
  • Women Practitioners are Poorly Fed, Brainwashed and Cruelly Tortured in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province

    Practitioners held in the 7th and 12th groups were overloaded with labour every day. They were forced to make paper bags for packaging rice and paper and boxes for ice cream. The labour camp set a quota of 400 rice bags or 400 ice cream wrappers for people older than 55 and 500 rice bags or 450 ice cream wrappers for those younger than 55. After they got up at 4:30 in the morning, they were first forced to recite the prison rules. Then they worked from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., with only three meals for breaks. They were forced to work for more than 13 hours each day except for the 10-minute break for each meal. Their backs ached and their hands became numb due to the long hours of tedious labour.
  • The Persecution of Practitioners in Maoming City, Guangdong Province

    Ms. Lin Yanmei, a practitioner was arrested in October 2004 by police from the local 610 Office and National Security Group without any warrant. They did not inform her family afterwards. Ms. Lin was transferred to Guangdong Provincial Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp and on the same day was sentenced two years of forced labour. In order to press her to give up her belief, the forced labour camp has tortured her in many ways and added drugs to her food to destroy her central nervous system, which has caused her to have a mental disorder. Her family went to the local police department and the 610 Office to ask for her release but never got a response.
  • Ms. Lin Lixia from Hong Kong Arrested in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province

    On September 24th, 2006, Ms. Lin Lixia, a Hong Kong resident, was arrested along with several other practitioners. Because of rescue efforts by fellow practitioners, and due to reports that exposed her arrest on the Internet, police called Ms. Lin's husband to come and get her from the police station. Without Ms. Lin's knowledge, her husband was forced to sign a guarantee statement stating that she would not leave the local area within a one year period. She was constantly harassed by police. On January 18th, 2007, she was coerced into going downstairs at home, after which she went missing for a period of time. Her husband finally discovered that she is being detained in the Futian District Detention Centre, where she is facing trial.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shi Ning from Shandong Province in Critical Condition From Torture

    Ms. Shi Ning was taken to the Shandong Province No.1 Female Forced Labour Camp, where she suffered inhuman torture. Two male guards shocked her with high voltage electric batons. Two of them sat on a bed and Ms. Shi sat on the ground facing away from the guards. Each of them held an electric baton against her back and shocked her. Later a group of vicious people surrounded her and beat her for three days around the clock.
  • Mr. Guan Mingde from Changchun City, Jilin Province, Died of Injury at Hands of Police in 2001

    In 2000, Mr. Guan Mingde, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. He unfurled a banner that said, "Falun Dafa is good" on Tiananmen Square. He was arrested right away. While detained, Mr. Guan refused to report the name of his employer. He was heinously beaten and tortured. There was a large crack on his head and his flesh was split apart, exposing his skull. Within eight or nine days, he was dying. With thirteen stitches in his head, Mr. Guan could not eat or drink any water. He was severely swollen and lived by intravenous injections. He was also suffering from a mental breakdown. Mr. Guan, aged 38, died in February 2001, as a result of his injuries.
  • Ms. Zhang Jian from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province Died at 58 as a Result of Persecution (Photo)

    After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Zhang Jian went to Beijing to appeal. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she endured cruel torture. She was deprived of sleep, kicked and punched, and tied onto an "iron chair" for eight days. When she was released, she continued to be harassed at her home by the police. Unfortunately, on June 27th, 2006, she suddenly fell ill and died the same day. Ms. Zhang was 58 years old.
  • Ms. Liao Xinqun Dies at 54 as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Liao Xinqun was sentenced to one year of forced labour and taken to the Ulapo Women's Forced Labour Camp in March 2001. Labour camp guards were especially cruel toward practitioners. They forced practitioners to work overtime and watch fabricated stories on videotape and television. Afterwards, practitioners were forced to report their thoughts. All practitioners who refused to slander Falun Dafa or Teacher in the meeting would be beaten right away. After the meeting, the guards would continue to torture them with electric batons. Once, Ms. Liao was shocked by electric batons all over her body so much that she rolled around on the ground. In the end, her entire body swelled up, and she passed away in mid-November 2006.
  • Practitioner Mr. Zhao Facheng from Laizhou City, Shandong Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to slander Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhao went to Beijing to explain the true situation to the government and was arrested by police and taken the notorious Laizhou City Brainwashing Centre twice. In 2005, after more than one month of intense persecution, Mr. Zhao felt ill and was examined at a hospital, where he was diagnosed with liver cancer. Even then, the 610 Office did not release him, but tried to extort money from a family member as "bail" before a trial. However, Mr. Zhao's family was unable to raise the money. On June 22nd, 2005, Mr. Zhao was extremely weak and his family members had to carry him out of the detention centre. Mr. Zhao's health worsened, and he died on January 12th, 2007.
  • Mr. Yang Jianpo Close to Death in Jidong Prison in Tangshan City, Hebei Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Jiandong is being detained in the Fourth Ward of the Jidong (eastern Hebei Province) Prison and is close to death as a result of severe torture. He is currently detained in the prison hospital, being kept alive on an artificial breathing machine. The doctors are waiting for the higher authorities to decide whether or not to unplug the breathing machine. The Prison Administration strictly sealed the information from his family members and refused to allow them to visit him on more than ten occasions.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Guifen from Dengfeng City, Henan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Yang Guifen was arrested on December 24th, 2005. She was held at Dengfeng City Detention Centre, where the guards savagely beat her. Ms. Yang Guifen was beaten until she suffered internal bleeding. She was also forced to do slave labour at the detention centre. She was forced to wear a pair of shackles weighing 19 kg [42 lbs] and was released in May 2006 when she was on the brink of death. She passed away on July 18th, 2006.
  • Crimes Committed by Gong Jingwen from the National Security Group of Dongguang County, Hebei Province

    Gong Jingwen is head of the Political Defence Section of the National Security Group of Dongguang County. Over the last few years under his supervision, Falun Gong practitioners have been forced to give information while being tortured, and fabricated crimes have been used to send six practitioners to a forced labour camp without trial. Three practitioners have been imprisoned with terms up to eight years, twelve practitioners have been arrested, thirty practitioners have been forced to undergo brainwashing, three have had to leave home to avoid arrest, and seven have had marriages end in divorce.
  • Prison Doctor Zhao Yingling Instructed Prison Inmates to Subject Practitioners to Unthinkable Tortures

    Practitioner Ms. Huang Yanzhen shouted "Falun Dafa is good!" when she was beaten. Dr Zhao Yingling ordered the nurse to inject her with medicine that was used for psychosis, which caused Ms. Huang to become mentally disordered. Prison inmates Zhang Fangqing and Li Hongbo taught other inmates how to tie practitioners to a bed with cloth strips. They used all kinds of methods to torture practitioners. Practitioner Ms. He Lihua can no longer move her arms due to the torture.
  • Brutal Persecution Leads to Hunger Strike at the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanxi Province

    Six Falun Dafa practitioners currently held in the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanxi Province have been resisting repeated attempts to brainwash them. The labour camp guards use a variety of methods to torture these practitioners, including confining them in wooden stocks, force-feeding them, and depriving them of sleep. The guards also use inmates who are drug addicts to monitor these practitioners. The guards typically feign kindness in an attempt to deceive practitioners when they first arrive at the labour camp. But within three days, the guards will not allow them to sleep if they refuse to renounce Falun Gong. They may sleep only after they have written the so-called "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong.
  • The Relentless Persecution of Older Practitioner Ms. Cui Fengying in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

    Ms. Cui Fengying, 56, has been arrested, detained and had large amounts of money extorted from her because she practises Falun Dafa and has spoken out for justice against the persecution. In 2000, her family was extorted for 4,000 yuan. In addition, a policeman tried to coerce Ms. Cui's husband into paying an additional 5,000 yuan, but her husband refused. Sun then went to her husband's company and forced the company to pay 5,000 yuan. As a result, the company withheld her husband's salary as a way to pay back the money taken by the police. The repeated persecution of her and her family has left the family highly stressed and in financial difficulty. She has left home to avoid persecution.
  • Mr. Yang Jianpo from Hebei Province at the Brink of Death; Family Visits Refused

    Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Jianpo has been on a hunger strike for 350 days since he was arrested under the persecution. A few days ago, Hao Baoxin, leader of Division 4, again refused to permit family visits, citing the "new regulations of 2007." Mr. Yang's family members asked an official why they were prevented from seeing Yang Jianpo. Wu said, "Yang Jianpo shouted 'Falun Dafa is good' in prison, and when relatives came to see him he always talked about how wonderful Falun Dafa is. That's why you are not allowed to see him."