Worldwide News
Israel: First Israeli Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Succesfully Held
2002-10-08During the period from September 30 and October 5 2002, Israeli Falun Dafa practitioners held a six-day international experience-sharing conference and activities in different cities. Participating in the conference and activities were practitioners from England, United States, Australia, Russia, Belgium, Sweden, Taiwan and from all over Israel.
Israel: Photo Report - Promoting Dafa in Jerusalem and the Dead Sea
2002-10-08 -
Korea: Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Facts to Chinese People During the 14th Asian Games (Photos)
2002-10-08On September 29, 2002, the opening ceremony of the 14th Asian Games was held in Busan, the main seaport of Korea. Athletes from 14 Asian countries participated in the 16-day sports event.
Israel: Photo Report from the First Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Tel Aviv
2002-10-07 -
Texas: "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibit Held at State Capitol in Austin
2002-10-07...the City Hall informed us that the mayor had declared the three days of September 6th, 7th and 8th, the days of the exhibit, to be "Falun Dafa Days" in Austin, Texas to welcome Falun Gong practitioners and congratulate the success of the photo exhibition.
Mexico: Local Residents Learn Falun Dafa (Photos)
2002-10-07 -
Northern Georgia: Introducing Falun Gong to Native Americans at the Enota Mountain Retreat (Photos)
2002-10-07When we introduced and demonstrated the five-sets of exercises, all of them listened attentively and reverently, and were eager to learn the exercises with smiles on their faces from beginning to end. They gazed at the hand gestures of the practitioners until the end of the instruction of the five-sets of exercises. They were happy to accept the precious book Zhuan Falun, exercise instruction video, truth-clarification VCD [Video Cdroms] and literature that the practitioners brought.
Texas: Global Campaign to "Rescue Our Family Members" Launched in Dallas (Photos)
2002-10-06On the morning of October 2, 2002 Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference regarding the campaign "Rescue Our Family Members" [for details see main text].
Waco: Falun Dafa Practitioners Attend Heart O' Texas Fair & Rodeo Parade (Photos)
2002-10-06Holding colourful fans in their hands, they performed the Chinese Traditional Fan Dance. Spectators were especially fond of their graceful performance and gave them round upon round of applause. Practitioners dressed in yellow T-shirts handed out Dafa truth-clarifying flyers along the route, which people happily and gratefully accepted.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest the Hong Kong Administration's Proposed "Anti-Subversion Law" (Photos)
2002-10-05AP photo: On October 1, Tuesday, Falun Gong practitioners meditate during a protest outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Hong Kong: Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal Against the Extension of Jiang's Tyranny through Legislation (Photos)
2002-10-05On October 1, 2002, outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, nearly 200 Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners held a three and a half-hour peaceful appeal. The appeal was to protest the Jiang's regime's intimidating the Hong Kong administration to pass "anti-subversion" legislation.
Texas: Falun Gong practitioners Attend the McGregor Parade (Photos)
2002-10-05We often heard people saying, "So beautiful!" Some people said, "When you passed by, we feel very comfortable and peaceful."
Tel Aviv: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activities to Introduce Falun Dafa
2002-10-05Photo Report on recent activities held in Tel-Aviv, IsraelLeft: Parade through Tel-Aviv
California: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa at a Wedding Ceremony
2002-10-04The practitioners gave the audience a brief introduction of Falun Gong. Then, accompanied by melodious music, they performed the "Walking among heaven and earth" dance. Their elegant performance attracted everyone's attention and won warm applause.
Letters of Support from America Public Representatives
2002-10-04...As you know, the government of Iceland sent police officers to Boston and three national media outlets reported that Icelandic officials banned visits by Falun Gong members form June 7-18, 2002 in an effort to prevent large demonstrations against President Jiang Zemin, and that certain citizens had been "blacklisted" by the government of the People's Republic of China.