Mr. Yang Wenqiang Tortured in Anshan Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Before His Death
2009-08-15Mr. Yang Wenqiang was arrested when he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in 2006 and sent to Anshan Forced Labour Camp where he was subjected to inhumane torture. He wasn't allowed to sleep, an object with sharp spikes was pulled across his skin, and he was beaten with wooden boards, leather belts, and a triangular belt with a lump on top. When Mr. Yang's family members saw him, they noticed that from his hips to his ankles he was bruised to a black-purple colour. He couldn't straighten up. He was hunchbacked and could barely walk. Mr. Yang had pains throughout his body every day and his mental state was unstable. On December 11th, 2006, a mentally disordered Mr. Yang hanged himself.
Ms. Wang Meiying Tortured to Death and Her Younger Sister Now Detained
2009-08-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Baoying, was arrested and taken to the County Detention Centre on the evening of July 22nd, 2009. Earlier, in March, Ms. Wang's older sister, Ms. Wang Meiying was arrested while she was distributing informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong and taken to a labour camp. While at the camp, she was force-fed, which caused the failure of her right lung. Ms. Wang Meiying died as a result of persecution in the Forced Labour Camp in Jinan City, Shandong Province on March 23rd, 2009.
The Harbin City 610 Office Manipulates the Judicial System and Sentences Ms. Li Feng to Nine Years in Prison
2009-08-15On August 2008, police from the Harbin City Heilongjiang Province arrested Falun Gong practitioner Li Feng at her grocery shop. Her family hired a lawyer for her. The lawyer pleaded not guilty and presented convincing evidence of her innocence. However, the court sentenced her to nine years in prison. Li Feng's family hired lawyer Wei Liangyue to defend her. Lawyer Wei was a former director of the Jiaodian Law Firm in Heilongjiang Province. He was forced to resign because he submitted not-guilty pleas on behalf of Falun Gong practitioners. In the annual review in 2009, the Heilongjiang Judiciary Bureau directed by the 610 Office threatened that none of the lawyers of the law firm could register as lawyers if Wei did not resign from the director position.
Mr. Sun Xiaojun in Critical Condition after Abuse at Zhejiang Province No. 4 Prison
2009-08-14Mr. Sun Xiaojun is a 32-year-old Falun Gong practitioner who resides in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province. On numerous occasions, he was detained, sent to forced labour camps and sentenced to imprisonment. He most recently suffered severe persecution, including torture, at Zhejiang Province No. 4 Prison in Linping City. He is now in critical condition and cannot take care of himself. He used to be a healthy young man weighing about 65 kg (140 1bs.), but he had been persecuted to such a state that he is emaciated and weighs only about 35 kg (80 lbs).
Ms. Ha Jingbo, a Secondary School Teacher, Has Been Detained Beyond Her Term
2009-08-14Ms. Ha Jingbo was a teacher at the No. 4 Secondary School of Dongfeng County in Jilin Province. Because she practised Falun Gong, she was incarcerated at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. July 2nd, 2009 was the date that Ha Jingbo was to be released after fulfilling the one-year term and an additionally imposed 5 days, but the labour camp refused to release her. The Politics and Law Committee of Dongfeng County and the 610 Office only informed Ha Jingbo's school and did not inform her family members. When the family went to get Ha Jingbo, the personnel from the Labour Camp claimed that Ha Jingbo was "too stubborn" and refused to be "transformed."
Ms. Wu Shunzhen from Nanjing City Arrested and Tortured Again
2009-08-14On July 23rd, 2009, Ms. Wu Shunzhen was arrested by police while she was telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Xinjiekou. The second morning she was sent to the Nanjing Detention Centre. It is said that Wu Shunzhen, who is 55 years old, had already been followed by the police for three days. While upholding her right to practise Falun Gong, Ms. Wu Shunzhen has been persecuted continuously by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. She was once detained in the Nanjing Brain Hospital, the Qinglongshan Mental Hospital, the Nanjing Detention Centre, the Jurong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province as well as the Nanjing Women's Prison.
Mr. Li Shaotie Tortured in Two Forced Labour Camps
2009-08-14Mr. Li Shaotie, 56 years old and a Falun Gong practitioner has been arrested several times because he didn't give up practising Falun Gong. Three of his four immediate family members were imprisoned. Mr. Li Shaotie recounts: "While I was detained in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, police officers and detainees beat and cursed me frequently. Officials in the labour camp used several torture methods and one of them was called the "iron chair." Once, I was tortured this way for three consecutive weeks. When they released my arms and legs, I couldn't even walk. In the labour camp, practitioners were constantly subjected to all kinds of torture, such as electric batons, the iron chair and the "dead person's bed.""
