Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Yang Yucui Arrested and Taken to Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2009-07-09Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Yucui was arrested on May 13th, 2009 and taken to Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin. After the onset the persecution on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Yang explained the facts about the persecution at her workplace and went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. For this, her employer suspended her salary as punishment. She was later imprisoned for five years for practising Falun Gong, during which time her husband divorced her, due to social pressure.
Mr. Fei Mingyan Persecuted in Yongchuan Prison of Chongqing City
2009-07-09Practitioner Mr. Fei Mingyan, about 38 years old, has been persecuted for many years and was forced to stay away from home. On March 18th, he was arrested by police. He was then sentenced to six years in prison and imprisoned in Yongchuan Prison. While he was in the prison, Mr. Fei was severely beaten because he refused to wear the uniform for "re-education through labour," causing him to be covered in cuts and bruises. He was also forced to haul coal.
Severe Sentences for Practitioners from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province
2009-07-09Nine Falun Gong practitioners from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province have been detained, and four of them are imprisoned outside of Fengcheng City. On December 25th, 2007, Mr. Zhang Qinggui was sentenced to six years of imprisonment at Benxi Prison by the Donggang Court. On February 20th, 2006, a Fengcheng City Court judge sentenced Ms. Ma Yuxin to five years of jail. On July 3rd, 2006, Fengcheng police arrested Ms. Liu Yingmei. A Fengcheng Court judge sentenced her to three and a half years. Ms. Liu is now detained at Shenyang Women's Prison.
On Children's Day, How Many Children in China Are Tearfully Missing Their Parents?
2009-07-08Qingqing is five years old. Even before she was born, her father Niu Jinping and mother Zhang Lianying had been arrested and detained numerous times. On April 20th, 2008, police seized Qingqing and her parents in an alley. They beat the couple right in front of Qingqing. Then they dragged them and Qingqing into a police vehicle.
The Suffering of Two Young Women and Their Families in Tangshan
2009-07-08Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Chen Baihe and his wife Mrs. Zhang Guilan, have been repeatedly detained in detention centres and brainwashing centres. Mr. Chen was again arrested in May 2006 and was sentenced to four years of imprisonment. He remains in Jidong Prison to this day. Mrs. Zhang was again arrested by the National Security Team and the 610 Office of the Public Security Bureau on March 14th, 2009, and is now detained at Qianxi County Detention Centre. For the last eight years, this family has repeatedly gone through harassment, raids and arrests.
Mr. Li Haidong and Family Persecuted
2009-07-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Haidong, 35, has been subjected to persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) many times. About a little more than a month ago, Mr. Li was again arrested and detained at the Zunhua City Detention Centre. In 2002, police arrested Mr. Li and he was tortured with various torture instruments. When he held a hunger strike to protest his detention, he was forced to eat dog food. Mr. Li was later sentenced to three years of forced labour and imprisoned at the Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp. He was also tied on the "Dead Person's Bed" torture instrument.
Mr. Luan Ning from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Was Again Sentenced to Prison
2009-07-08Mr. Luan Ning was recently sentenced to four years in prison in Yinchuan City, Ningxia Prefecture. Mr. Luan is currently appealing to a higher court. While Mr. Luan was standing trial at the Xixia District Court on February 24th, 2009, personnel from the Ningxia Region Political the Judiciary Committee and the 610 Office were guarding the courthouse as if they were expecting an attack from a formidable enemy! The mental and emotional anguish that Mr. Luan's mother endured during her son's long term imprisonment proved to be too much for the elderly lady and she passed away on February 27th, 2009. The prison authorities would not even permit Mr. Luan to attend his own mother's funeral.
Ms. Zhang Xingyu Sent to Forced Labour Camp Repeatedly
2009-07-07Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xingyu was abducted from work and taken to a brainwashing centre by agents of the Chinese Communist Party on April 1st, 2009. She was subsequently taken to Guangxi Women's Forced Labour Camp. Earlier, Ms. Zhang was jailed in the same forced labour camp for four years. She had been tortured so badly while detained there that could only crawl when released from the camp. Sources say that the police arrested scores of Falun Gong practitioners from the twelve towns and counties within Baise City. They separated male and female practitioners into different classes. They tried to force them to "transform" and give up their belief in Falun Gong by using nerve-damaging drugs and depriving them of sleep.
