Huili City Police in Sichuan Province Lure Children with Money to Be "Undercover Agents"
2007-02-18On the morning of November 10th, 2006, the daughter of Mr. Liu, a neighbour of practitioner Li Zefen, together with several students from the village Xinhua Elementary School went to Li Zefen's home saying, "We like the Falun Dafa bookmarks, and we want several more." They also asked Ms. Li if she still had Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, as they also wanted to read them. Ms. Li kindly received the children. She brought out stools and let them sit in her yard. Before long, two police vehicles arrived. Several police officers ransacked Ms. Li's home and took her away. One of the Falun Gong practitioners in Huili has been tortured to death and twenty have been sentenced to forced labour, with ten still being detained in other regions.
Mr. Gong Chengge and Other Practitioners in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province Still Being Detained
2007-02-18During the new wave of persecution led by Zhao Jincheng, director of the Mudanjiang Police Department, in Helongjiang Province on December 12th, 2006, many Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. Although most of them were released after large amounts of money were extorted from them, Mr. Gong Chengge, Mr. Zhu Xiucheng, and Ms. Hao Rong are still being detained. After money was extorted from Mr. Gong Chengge's family, his family went to the police department to ask for his release, but got no response.
Regimental Officer Mr. Xu Yongpei Becomes Healthy Through Cultivation But Is Arrested Three Times For Persisting in Cultivation
2007-02-18On January 6th, 2007, 61-year-old Mr. Xu Yongpei and his wife were walking the noisy streets of Yangjiaping in the Jiulongpo District. A group of people led by state security agent Ou Lichang from the Shapingba District Police Department arrested Mr. Xu Yongpei, right in front of his wife and everyone else. They took him to the city's notorious brainwashing centre. This is the third time he has been arrested by Chinese Communist Party officials and imprisoned at a brainwashing centre.
Mr. Cao Dong Given Five Year Prison Sentence for Talking to European Parliament Vice President
2007-02-17On February 8th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong was sentenced to five years in prison by the Gansu Provincial Court. His so-called "crimes" were "illegally connecting with a foreign anti-China force," and "illegally accepting interviews." Mr. Cao Dong is appealing these false charges. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) confessed, "According to a CCP Central 610 Office statement, 'It [the persecution] could be easily exposed on the media if we sentenced Mr. Cao Dong in Beijing,' and 'it is better to transfer Cao Dong to Gansu Province (where his hometown is located) and have the State Safety Bureau sentence him,' ...If we allowed Cao Dong to be released, it will be a threat to the Capital City's social stability..."
Mr. Duan Yuanle from Sichuan Province Dies as a Result of Torture by Chongqing Police
2007-02-17Mr. Duan Yuanle, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested by Chongqing Hechuan police officers because he produced leaflets exposing the persecution at home. The police beat and tortured Mr. Duan Yuanle, and then took him to Hechun Detention Centre and subjected him to four more months of torture, until he was paralysed and comatose. Mr. Duan died as a result of the torture on October 7th, 2006.
Ms. Liu Yuli from Changchun City, Jilin Province Died in July 2006 as a Result of Torture and Long-Term Persecution
2007-02-17Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yuli went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and was arrested and detained. She suffered from bladder and bowel incontinence due to being tortured with electric batons in the Heizuizi Labour Camp. There were huge blisters on her thighs as result of the torture. The guards would shock her as soon as she spoke her mind. Ms. Liu had bloody blisters all over her body for a long time. Ms. Liu died in July 2006 as a result of long-term persecution, at age 67.
Atrocities at the First Shandong Provincial Jail
2007-02-17For a long time, the "jail orientation team" at Division 11 was especially used for persecuting practitioners. The guards used criminals to carry out the forceful "transformation" of practitioners. If they did not give up their belief, they were beaten or abused and subjected to all kinds of physical punishment. They were not allowed to sleep for 24 hours or go to the toilet. Practitioner Mr. Zhuang Shijun always rejected the "transformation," so they tortured him physically for a long time. They forced him to sit on a hard wooden stool with ridges and to squat on his heels for a long time. They did not allow him to sleep or even yawn. If he did, they beat him.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 3)
2007-02-16Mail is private, and laws forbidding others from opening, withholding, or destroying personal mail are common worldwide. But inside the Chinese labour camps, guards can violate this law at will. They have become the first readers of all Falun Dafa practitioners' mail. If they think a particular letter will not "help" a practitioner's brainwashing they will withhold the letter and never tell the practitioner about it. Sometimes they black out certain sentences in a letter before giving it to the recipient. The only contents they allow practitioners to read are those they think can help the practitioners to accept the brainwashing, such as family members not able to bear the pressure under the persecution, asking practitioners to give up, children missing their parents, a husband wants a divorce, their elderly parents are sick, etc.