A Summary of My Torture Experiences at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp and Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-08-13Because I practise Falun Gong, the police arrested me in 2000. I was eventually given two years of forced labour. Dalian City Forced Labour Camp guards repeatedly tortured me to give up Falun Gong. I was forced to bend down in painful positions and tortured to the point where my whole body was covered with scabies. I had bloody urine and developed a fever. Doctors at the hospital said I would die soon so the labour camp released me. Later I was sent back to the labour camp. Because I refused to recite the labour camp rules they locked me up in a small metal cage. The guards pulled my hands as far away from my body as physically possible and handcuffed each of my hands to the metal cage. Because of the intense physical pain I lost control of my excretory functions.
Health Renewed after Practising Falun Gong But Persecuted for Not Giving Up the Practice
2009-08-13The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) birth control policy wrecked Ms. Fu Ying's health. After practising Falun Gong, her illness disappeared. When the CCP started the persecution, she was forced into a miserable situation. Police ransacked Ms. Fu's home and confiscated all of her Falun Gong books. She was sent to a brainwashing facility. Her mother was bedridden when the police broke into her home. She was very frightened and her illness became worse. She passed away shortly afterwards. In 2005 Ms. Fu was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. Practising Falun Gong helped Ms. Fu to become pain free and renew her life, but the CCP has repeatedly persecuted her during the past few years.
Elderly Man on the Verge of Death After Being Sentenced in Huili County, Sichuan Province
2009-08-13After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Gao Guangchong was placed in leg irons and handcuffs, and was subjected to force-feeding. He was arrested eleven times, sent to labour camp, and forced to leave home to avoid further persecution twice. His home was ransacked numerous times, as well. Currently Mr. Gao's entire body is swollen from torture in Wumaping Prison, and he has been hospitalized in critical condition. His children went to the prison, saw the condition he was in, and requested that the prison release him. They have yet to hear from the prison.
Retired Professor from Chengdu City Jailed for Talking to People about Falun Gong Outside a Courthouse
2009-08-13Ms. Tang Yuan, a 67-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, is a retired associate professor from the Central Culture Management Cadre College. On April 29th, she was talking to people about Falun Gong outside the courthouse where Falun Gong practitioner Chen Changyuan was being tried. She was later arrested near Fangcao Street Police Substation. Her home was searched, as well. Tang Yuan is still jailed at the Chengdu City Detention Centre.
Mr. Xu Bin's Seven Years of Incarceration and Torture
2009-08-12Prior to the Communist regime's initiation of the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, 40-year-old Mr. Xu Bin worked at the Dukou Steel & Iron Factory in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. Over the next several years, Mr. Xu suffered severely under the persecution. He eventually left Wumaping Prison in Muchuan County, Leshan City, Sichuan Province in 2009, after enduring constant brainwashing and savage torture. However, another practitioner Liu Tianhou died as a result of torture at the Wumaping Prison.
Mr. Zhang Xingye Brutally Beaten by Daqing City Prison Personnel in Heilongjiang Province
2009-08-12Mr. Zhang Xingye, a Falun Gong practitioner, was brutally tortured by the guards in Daqing City Prison recently. Guards used sticks to beat Mr. Zhang, which resulted in wounds all over his body. Handcuffs were put on his hands and fetters on his feet. He was left outside in the scorching sun for a long time, which caused Mr. Zhang to suffer heat stroke, and he had difficulty breathing. Mr. Zhang's father, who is 70, went to the Daqing City Prison to visit his son many times, but was turned away every time.
Mr. Zhou Xiangyang on Hunger Strike for Over a Year
2009-08-12It has been over one year since Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Xiangyang started a hunger strike at the Gangbei Prison. In May 2009, because he was in critical condition, his family requested that he be released on bail for medical treatment. The prison officials agreed, however the prison stipulated that the family transfer Mr. Zhou's registered permanent address from Tianjin City to an address that was under the 610 Office's jurisdiction. Mr. Zhou's family refused to cooperate. Mr. Zhou weighs only 50 pounds.
Ms. Tang Min from Hunan Medical University Held In Mental Hospital
2009-08-12In May 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tang Min, from Hunan Medical University, was put into a mental hospital by her employer because she refused to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Ms. Tang was injected with nerve-damaging drugs at the hospital, and she has yet to regain her freedom. After each injection, her body becomes cold, resulting in shivering and uneasiness. According to knowledgeable people, this type of drug damages the central nervous system, leading to slower reactions and other harmful effects.