Mr. Tian Shuangjiang Recounts the Persecution He Experienced at the Keerqin District Detention Centre in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia
2007-02-12"I was detained in a detention centre for one year, then I realised that it was wrong to suffer this persecution, and I refused to wear the prison uniform. Guard Liu Xixian put me in a "pig shackle," handcuffs and shackles soldered together with a short iron shackle. One cannot stand up straight, and can only take small steps while bent over. One cannot even undo one's trousers to use the toilet without someone's help. Later they put another tool on me made of iron pipes with shackles on the upper end for the hands, and shackles on the lower end for the legs. After being secured one cannot even move. They made the shackles very tight, even cutting into my muscles. I spent four days and nights like this; it seemed worse than death."
The Earlier Torture Mr. Cao Dong and Mr. Gao Feng Experienced at Lanzhou City Prison in Gansu Province (Part 2)
2007-02-11Mr. Gao Feng went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Clinic Director Lu Chaohua and many guards and team leaders began to force-feed Mr. Gao Feng. Several criminal inmates pressed him against a chair, holding his head, his shoulder and his arms and pushing down his legs. Lu Chaohua tried to insert the feeding tube into his stomach. But the tube was too thick, so he had to change to a thinner tube. They force-fed Mr. Gao with some corn paste. Since then, they force-fed him once or twice a day. Lu Chaohua threatened Mr. Gao that if he did not cooperate, they would use a pair of iron pliers to knock out his teeth. They also inserted a thick tube through his mouth, causing Mr. Gao to vomit continuously and almost lose consciousness.
Women's Division of the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp (Heilongjiang Province) Brutally Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-02-11As soon as the guards had selected a victim for torture, that person would be subjected to a very cruel torture method, called the "forced back-bend" position. This is an extremely painful torture. One arm reaches down the back from behind the head and the other hand meets it from the lower back. The two hands are then cuffed together to the bedside. The victim is forced to sit on the floor in a right angle and not allowed to bend the legs. While being subjected to this torture method, guards and criminal inmates constantly twisted and pulled the victim's hands, resulting in excruciating pain. The hands swell within a short time and the handcuffs cut into the wrists. The victim is short of breath, suffers accelerated heart beat, and is soaked with perspiration.
How Practitioners Are Persecuted in the Second Forced Labour Camp in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
2007-02-11The second group often casually prolongs the sentences of the practitioners. They often do not inform the practitioners beforehand and use excuses such as "practitioners did not listen to their orders," "they practised the exercises," "they went on hunger strikes" and so on, to extend practitioners' sentences. The extension can be for five days, ten days or even up to several months long. During the extension of sentences, if a practitioner protests, the police threaten to extend the sentence even more. Falun Gong practitioner Liu Cheng had almost completed his sentence, but was informed that his sentence was extended for another ten days.
Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqing from Jilin City Imprisoned in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-02-11On January 4th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqing was reported to the authorities by security while she was giving out CDs exposing the persecution in the Chuanying District. She was arrested and taken to the Jilin City Detention Centre. On January 24th, 2007, the Detention Centre Administration took Ms. Sun Shuqing to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City without informing her family members. According to Ms. Sun, during the 20 days she was imprisoned at the detention centre, her health became very poor.
Ms. Gu Zhengfen from Sichuan Province Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in Yunnan Province
2007-02-11Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Gu Zhengfen persisted in her belief in Falun Gong and "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance." As a result, she was persecuted many times. Between 2000 and 2003, she was detained twice and sent to a forced labour camp for over a year. While at the detention centre, she was brutally beaten by police. Several of her front teeth were knocked out, and her mouth was taped shut. She wrote a letter to her employer to explain the facts about Falun Dafa, and later her home was broken into and she was arrested on February 28th, 2004. She was sentenced to five years in prison in January 2005.
The Earlier Torture Mr. Cao Dong and Mr. Gao Feng Experienced at Lanzhou City Prison in Gansu Province (Part 1)
2007-02-10When Mr. Gao read Teacher's [Teacher Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa] articles, he had written down from memory Ma Ling saw it and grabbed the paper. Then he dragged Mr. Gao to the warden's office and handcuffed him. Several criminal inmates took part in the torture of Mr. Gao. They applied handcuff torture methods and used electric batons at will. Because Mr. Gao did the Falun Gong exercises in the cell, in front of the guards and on the playground, he was hung up from a high up beam by his handcuffed hands, or was handcuffed to an electric pole with both arms around it. He was handcuffed for several months with time off only during family visits (the prison was afraid that his family might see this).
