World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Hong Kong: A Good Place to Learn the Truth about Falun Gong
2004-08-26Many took pictures and videotaped the practitioners and their display. Having lived under dictatorship, they were so thirsty for the truth. The lies in the Chinese government's propaganda collapsed on themselves when people learnt that Falun Gong has been spread in more than sixty countries throughout the world.
Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Deliver a Memorandum to South Africa Embassy to Urge an Expedited Investigation into the Shooting Incident
2004-08-26Four representatives from the Falun Dafa Research Centre of Malaysia delivered a memorandum to the South Africa Embassy on the 20th of August, 2004, regarding the South Africa shooting incident targeting Australian Falun Gong practitioners that took place on the 28th of June.
United States: Vancouver Sun Reports on Falun Gong Practitioners' Appeal
2004-08-25August the 20th marked the third anniversary of Vancouver Falun Gong practitioners' continuous 24-hour-a-day appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate. On August the 19th, a large and influential local English newspaper telephoned practitioners to request an interview regarding the reasons for this appeal that has lasted for three years.
Media Summary: The Week in Review, August 16th - 22nd, 2004
2004-08-25Scoop carried a news release by the Falun Dafa Information Centre, reporting on a former Chinese Education Ministry being sued for torture and murder. Chen Zhili was named in a civil suit filed on July 19th, as she was on a tour of African nations. The charges against her include "a Cultural Revolution-style campaign throughout China's education system - including graduate schools, colleges, middle schools, primary schools, and even kindergartens - ordering teaches and students to undergo 'political shaping of thoughts' with respect to Falun Gong."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Falun Gong Activities in Manhattan, New York
2004-08-24Since August this year, Falun Gong practitioners have conducted a series of activities to introduce the beauty of Falun Gong and the horror of its persecution on the busy streets of Manhattan. At several places where huge crows constantly pass by, practitioners hold live torture-reenactments to display the inhuman means used by the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his group.
Korea: Minghui School's First Summer Camp Successfully Concludes
2004-08-24The carefully prepared three-day-curriculum taught the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" through stories, study of the teachings of Falun Gong, the Falun Gong exercises, movies and games. Many Falun Gong practitioners made contributions to this activity by helping teach the exercises and decorate the activity site.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in a Panel During the Canadian Bar Association Annual Conference in Winnipeg
2004-08-23The annual conference of the Canadian Bar Association attracted many experts, including Canada's Minister of Justice Mr. Irwin Cotler, the Minister of International Cooperation Ms. Aileen Carroll, Chief Justice Beverly McLachilin, Deputy Minister of Justice Mr. Paul Macklin and over 800 lawyers and other professionals in the legal system.
Korea: Falun Gong Practitioners' Van Trip to Introduce Falun Gong Successfully Concludes
2004-08-23Falun Gong practitioners' two-week van trip to introduce the practice of Falun Gong and to highlight the brutal persecution occurring in China across the country successfully concluded. They re-enacted torture methods used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China.
United States: Spending A Weekend Introducing Falun Gong to the People of New York
2004-08-22He said, "We homeless people have had a hard time, but it is nothing compared to what you have experienced. You are great!" When he learnt that we had spent our spare time and money from our own pockets on these activities, he bowed several times to the pictures of the Falun Gong practitioners who were playing the part of the torture victims.
Taiwan: Report from the 2004 Falun Dafa Northern Taiwan Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference
2004-08-22Beginning on the 13th of August, 2004, more than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners from Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Ilan and other places gathered at Jiantan Youth Activity Centre in Taipei to attend the three-day 2004 Northern Taiwan Group Falun Gong Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference and to read the teachings of Falun Gong.
Epoch Times: "Red China" Minister Sued in Former Red Capital
2004-08-21On the 9th of August, a Russian resident filed a lawsuit in Moscow against top Chinese official Bo Xilai for persecuting Falun Gong in China. This is the fourth time the Minister of Commerce has been singled-out for crimes against humanity.
Korea Daily Sports: China, Why Are We an Illegal Group
2004-08-21"Spirit of the Olympics is peace, friendship and equality. This spirit agrees with the fundamental principles of Falun Gong. Except for China, Falun Dafa is accepted at large as a general cultivation practice in other countries in the world. However, in China, it is identified as an illegal organisation and is brutally suppressed."
New York City: Anti-Torture Exhibition Moves People's Heart
2004-08-20People were shocked at the horrible scene. Many people asked: "Are these truly happening? Where does it occur? Why are they persecuted?" People could not believe that there is still such brutal persecution in today's world and the persecuted are a group of kind people who do meditation and practice "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance".
Japan: Anti-Torture Exhibition In Nagano Reenacts Persecution Suffered by Yoko Kaneko
2004-08-20People passing by stopped to watch. Constantly, people asked, "Are these kinds of tortures really happening in China?" In the end, Yoko said, "I hope that people here will continue to support those Falun Gong practitioners who are still imprisoned and tortured by the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his group in China, just as you have done to rescue me."
Australia: David Liang, Whose Right Heel Bone Was Shattered in the South Africa Shooting Incident, Is Quickly Recovering
2004-08-19I want the entire world to know that my feet were injured and also that the seriousness of the injuries is recorded. It is also absolutely true that my feet have recovered to this stage. I can be a living example, to clarify the truth of Falun Gong. What has happened to me is sufficient to demonstrate that what the Chinese ruling party's TV and newspapers have said in their attacks on Falun Gong are all lies.