
  • Recent Information on the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners Mao Changqing, Li Jianguo, and Tian Yuxi from Henan Province

    Several police officers held him down and pried his mouth open. During the force feeding some people also tickled his armpits in order to force him to comply. The three practitioners appealed the unjust sentence. The Wancheng district court did not hold any new trial but soon issued an order to "maintain the original judgment." The Wancheng District Court did not follow Chinese law in sentencing these Falun Dafa practitioners; instead, it followed the order from Jiang's regime and sentenced the practitioners at will.
  • Gruesome Account of Abuse Female Dafa Practitioners Endure in Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre

    Those Dafa practitioners who were tortured to the brink of losing consciousness were finger printed by prisoners pressing their hands on the pre-written "transformation statements." This is how this Drug Rehabilitation Centre reached the "above 90% transformation ratio" in three days. Prisoners carried the unconscious practitioners out of the basement. After they came to, they were punished by having to squat and were cuffed on the bed and then dragged to the basement for additional torture. Some of the ways they used to torture Dafa practitioners are too horrible to describe.
  • Crimes Committed Against Innocent Female Dafa Practitioners in the Beijing Police Hospital

    All the prisoners here had one foot chained to the bed. Everyday they were unlocked only for a toilet break in the morning. Police tried to force practitioners to wear the shackles by themselves. Yuan Lin and her cellmates 56 year-old Ms. Wang Guangying and 62 year-old Ms. Qi Bingshu (both from Hefei City, Anhui Province) and one other practitioner refused to wear the shackles. They insisted that they are innocent and that their detention is illegal. The police on duty led by the head guard threatened, "Since you refused to do it yourselves, we are going to chain you for three days and three nights!" The police chained everyone in the room by their leg and handcuffed their hands with two additional handcuffs.
  • Brutal Crimes Are Being Committed Against Dafa Practitioners in Jilin Prison

    Staff member Li called me for a talk, and I told him that I had been tortured. He yelled at me "Who tortured you? Who witnessed it? If you don't accept our management, we will force you to!" I told commanders Zhao Jin, Wang Jiankong and Chen Xin about being tortured. They said that using force in prison is certain, and threatened me not to tell anyone...Currently there are more than 100 Dafa practitioners detained in the Jilin prison. Another 200 plus Dafa practitioners are being detained in the Changchun Tiebei Prison.
  • Female Practitioner's Personal Account: "Falun Dafa Cured My Terminal Disease but the Persecution Devastated My Body"

    Because I refused to give up my faith in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," I was under close surveillance. Later on, I twice solemnly stated to the deputies that I believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," yet I received more hideous tortures. They shocked me with electric batons to the point that I fell unconscious to the floor with my body twitching and twisting. They tried to force me to give up my belief. In the process they mentioned Jiang often. They told me, "Jiang Zemin told you not to practise Falun Gong already and you better follow orders. If you practise you break the law. How can an arm overpower the leg?"
  • Catalogue of Gruesome Cruelties Used In The Harbin "Drug Rehabilitation Centre"

    The basement, which holds over one hundred people for work during the day, becomes one of the main places for persecuting Dafa practitioners at night. One only has to say the word "practice" and they will be dragged into the basement and beaten up. Once this is done, all their hair is cut off. Sometimes the hair is entirely cut off leaving the scalp exposed. Other times, they cut off all but one strand of long hair. The policemen's shouting, the noise of the electric batons being used to shock people, and the criminals' cursing, kicking, and beating people (sometimes using square clubs) makes the dark and damp basement even more ghastly and horrifying.
  • Elderly Woman Goes Blind Due to Appalling Conditions in Shuangcheng Brainwashing Centre

    Female practitioner Ms Wang Benying was of old age. She became blind because of the long detention. The guards said, "There are no vegetables and the food is not nutritious, thus people will become blind. Hurry up and write a 'Guarantee Statement'. Only if you state that you give up with Falun Gong will you be released." Ms Wang Benying's family wasted no effort to get her released for medical treatment, but without positive results. The guards refused to release her. One of the guards named Wang Peng said, "We will not be held accountable if someone leaves the room on her last breath and died outside the door."
  • Dafa Practitioner's Business Devastated by Xingyang City Police

