World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Brief of Amicus Curiae Filed Regarding the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-13Amici Curiae are a number of members of Congress who have a long-standing interest in foreign affairs and are concerned about human rights and human rights conditions in the People's Republic of China. The Amici have a long-standing interest in the protection and advancement of human rights around the world and have been involved in the oversight and enactment of the various provisions of law involved in the civil action here, including the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, the Alien Tort Claims Act, and the Torture Victims Protection Act.
U.S. Congressman Tom Lantos' Letter Urging His Colleagues to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-13"For Chinese and American citizens who have been illegally sent to prisons and psychiatric institutions against their will, suffered brutal physical and mental torture, and made to live in appalling conditions, there is no hope that the Chinese court system will bring them justice. The Falun Gong lawsuit filed in Illinois provides just that hope."
Israel: Dafa Practitioners Hold 40-Hour Sending Righteous Thoughts in Front of Chinese Embassy
2003-06-13 -
United States: Los Angeles Practitioners Gather in Front of Chinese Consulate to Appeal for the Rescue of Charles Li and Support the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-06-13On June 9, 2003, dozens of local Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate General regarding the situation of American citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Charles Li. The practitioners also introduced the information about the current lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang for the crime of genocide.
Japan: Practitioners Join with Citizen's Support Network to Hold A Signature Collecting Activity to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2003-06-13On May 24, Falun Dafa practitioners in Kinki City and the Citizen's Support Network of Osaka City organised a signature-collecting event at Umeda-one in the busiest area in Osaka for the purpose of rescuing Yoko Kaneko, who was arrested last May in China when she was delivering flyers revealing the facts of persecution of Falun Gong.
Full Text of 80 Illinois State Representatives' Letter Urging Members of Congress to Support U.S. Lawsuit against Former Chinese Leader
2003-06-12In a joint letter to Illinois Members of Congress, 80 Illinois state representatives urged their federal counter-parts to "vigorously support" the class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Illinois against the former Chinese leader. The letter dated May 29, 2003 was co-signed by 78 other members of the Illinois State Assembly and delivered to members of Congress on June 3rd.
Montreal: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Forum in Chinatown to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-12To support the lawsuit against Jiang, on June 6, practitioners in Montreal Canada rallied in Zhongshan Park in Chinatown to practise the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts and organise a forum to expose the evil persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
United States: Las Vegas Practitioners Perform Falun Gong Exercises at Martial Arts Festival
2003-06-12On May 23, 2003 Las Vegas Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the Martial Arts Festival held in Clark County Library and performed the five sets of exercises. Beautiful music and gentle, smooth exercise movements brought a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere for the people, attracting their great interest in Falun Dafa.
United States: New England Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities to Help Rescue Charle's Li and Support Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-11Falun Dafa practitioners in New England held three continuous days of appeals and press conferences to let the people know about Charles Li and the efforts to Bring Jiang to Justice.
Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Launch "Bring Jiang to Justice" Petition Drive
2003-06-11Melbourne Falun Gong practitioners have started a "Bring Jiang to Justice" petition drive. They composed a petition letter to Prime Minister Howard and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, asking them to express their support for the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
Singapore: Dafa Practitioners Host "Road to Health" Presentation
2003-06-11On May 18, 2003 Sunday afternoon, Singapore Falun Dafa practitioners held a "Road to Health" reception for the public in the auditorium of the Bank of Development. Singapore Practitioners carefully selected over ten short TV programs that discussed health from different aspects, over two hundred people attended the reception.
United States: Practitioners Around North America Hold Activities to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-10Practitioners from Houston, Atlanta and San Francisco hold activities to support bringing Jiang to justice, to support Charles Li and Dafa practitioners being persecuted in China, and to expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Australia: Sydney Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Candle Light Vigil in Front of Chinese Consulate, Supporting the Lawsuit against Jiang and Appealing for the Release of Charles Li
2003-06-10 -
Practitioners From Around the World Hold Activities to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin and to Help Rescue Charles Li
2003-06-09Practitioners from America, Canada, and New Zealand have held parade's, press conferences and hunger strikes to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and to help rescue Charles Li and all practitioners detained in China for practising Falun Gong.
Letter to Japan's Prime Minister from Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-06-09"We hereby sincerely appeal to you to please appeal to the present Head of China, Mr. Hu Jintao, at any opportunity either in public or private, for the release of Mrs. Kaneko Yoko, together with other imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners who are family members of Japanese citizens or Japanese residents, and express your concern about Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong."