Worldwide News
"Sandstorm" Wins Top Honour at 27th Annual Philadelphia International Film Festival
2004-07-11"Sandstorm," a Chinese language film made by NTDTV won the top honour, Best Featured Film, at the 27th Annual Philadelphia International Film Festival on the evening of July the 3rd 2004. "Sandstorm" is a story of a storm-trapped Chinese policeman, whose conscience troubled him with memories of his arrest of a woman Falun Gong practitioner for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials on the street.
Article from The Epoch Times: South Africa Embassy Assures Family Members of Shooting Victims That the Criminals will be Brought to Justice
2004-07-11The spiritual movement Falun Gong was banned five years ago in China and is severely repressed there. However, while practitioners' human rights are violated in China, and they have complained about harassment by Chinese officials overseas, this is the first time they have been shot at, according to Li Ying, a family member of one of the victims.
Victims of South Africa Shooting Return to Australia and Recount More Crime Details
2004-07-10According to an Epoch Times report, nine Falun Gong practitioners from Australia who had gone to South Africa safely returned to Sydney on July the 5th 2004 and further revealed the details of the shooting incident.
Media Summary: The Shooting Incident in South Africa Draws Attention from Media around the World
2004-07-10Central News Agency reported on June 30, "Falun Gong spokesperson Leon Wang said to the South Africa News Agency, 'They were forced to stop on [the] road side because of [a] flat tire. It was strange that the gunman stopped and watched the practitioners in the car, but did not rob anything. They believe that the gunman was hired by Chinese regime because they don't have any enemy in South Africa.'"
Jiang and His Followers' State Terrorism Displayed in South Africa Shooting
2004-07-09The spying activities of the Party have fully demonstrated its cruel nature and its willingness to gain political power through shedding blood and destroying lives. Shooting Falun Dafa practitioners is one of the means utilised in Jiang's acts of state terrorism. This shooting aimed at Falun Dafa practitioners which happened in South Africa is an extension of Jiang's persecution overseas.
Japan: Tourists Shocked to See Torture Exhibition
2004-07-09Falun Gong practitioners in the exhibition put so much effort in their roles that their work brought the brutal persecution to reality for tourists from many countries. Through the torture exhibit, they called out from the bottom of their hearts: It is time to stop the five-year-long persecution!
Israel: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather at the Chinese Embassy to Protest Against the Shooting Last Week in South Africa
2004-07-09Israeli practitioners gathered on June the 28th at the Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv. The practitioners wanted to protest against the export of the persecution outside China by Jiang Zemin. They hung banners and displayed photos depicting the methods of brutal torture in China and the recent incident in South Africa.
Peru: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Outside the Chinese Embassy in Lima, Protesting Jiang and Luo's Group's Hiring Gunmen to Shoot Practitioners
2004-07-08On the afternoon of July the 3rd 2004, practitioners in Lima, Peru gathered outside the Chinese Embassy to strongly condemn Jiang and Luo's group hiring gunmen in South Africa to shoot Falun Gong practitioners who went there to peacefully appeal.
Japan: Practitioners Rally in front of the Chinese Embassy to Condemn Jiang Group's State-Terrorism
2004-07-08The South Africa shooting incident was the first malicious case in which Falun Gong practitioners were shot outside of China. It was an obvious act of international terrorism. We call upon all people who have a sense of justice as well as governments and media to pay attention to this incident, and work together with us to investigate and expose this crime.
Chinese Consulate in Houston Refuses to Extend Falun Gong Practitioner's Passport (Photo)
2004-07-07I am a Chinese citizen living in Houston, Texas, USA. During the morning of September 2, 2003 I went to the Chinese Consulate in Houston to apply for a passport extension. Consul Yang Zhuofan said that doing this was hurting China's reputation and that Falun Gong is against the law, etc. I said that this is the United States and I have not violated any law and have obeyed U.S. law. The next day I went to pick up my passport. The person in the front office told me that my passport had not been extended. One official in the consulate told me that they would extend my passport if I would stop practising in front of the consulate.
"Save the Children Being Persecuted in China" Bike Trip by Canadian Youth to Washington DC Begins
2004-07-07A group of young Canadian Falun Gong practitioners, students of Toronto's Minghui School, began a bike trip from Toronto to Washington DC to expose the Jiang group's persecution of children for their or their parents' practice of Falun Gong in China.
Family Members of Victims in the South Africa Shooting Incident Meet with South African Embassy Officials in Australia
2004-07-07Family members of the victims and representatives of Falun Gong practitioners expressed to the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs their request of ensuring Australian citizens' safety in other countries. The South African Embassy said that they would try their best to arrest the criminals.
United States: Public Rally in front of the White House Calling for an End to Jiang's Group's Extension of State Terrorism
2004-07-06The drive-by shooting incident in South Africa has aroused intensive attention from the international community. On the afternoon of July the 3rd, a public rally cosponsored by more than ten non-governmental and non-profit organizations was held in front of the White House, calling for a stop to the Jiang's group's overseas extension of state-run terrorism.
Canada: Shocked by Seeing the Torture Display, People in Toronto Sign a Petition to Support the Victims
2004-07-06Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition on a square across from the largest shopping centre in Toronto on May 28. Passersby stopped to watch, and were shocked, saddened, and angered. The citizens sympathised with the torture victims.
Latvian Practitioners Release a Statement Regarding the Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-05On the afternoon of July 1st, Latvian Dafa practitioners appealed at the Chinese embassy in Riga City against the shooting of Australian Falun Gong practitioners by unknown gunmen in South Africa. A variety of evidence indicates that this shooting incident was a premeditated crime targeting Falun Gong practitioners during the visit of the two Chinese officials.