    On July 5, 2000, a gang of policemen suddenly burst into the book shop run by Zhang Xiaorong's husband Li Qinjun and asked him: "Are you still practising Falun Gong?" "Yes," answered Li. So they forced him to where his wife and another 6 practitioners were detained, and put him under detention for 8 months too. Li's son had to take turns staying in different relatives' homes during that period.
  • The Lawless Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong Are Despised by the People

    In the beginning, when Jiang Yongjian first came to Taoxu Town and started his term as Party Secretary, he had said viciously, "If any officials are found out to be corrupt, I will cuff his hands [meaning throw him into prison]." Just before he finished his term, his own "hands" were cuffed because of rampant corruption. The one who had made a great effort to label himself as a "clean" official eventually became a prisoner of his own doing.
  • Police from Mudanjiang City Recently Kidnapped Over a Hundred Dafa Practitioners

    Since the end of October, Aimin District Public Security Sub-bureau, Mudanjiang City, has been frantically arresting Dafa practitioners. At present the situation is urgent. It is known that over 100 people have been arrested, and many of them had been arrested illegally several times before. Now most of these Dafa practitioners are imprisoned in Mudanjiang Detention Centre located at Xinglong Town. Because the perpetrators do not wish to have their deeds exposed, they have blocked all reporting of this event. The situation inside the detention centre is not clear.
  • Beijing West District Detention Centre Tortures Dafa Practitioners

    They then shocked her head and the other side of her body. Upon seeing that she was not frightened, the police brought buckets of cold water and poured it down the front of her clothes. She was so cold and leaned forward, so the police pulled back her collar to pour water down the back of her clothes. Finally, they poured a bucket of cold water onto her head. She was trembling badly from the cold. She condemned the police for their behaviour. The police interrogated her for over two hours and sent her to the cell after midnight. They did not allow her to sleep and refused to let her change out of her soaked, freezing clothes.
  • Zhaoyuan Police Refuse to Release Female Dafa Practitioner Despite Being in a Life-Threatening Condition

    While being detained, in order to protest, she went on a hunger strike, which has now lasted more than a month and is still going on. The vicious detention centre guards brutally force-fed her. According to people who know the details, even the guards could no longer force-feed her due to her extremely poor physical health. Recently, Mrs. Fu was sent to an emergency room in Zhaoyuan People's Hospital. She has become extremely thin from the torture, and is now in a life-threatening condition. The police still refuse to release her, and instead, several of them stay at the hospital to keep an eye on her everyday inspite of the fact that she is very sick.
  • Lives in Danger at the Dehui City Detention Centre

    Reports have come from the Dehui City Detention Centre in Jilin Province that the Dafa practitioners being detained there have been on a hunger strike for over ten days. They have been subjected to persecution of different degrees, and some of their lives are in danger....We appeal for help to secure the release of these practitioners, who are being tortured on a daily basis at the Dehui City Detention Centre.
  • Dafa Practitioner's Wife Tortured to Death, and He Was Illegally Detained in Huludao Forced Labour Camp Three Times

    Electric prods are the kind of torture instrument used most on Dafa practitioners. Bolstered by Jiang Zemin's order of "Claim they have committed suicide if they are beaten to death" and driven by a distorted sense of duty, in order to have practitioners give up their belief some policemen treated it as fun to torture Dafa practitioners and to see the misery of practitioners subjected to police tortures. Sometimes they used up to six or seven prods to deal with one practitioner. Even older ladies and unmarried girls were not spared. A prod with over 10,000 volts of electricity burns a blister or a black spot on the human body even when it just slightly touches the skin. Under the influence of an electric current, human muscles twitch and limbs jerk uncontrollably.
  • An Account of the Brutal Torture Methods Used Against Dafa Practitioners in Changlinzi Labour Camp

    Thee director of the fifth team (the forced-brainwashing team), Zhao Shuang, ruthlessly tortures practitioners. He has been nicknamed "Slapper Zhao" because he often beats up practitioners. He incites inmates and police to torture practitioners with unspeakable methods...Yang Yu, who used to be the former Assistant Director of the Office of Education, was promoted to the director of the fourth team because he brutally tortured practitioners. Along with police officer Hao Wei, they insult and body search practitioners at will.