Worldwide News
Video: Revealing the Facts in Australia
2002-12-15 -
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
2002-12-15The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Brooks, a member of the Advisory Board of Friends of Falun Gong USA, shares his views on the importance of been prepared to record any acts of persecution towards Falun gong practitioners.
Resolution Condemning the Brutal Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-14 -
"RESCUE OUR FAMILIES" - Walk in New York City
2002-12-13On December 7, over 100 Falun Gong practitioners from braved snow and cold weather and walked to all corners of Manhattan in teams, to tell residents of New York and visitors from around the world the real story of the persecution of Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Forum Opens in New York
2002-12-13On December 5th, 2002, an open forum entitled "Falun Gong: The Price and Value of Truth" opened in the Soho area of New York City and it will continue through December.
Falun Dafa Week in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [November 30, 2002]
2002-12-13 -
Singapore Practitioners Clarify the Truth to the Chinese People at Tourist Sites
2002-12-12Singapore is a famous tourist place in Southeast Asia, and thousands of tourists come to visit its scenic beauty every day. On top of that, there are a large number of workers, students, professionals, and visitors, etc., who come from China, which has given us an excellent opportunity to clarify the truth to the Chinese people
Meeting with a State Representative Outside a Museum in Washington DC
2002-12-12The representative looked at our display board and she was very moved. She expressed her appreciation for our actions and told us she was confident that a resolution condemning the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong would be passed at the state legislature.
Local Governments in North America Recognise Falun Dafa
2002-12-11Left: Congratulations Recognising the Practise of Falun Dafa, Senate of Commonwealth, Pennsylvania
Delaware, USA: Falun Gong Procession Draws Great Attention during the Christmas Parade in Wilmington
2002-12-10The annual grand Christmas Parade was held in Wilmington in the State of Delaware. Although it was windy, with temperatures below freezing, thousands of local residents still enthusiastically gathered on both sides of the downtown streets to watch the largest and most lively parade of the year.
Introducing Falun Dafa at the Practise Site in front of San Francisco City Hall
2002-12-10Once a young couple from Beijing said to us: "Wow, Falun Gong. Giving us such nicely printed fliers too. Thanks a lot...I have told you that I had helped a Falun Gong practitioner. The police tried to catch him but I hid him. The police did not catch him. Those police were out of line. They focused their efforts on good people..."
Introducing Falun Dafa to the Kansas State University Poetry Group
2002-12-09On November 23, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners attended a meeting of the Kansas State University Poetry Group where we were invited to present an introduction to Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
Practitioner in Australia Asks For Senator's Help to Deliver a Letter and Christmas Present to Fiancée in a Chinese Forced Labour Camp
2002-12-09"As Christmas is approaching, everyone else is reuniting with his or her loved ones. However, my fiancée is still suffering the risk of being tortured, while I am unable to obtain a visa to China to visit her. I have written a letter to Li Ying and have a Christmas gift for her. I doubt that my letter will reach her, due to the high security in China. Would it be possible for an Australian Government official to kindly deliver this message in Shanghai?"
Video: Under the Cloud of the Blacklist
2002-12-08This short video provides details about many aspects of the persecution of Falun Gong outside of China, with special emphasis upon the way in which the Jiang regime created and disseminated a blacklist of practitioners to foreign governments in an attempt to tarnish their reputations and restrict their freedom to travel.
Law Consultants Expose and Criticise the Hong Kong Government's Deceptions and Point Out that Article 23 Violates the "Johannesburg Principles"
2002-12-08According to a report from a Hong Kong newspaper, HK government officials insist that Article 23 completely coincides with the "Johannesburg Principles" on national security, freedom of expression and access to information. However, the Executive Director of the law consultant group in charge of creating these principles came to Hong Kong yesterday to point out that Article 23 directly violates the "Johannesburg Principles."