Worldwide News
Canadians Help to Rescue Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Torture in China
2002-12-08Over the past three years the brutal reality of the illegal persecution of Falun Gong has become known throughout the world. The peaceful appeals of Falun Gong practitioners have motivated the public and the government to step forward to help those suffering in China. Here are stories of seven practitioners who were rescued by the efforts of Canadians. They have now been reunited with their families.
Another Criminal Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Falun Gong Practitioners in Front of the Chicago Chinese Consulate
2002-12-08In September 2001, as Chicago Falun Gong practitioners were conducting a peaceful appeal, they were assaulted and one practitioner was violently beaten. The Chinese criminal threatened the practitioner, "If you report this, I will kill you."
Joint Statement of International and Regional NGOs in Hong Kong on Article 23
2002-12-07"Considering the concerns about the governments proposals and their threats to human rights, we oppose the proposals in the consultation document. We are of the view that there is no need to create new offences for Articles 23 and that the present proposals should be withdrawn."
Project for the New American Century Writes to President Bush, Urging Him to Express Concerns on Hong Kong's Proposed Security Law
2002-12-07In brief, these new laws will be enforced in an environment in which the appropriate political and legal checks and balances do not exist, and under the influence of a regime with a record of using national security laws to punish advocates of political and religious freedom.
New Jersey Congressman Robert Andrews: I Remain Hopeful That the Chinese Government's Repression of the Falun Gong Will Soon be Brought to an End
2002-12-07 -
Australian Member of Parliament Peter Slipper Shows Concern for the Relative of an Australian Citizen Detained in China
2002-12-07 -
Jiang Zemin Fails to Respond to Genocide Lawsuit
2002-12-06According to an October 24 report from AP, however, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry denied the existence of the lawsuit...When confronted by reporters as to the exact nature of his denial, however, the spokesman backpedaled, saying the reporter's "understanding is right" when the reporter gave a detailed account of the lawsuit being filed and served in Chicago.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Statement against proposed Article 23 Legislation
2002-12-06"The ICFTU is deeply concerned that the legislative proposal contained in the recent Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government consultation document entitled Proposal to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, will lead to the erosion of human rights and rule of law in Hong Kong."
Official Recognition of the Falun Dafa Association of Queensland
2002-12-06On 28 November 2002, the government of Queensland, Australia officially recognized the Falun Dafa Association of Queensland Inc. as a registered non-profit charitable association.
A New York Attorney Urges Officials to Bring Hate Crime Charges Against Thugs Who Terrorised Chicago Practitioners
2002-12-06"I am disturbed however, upon learning that the unprovoked beating of Chicagoan Bill Lin Fang and the terrorising of practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement have been treated as mere misdemeanours and not as genuine hate crimes."
"Rescue Our Family Members and Bring Them Home" Press Conference and Large-Scale Parade During Philadelphia Experience Sharing Conference
2002-12-05Practitioners walked through Chinatown holding a large banner reading "Rescue Our Family Members and Bring Them Home". At the front were dozens of practitioners whose family members are being persecuted in China. Wearing sashes reading, "Please Help Rescue Our Family Members" and carrying pictures of their family members, they called upon the public for support.
Falun Gong Attracts Attention at a Health Expo in Taiwan
2002-12-05Recently, Falun Gong practitioners' exercise demonstration at a health expo in Taiwan attracted the attention of many people who wondered how the practitioners could do sitting meditation so peacefully in a crowded environment.
Texas Dafa Practitioners Participate in Grand Thanksgiving Parade in Houston
2002-12-04At 9:00 a.m. the parade began. The local TV and radio stations and newspapers came to conduct interviews and videotape the parade...also,tens of thousands of locals crowded along the roadside to watch the performances.
Australia: Melbourne Minghui School Founded
2002-12-04The Melbourne Minghui School was founded on November 17, 2002. Currently all students are young practitioners and Dafa practitioners' children with ages ranging from three to sixteen years old.
Grand Parade After Eastern U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Philadelphia