The Persecution of Ms. Guo Liguang from Jinzhou City
2009-07-07Ms. Guo Liguang is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. Last year, the police arrested her at home, and then tortured her before sending her to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. In the detention centre she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Prisoners attacked her and a guard then pulled out clumps of Ms. Guo's hair and dragged her to the wash room. Several prisoners continued to beat Ms. Guo there. They used a shoe-brush to pry open Ms. Guo's mouth and caused her teeth to loosen. Since then, she has had difficulty eating.
Four Practitioners from Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province Have Been Taken into Custody
2009-07-07On May 13th, 2009, four practitioners from the Xuanhua District of Zhangjiakou City were arrested at Liu Yongli's home. They are Yan Xiulian, Feng Yanli, Liu Yongli and Wang Minghai. Afterwards, their homes were all ransacked. However, the perpetrators were so afraid that they did not present any documents, nor did they identify where they were coming from when they were doing these wrong deeds. These practitioners' relatives don't know their whereabouts.
Revealing the Location and Photos of the Chuanxi Women's Prison and the Chuanxi Prison
2009-07-07The Chuanxi Women's Prison and the Chuanxi Prison are located between Luodai Town and Hongan Town, southeast of Chengdu City in Sichuan Province. Although both prisons look modern on the outside, especially the Chuanxi Women's Prison which has been beautifully renovated, Falun Gong practitioners are still being brutally persecuted inside. The suffering and torment that practitioners have to endure is not apparent on the outside.
Mr. Li Weiling and Ms. Liu Yan Persecuted Numerous Times and Unable to Return Home
2009-07-06Ever since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched its persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Li Weiling and his wife, Ms. Liu Yan have been continuously pursued, arrested and detained by CCP officials from the following institutions in Heilongjiang Province: Beixing Police Station, Fulaer District Detention Centre and Detention House, Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp and Fuyu Forced Labour Camp in Qiqihar City. After their release, Mr. Li Weiling and Ms. Liu Yan were still harassed by officials of the Beixing Police Station and their home was monitored. They couldn't tolerate the constant harassment and compromise of their personal freedom, so they left home and have been travelling from place to place.
Li Guochen Taken to Brainwashing Centre the Day of His Release from Labour Camp
2009-07-06Practitioner Li Guochen was arrested by the local police in March 2008. The police beat and tortured him during the entire night, leaving bruises all over his body and face, and breaking one of his teeth. He was then put in the forced labour camp for 1½ years. On the day of his release, Mr. Li was taken to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Centre by the police and the local 610 Office personnel on June 8th, 2009.
Ms. Zhao Mujun Sent to Forced Labour Camp, Two of Her Family Members Passed Away in Grief
2009-07-06On April 19th, 2007, five police suddenly broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Mujun. At the detention centre torture left Ms. Zhao with injuries on her wrists, arms, back, buttocks and legs. Later, Ms. Zhao was unjustly sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. Ms. Zhao's husband had suffered a stroke 15 years ago and she had been taking care of him. Since his wife was taken away, Mr. Chai had no one that could take care of him. He died without seeing his wife one last time. Ms. Zhao's father also passed away shortly after her sentencing.
Persecution In Guiyang City Brainwashing Camp, Guizhou Province
2009-07-06The Guiyang City 610 Office imprisons practitioners in the Guiyang City Brainwashing Camp. Even practitioners in their 70's and 80's are not spared. The 610 Office pursues and arrests practitioners who try to leave town in order to flee arrest. They cheat practitioners who are retired and want to move out of town by saying that there is paperwork which requires their presence in the office. If the practitioner sees through the lies, the office issues a directive to the police department for their arrest.