Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Tianxing Cries on Children's Day
2009-09-07June 1st is Children's Day, a day when many little children go to parks with their parents or eat delicious food. However, 7-year-old Tianxing hasn't been able to see his mother in the past five years because she "left and went to a very far away place" on this special day in 2004. When he was only 22 months old, his mother died as a result of persecution. Tianxing misses her very much. Tianxing's father hasn't come to see him for a long time. Tianxing's maternal grandfather passed away not long after his daughter's death. In May this year, Tianxing's guardian, his aunt Feng Xiaomei, was sent to a forced labour camp. Tianxing, his maternal grandmother and his cousin have no source of income. Children's Day turns out to be a disaster day for little Tianxing who can only cry on this day.
Crimes Committed by Officers from the Chengbei District Police Station in Guang'an City of Sichuan Province
2009-09-07Mr. Xu Renwu, 80, lives in Guang'an City. His wife Huang Zhihui, is 75 years old. Because the couple had persisted in practising Falun Gong and informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispelling the state propaganda attacking the practice, they were persecuted by the police of Guang'an City. Mr. Xu was sentenced to three years in prison while Ms. Huang was sentenced to three and a half years. Mr. Xu and Ms. Huang are currently detained in the Chengbei Detention Centre in Guang'an City. Their relatives requested to meet with them and bring them some extra clothing but Zhang Qiang said that they were not allowed to see the couple due to orders from above.
Mr. You Xianbang from Foshan, Guangdong Province Secretly Sent to Sihui Prison
2009-09-07On May 4th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. You Xianbang was sentenced to jail for three years with a fabricated charge. Around July 15th, 2009, the police secretly sent him to Sihui Prison without notifying his family. Mr. You Xianbang had previously been sentenced to one year of forced labour camp between 2001 and 2002.
Li Juhua Detained at Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre in Wuhan City
2009-09-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Juhua was arrested by local 610 Office personnel Hu Shuzhi and others. They also searched her home. Currently, she is detained at Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre. When her family asked Hu Zhishu for her whereabouts, he responded viciously and yelled, "Get out of the office!" One week after Li Juhua's arrest, her family finally discovered her whereabouts.
Facts Concerning the Death of Ms. Li Xiumei, a Farmer from Qinzhou City, Shandong Province
2009-09-06On November 3rd, 2005, Ms. Li Xiumei and her husband Mr. Wang Xinjia were helping entertain guests at their nephew's wedding. Police intruded and arrested Ms. Li. Ms. Li was taken to the Qingzhou City Brainwashing Camp. After Ms. Li Was released from a brainwashing camp, agents from the Qingzhou 610 Office used money, lies, and threats to incite local people to pressure Ms. Li to give up her belief in Falun Gong. They deceived Ms. Li into going to the house of Li Xinyi, where they kept her awake for days and nights, pinching her neck and holding her down while they rolled a rolling pin over her body. Ms. Li died in the house of Li Xinyi on the night of November 24th, 2005.
Ms. Du Zhiheng, in Her 70s, Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2009-09-06Since July 20th, 1999 when Jiang Zemin, the then head of the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Du Zhiheng has been arrested twice for adhering to her practice of Falun Gong. In September 2007, officials ransacked her home and took away many of her personal belongings, including cash and deposit books. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had considered Ms. Du Zhiheng a leader of the local practice group and wanted to sentence her to prison for seven years. At the end of April, 2009, Ms. Du Zhiheng was arrested by the police in Nanyang City. On August 18th, a court session began to try Ms. Du.
Health Gym Proprietor Arrested for Practising Falun Gong, Her Home Ransacked
2009-09-06At noon on August 17th, 2009, officials from the Hailin City No.1 Police Station in Heilongjiang Province broke into Ms. Zhou Huifang's health gym and arrested her. They sent out three police vehicles to ransack her home and confiscate her personal belongings, including printers and computers. Mr. Huo Jiuxian, Ms. Zhou Huifang's husband went to the No.1 Police Station to request his wife's release. However, officials there threatened their son and daughter-in-law to take Mr. Huo back home. Mr. Huo was severely persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the Cultural Revolution. Now his wife has been arrested by the police. Whenever he thinks about his wife's misfortune, he cries uncontrollably.
