me. This is an abuse of our basic human rights. No other democratic country can imagine how badly China has breached her own constitution."