How the Guards Force a Dafa Practitioner to Write Guarantee Statements to Renounce Falun Dafa
2007-02-10In the evening of November 6th, 2006, woman guard Liu Baibing at Division 12 ordered Dafa practitioner Ms. Qi Jinling to say things against Dafa. Ms. Qi refused. Guard Liu Baibing was furious and said, "Fine! I'll make you write guarantee statements, even if I lose my job!" She savagely beat Qi Jinling, saying, "We have beaten lots of Falun Gong practitioners to death since 2001! You would be just one more statistic!" She hit Ms. Qi Jinling's head and face with police batons and punched her into the chest with her fists.
Dabei Women's Prison (Liaoning Province) Officials Persecute Practitioners
2007-02-10Practitioners Liu Junlu, Zhang Huaping and Wang Hong refused to recite the prison rules. To punish them, the prison stopped their fine grain supply starting July 2004. They were only given corn bread, no more than 4 pieces at a time; sometimes they were given only one or two pieces, far from enough. In the six months period, they were close to starving. When the only food supply was fine grain (wheat and rice) for other prisoners. The practitioners would have no food to eat.
Practitioner Ms. Li Dafan Persecuted at the Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-1057-year-old Ms. Li Dafan was sentenced to two years of forced labour and taken to Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp on July 25th, 2006. She said she would continue to practise Falun Dafa. She was not allowed contact with people, had to get up at 5 a.m. each morning and go to bed after midnight, and bombard with daily, endless brainwashing sessions and forced to watch slanderous TV programmes.
Practitioner Mr. Han Shanhe Taken for Brainwashing Immediately After His Release from Six Years in Prison
2007-02-10In 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Han Shanhe was sentenced to six years in prison for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. He often spoke out for justice for Dafa and refused to write guarantee statements to renounce Dafa. His family went through much mental trauma and persecution during the past few years. Han Shanhe’s sentence expired on January 1st, 2007 after six years in prison. When he stepped out of the prison gate, police took him straight to the Hanjiang District brainwashing "class" in Wuhan City.
Ms. Wang Yufang Tortured to Death at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
2007-02-09Ms. Wang Yufang, 53 years old, was arrested on August 9th, 2005, and her home was ransacked. She was taken to Changliu Detention Centre in Tonghua City and sentenced to three years of forced labour. She suffered cruel torture and brutal torment at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun and was harmed physically and mentally. Ms. Wang could not eat or walk and was bedridden. She was close to death when she returned home. Her family took her to the Central Hospital. She was diagnosed with bile duct cancer and passed away on January 25th, 2007.
Practitioner Mr. Chen Donglin of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Tortured in Hongze Lake Prison
2007-02-09Practitioner Mr. Chen was sent to Hongze Lake Prison, where the prison had established tactics to "transform" practitioners. They first of all studied an imprisoned practitioner's background and then asked former practitioners, who turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture (collaborators) to go to the practitioner's home to pretend to comfort his family members. The whole process was videotaped and then shown to the practitioner involved, in an attempt to "transform" that practitioner by taking advantage of his affection for his family. Then they ordered the collaborators to force the practitioner to watch slanderous DVD programes and share their "understandings."
Practitioner Mr. Mo Yongbing from Sichuan Province, Detained in Yongchuan Prison
2007-02-09In 2002, police officers broke into 60-year-old Mr. Mo Yongbing’s house and ransacked it. At that time, Mr. Mo did not feel well and was lying in bed. Wang Kaisheng ordered him to go to the police station with him. Two other officers then carried Mr. Mo out and pushed him into the police car. They took him to the detention centre. Wang Kaisheng ransacked Mr. Mo’s house and found 600 yuan in a book. At that time, only Mr. Mo’s wife was at home. She has been paralysed for many years and depended on her husband to take care of her. She lived under extreme torment. Three days later, she died. The police let Mr. Mo go home only after his wife had died.
Crimes against Practitioners in Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-09When practitioners go on hunger strikes to protest against the persecution, the authorities force-feed them. On a hunger strike for half a month, added to the inhumane torture and brutal force feeding, practitioner Liu Junhua became very weak. His oesophagus was injured by the plastic tube inserted down his throat and he developed a dry cough and vomited blood. A guard even said, "If you do not insert it properly take it out and insert it again." With a plastic tube inserted down his oesophagus into his stomach for more than ten days, his oesophagus was damaged, and Liu was in a lot of pain. He was on the brink of death and could not be force fed anymore.