Retired Falun Gong Practitioner Forced to Collect Rubbish to Make Ends Meet After Her Pension was Suspended
2009-09-06Ms. Cheng Hua was employed as a vet before she retired some years ago. She practised Falun Gong and followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to improve herself. She refused to renounce her practice, so officials at the Dongguan Street Administration Office suspended her pension for more than seven years. This resulted in financial hardship for her. Currently she can only make ends meet by collecting garbage.
Mr. Jiang Bingzhi, 58, Dies in Custody in Heilongjiang Province
2009-09-05Mr. Jiang Bingzhi, a previously healthy farmer, entered the Suihua City Labour Camp on October 30th, 2008. The Camp Administration recently notified his family that he had fallen into a coma. When Mr. Jiang's family heard that he was bedridden and could not take care of himself due to being tortured in the camp, they requested to visit him, but they were turned away. Later, his family saw him in the Bei'an City Hospital with both legs covered with bruises and at the brink of death. Only a few days later, he died on August 26th, 2009.
Ms. Zhang Deping Cruelly Tortured in Sichuan Province
2009-09-05Ms. Zhang Deping was captured on May 6th, 2008, and two months later forced to undergo "re-education" through forced labour. While Ms. Zhang was jailed, prison guards subjected her to many kinds of brutal tortures. Because Ms. Zhang resisted the persecution, she was locked up alone, and two drug addicts were assigned to bully her. Within a few days she was beaten until she suffered from internal injury, traumatic wounds, and her body was covered with cuts and bruises. Her big toe and second toe of her right foot were tortured to deformity. Though she was unable to squat down, she was forced to squat and could not stand up afterwards. During the night Ms. Zhang could not sleep, because when she tried to lie down it caused her excruciating pain.
A Well-Regarded Person Arrested Again
2009-09-05On June 10th, 2009, a group of police officers went to the home of practitioner Wang Shenlun. Mr.Wang enjoyed helping people, and was often commended for his work. After they arrested him and took him to the detention centre, they took his key and ransacked his house when no one was there. They seized personal property, worth over 10,000 yuan. A few days later, Mr. Wang was taken to the Boyuquan Jail, but family members were not allowed to visit him. His eighty-year-old mother and other family members went to the National Security Squadron many times to request Mr. Wang's release, but they were rejected and were told that Mr. Wang would be prosecuted and sentenced to prison.
Mr. Zhang Chuanfu Brutally Tortured for Refusing to Sing Communist Party Songs
2009-09-05Mr. Zhang Chuanfu was arrested on July 28th, 2007, and taken to a forced labour camp on October 16th. In March 2008, guards beat Mr. Zhang with batons and kicked him because he refused to sing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) songs. The guards then tied his hands behind his back and hung him up on a bed frame, with feet off the ground. They shocked him with electric batons for four hours before taking him down. Mr. Zhang's hands were numb.
Retired Army Officer Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Xinnian was brutally shocked with an a 20,000 volts electric baton in Baoding Forced Labour Camp. When one practitioner first saw Mr. Liu at the camp, he thought that he was looking at a detainee from a WW2 concentration camp as he was painfully thin. Even after being released home, the community administration frequently harassed and threatened him. Mr. Liu died on April 20th, 2009.
Imprisoned for Years for Refusing to Quit Practising Falun Gong
2009-09-04My name is Qu Lihua and I am forty-four years old. Because of my perseverance in practising Falun Gong, I have been arrested, locked up, fired from my job and put into forced-labour camps in the past ten years. Now I have been forced to be homeless for almost two years. In the detention centre, us Falun Gong practitioners started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards and prisoners dragged us out while beating and kicking us and force-fed us. We were pressed down to chairs with our arms twisted behind our backs. It felt as if my arms were about to break. Prison doctors held mouth-opening devices, pinched our noses, and force fed us highly salted corn gruel, which spilled all over our heads and bodies. Some fellow practitioners were injured to the extent that they vomited blood and some lost consciousness.
Ms. Wang Xiangju Is Sentenced to Four Years in Prison As the Court Warns, "The Greater the Defence, the More Severe the Sentence"
2009-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiangju was recently sentenced to four years in prison by the District Court of Yuanbao in Dandong City, Liaoning Province. During the trial, her lawyer questioned the witness on the testimony he provided and made reasonable defence for her. However, he was threatened by the judge, who warned, "The more you defend her, the more severe her sentence will be. You have no choice but to have her plead guilty." Since the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Wang has been repeatedly arrested and sent to jail because of her unwillingness to give up the practice.