Worldwide News
Photo Report: Recent Falun Dafa Activities in North America
2002-09-29 -
UK Government Human Rights Report 2002: Serious Concerns about China
2002-09-28"We continue to have serious concerns about the human rights situation in China. The last year has seen continuing harassment of dissidents, some religious practitioners and Falun Gong adherents."
Australia: Lotus Flower Presentation for the 'International Day of Peace' (Photos)
2002-09-28To coincide with the UN 'International Day of Peace', practitioners from Sunshine Coast displayed the magnificent and peaceful nature of Dafa.Left: Dafa practitioner with paper lotus flowers.
Washington DC: Falun Gong Practitioners Art Exhibitions in Washington D.C.
2002-09-28Between the dates on September 18 and 20, Australian Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Cuiying held two of her painting exhibition in Washington DC. Left: Ms. Zhang Cuiying and Congressman Benjamin Gilman
St. Louis: Clarifying the Truth during the St. Louis Fire Balloon Festival (Photos)
2002-09-27On September 21, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the City of St. Louis' Fire Balloon festival. Practitioners set up display boards and handed out truth-clarification materials while demonstrating the 5-set of Falun Gong exercises.
Australia: Clarifying the Truth and Clearing the Lies in Canberra
2002-09-27In Canberra, Dafa practitioners performed various musical and dance performances. A local resident tols practitioners, "Your performance is so beautiful. I have been sitting here for two hours and I don't want to leave."
Friends Of Falun Gong, Canada Appeals to Danish Minister for Culture
2002-09-27Friends Of Falun Gong Association of Canada Writes to Danish Minister for Culture, Calling for Just Treatment of Falun Gong.
New Jersey: Falun Dafa at the Mid-Autumn Festival
2002-09-26 -
Australia: Falun Dafa Radiates Brightness at the Grand Floral Parade in Toowoomba
2002-09-26On September 21, 2002 Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Toowoomba 53rd Grand Floral Parade.
Denmark: Speech by Former Danish MP at a Press Conference in Copenhagen
2002-09-25"Governments of the people do not deny people their freedom of expression. Do not use torture against peaceful demonstrators. Do not abuse psychiatry to crush opponents."
Japan: A Lawyer's Letter to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Regarding Yoko Kaneko
2002-09-22We hope you, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, pay close attention to the unjust persecution happening in China and demand the immediate release of Yoko Kaneko as well as appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Colorado: Introducing Falun Dafa at the University of Colorado during the New Semester Campus Fair
2002-09-21On September 17 and 18, Falun Dafa practitioners in Colorado attended the 2002 new semester campus fair at the Denver Campus of the University of Colorado.Left: Practitioners clarifying the truth.
New Jersey: Falun Dafa Takes Root (Photos)
2002-09-20September 14 is Newark's "People's Festival" every year. This year the festival was named as "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance Day."Left: Practitioners demonstrate the five sets of exercises on stage
Houston: Residents Enthusiastically Learn Falun Gong
2002-09-19On September 7, Saturday, Houston practitioners went to Montgomery County Public Library in the Woodlands, near Houston, to hold a Falun Gong introductory workshop. Left: Learning the Falun Gong exercises
Korea: The 2002 Asian Pacific Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Convenes in Seoul
2002-09-18The 2002 Asian Pacific Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference convened on September 7-8 in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Over one thousand Falun Dafa practitioners from many countries and regions attended and felt that they improved during the conference