Practitioners Persecuted in Suihua Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-16Practitioner Mr. Li Yequan went on a hunger strike for over ten months in 2006. He was not released until he was reduced to less than 100 pounds. The guards tortured him numerous times during his hunger strike. On one occasion, guard Gao Zhonghai shocked him with electric batons; guard Diao Xuesong beat him with fists; guard Zeng Dingjun burned his fingers with a lighter. Criminal inmate Ma Dacheng poured 47 buckets of water on Mr. Peng Jianpu as a method of torture.
One Practitioner from Chongqing City and Another from Fuxin City Died from Torture Suffered in Detention
2007-02-16After the persecution began, Ms. Bai Shufen, 59 years old, was arrested and taken to the Fuxin County Detention Centre. The staff extorted money from her family when they visited. Ms. Bai was subjected to physical abuse, was put in solitary confinement, had her arms handcuffed behind her back, and was hung up by the handcuffs. The authorities tortured her with the tiger bench and other torture methods. Later she was transferred to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she was injected with unknown drugs, with the intent to destroy her central nervous system. She also was shocked with electric batons and hung up. Ms. Bai became unconscious and died on November 15th 2006.
Four Practitioners from Various Regions Died Due to the Persecution
2007-02-16Ms. Li Huiru was 55 years old. She started to practise Falun Gong in 1996. On March 6th, 2001, she was sentenced to two years of forced labour. When the police came to arrest her, they beat her so badly that her fingers were broken and the beating left a big swelling on her head. Her eyes were surrounded by blue and black bruises. After she was released on medical parole in 2001, she suffered a mental collapse. She died in early September of 2005.
The Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Li Keming from Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2007-02-16Practitioner Li Keming has been arrested and detained over ten times by the local police department. In November 2001, he was sentenced to two years of forced labour and was sent to Hewan Forced Labour Camp. There he was tortured inhumanely. He was forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution after his release.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 2)
2007-02-15They watched me around the clock and made sure I did not fall asleep or take a nap. They took turns brainwashing me, and they also made me watch videos that slandered Teacher and Dafa. One shift was before midnight and the other shift was after midnight. They loudly claimed that I was "psychologically controlled". In order to confuse me and create self-doubt, they kept saying it over and over, and the guards said it repeatedly at all meetings. On the other hand, they watched my every move, facial expression and mood. They seized on the slightest subconscious move I made to prove their point, that I was manipulated and possessed. After this experience I understood why and how some people had a mental collapse.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua from Hong Kong Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Shanghai
2007-02-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua was detained for nearly nine months in Shanghai. She was tried at the Pudong District Court in Shanghai on February 12th, 2007 and sentenced for three years in prison. It is said that the Shanghai 610 Office made an internal decision regarding her sentence before the trial. Up to the trial Zeng Aihua was held at the Pudong District Detention Centre in Shanghai. She was not allowed to wear her glasses while being forced to do intensive manual labour that requires good eyesight. During multiple interrogation sessions, the guards demanded her to reveal information on other Dafa practitioners. They planned to use her testimony as evidence to persecute other practitioners
National Security Division of Mishan City in Heilongjiang Province Frames Practitioners
2007-02-15It was dark on August 12th, 2006 as Mr. Fan Mingsheng and Ms. Yu Fengying were riding their motorcycle on the way back home. Suddenly they were chased and pushed onto the shoulder of the road by a car from behind. The car ran into a ditch. Mr. Fan Mingsheng passed out on the spot with serious injuries. Someone dressed in police uniform got out of the car. They brought some Falun Dafa materials and placed them near the motorcycle, framing the two practitioners making it look like that they were caught distributing Falun Dafa materials. They took pictures of the scene. In fact, the two practitioners did not bring any materials with them.