Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Continuing Persecution of Beijing Practitioner Mr. Cao Dong
2009-02-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cao Dong is currently detained and being persecuted in Tianshui Prison in Gansu Province in retaliation for an interview he gave to the Vice President of the European Parliament in which he exposed the persecution of Falun Gong. He met with Mr Edward McMillan-Scott on May 21st, 2006, and told him about the severe persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Mr. Cao was immediately arrested by police from the Domestic Security Division and taken to Gansu for detention. He was sentenced to five years in prison just before Chinese New Year's eve in 2007. His lawyer said that the only evidence justifying the sentence was a false confession.
I Was Cruelly Tortured in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2009-02-09Ms. Song Wenjuan came from Heilongjiang Province. Because she practised Falun Gong, she was repeatedly tortured by the guards in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. In order her to force Ms. Song to give up Falun Gong she was hung up, left out in the cold, beaten, and shocked with electric batons. Because of the torture, she lost consciousness many times and her left hand became completely paralysed. She also had to do slave labour.
The Persecution of Mr. Ma Yingju from Inner Mongolia
2009-02-09On January 5th, 2009, Mr. Ma Yingju was again arrested by the local police. For nine years, he was repeatedly arrested, detained, and sentenced to forced labour for persisting in his belief. In Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp, he was allowed to sleep for only two hours each day. He was forced to read slanderous material about Falun Gong. Eight guards wrapped Mr. Ma's arms with a rope, tied his hands behind his back, forced him to kneel on the ground, and pulled the rope to keep his body straight. The guards hit him hard on the chest and lower back with three electric batons. Mr. Ma lost control of his body and shook all over. His body turned black and blue from being hit.
Mr. Du Ting Tortured at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai for Seven Years
2009-02-08Mr. Du Ting, 43, has been held at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai for more than seven years. He is very weak from long-term torture. In early 2007 the guards and inmates tortured Du Ting. He developed fluid accumulation in his pleural cavities, which nearly killed him, and he eventually contracted tuberculosis and pneumonia. The authorities refused to let his wife see him. Guards ordered inmates to keep torturing Du Ting. For a while Du Ting went on a hunger strike to protest the terrible abuse. After Du Ting returned to the prison from the hospital, the guards stripped him naked and tied him to the "death bed" so he could not move at all.
Three Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution in Chongqing City and Hebei Province
2009-02-08Ms. Pang Dingrong was a resident of Chongqing City. On October 3rd, 2007, she was arrested and detained while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong at Huangnibang. She was sentenced to one and a half years in the Shabao Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City. While she was imprisoned, she began to suffer from a severe form of cancer, but that didn't deter the guards from brutally torturing her. Ms. Pang was released on August 21st, 2008 and passed away on December 26th, 2008 as a result of persecution.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Arrested in Dalian City and Sent to Forced Labour
2009-02-08On December 2nd, 2008, police forcibly took away married couple Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Yan Shoulin and Ms. Yang Chunmei, from their workplace. Several eyewitnesses said, "We saw a few plain clothes policemen surround and brutally beat Yan Shoulin. The first one stepped on Yan's head while another one stepped on his legs. The third one kicked Yan's body brutally." Yan's ribs were broken. A couple of them carried Yan Shoulin to the car. Yang Chunmei was dragged into the car, and her clothes were torn in the struggle. Two days later the same police arrested Ms. Miao Yuhuan (also a Falun Gong practitioner) for no valid reason.
Practitioner In Her Sixties Persecuted at the Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2009-02-08In 2001, I was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. The following year I was sentenced to a three-year prison term and incarcerated in Liaoning Province Women's Prison. The prison enforced starting work at six in the morning, stopping at ten in the evening, and going to sleep at eleven. Prisoners were frequently forced to work overtime to create more income for the prison. I was allowed only three to four hours of sleep each night. Every week the prison provided only two meals of fine flour and rice in limited quantities. The rest of the meals were all coarse bread.
Older Ms. Su Cangxin Dies after Enduring Nine Years of Persecution
2009-02-07After July 20th, 1999, when the persecution started, Ms. Su Cangxin's family of five became a target for persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. In both July 1999 and July 2000, her husband was detained for more than three weeks in the Township Police Station. Around May 26th, 2001, the persecution was the most severe, and Ms. Su's husband was arrested by police. They took him to the city courthouse and beat him for five days. They hit his legs with a wooden stick, shocked him with an electric baton, used a rubber hammer to hit his back and a wooden stick to apply pressure to his thighs, and injected him with unknown drugs. After nine years of repeatedly being harassed, threatened, and detained, Ms. Su could not bear it any longer. She became weaker and weaker and died on January 4th, 2009.
Older Practitioner Ms. Shi Guiming Sentenced to Three Years in Prison--Her Grandson Left Alone
2009-02-0760-year-old Ms. Shi Guiming is a Falun Gong practitioner from Wenling in Zhejiang Province. After being detained for six months, she was sentenced to a three-year prison term by the Wenling Intermediate Court in December 2008, and is currently detained at the Hongzhou Women's Prison. The young grandson that she was raising is left alone, spending his days in fear.
The Persecution of Ms. Sun Jinjun, a Teacher at the Anshan City No. 15 Middle School
2009-02-07Ms. Sun Jinjun was employed as an art teacher. She's been severely persecuted for many years, including being detained in two forced labour camps. Now she barely makes enough money to cover even her most basic needs. Guards brutally beat and shocked Ms. Sun with electric batons. When Ms. Sun Jinjun's older sister, Ms. Sun Yuhua, did not give up practising Falun Gong, she was taken to Dabei Prison in 2003. The prison guards brutally tortured her and eventually beat her to death. Ms. Sun Yuhua was only 37 when she died.
Ms. Zhang Chunhe Continues to Be Persecuted in the Armed Police Hospital, Guangdong Province
2009-02-07On July 23rd, 2008, Ms. Zhang Chunhe was arrested and taken to the brainwashing centre in Guangzhou City by agents from the 610 Office and police. She was then taken to the Armed Police Hospital in Guangzhou and has been held and persecuted there ever since. When she was held in the hospital, the district court twice attempted to try her but had to give up because Ms. Zhang was critically ill and could not even speak. Up until now, they have refused to release her, and will not offer any explanation to her family members. According to informed people, the conditions in the Armed Police Hospital, be they the food, the living conditions or the medical treatments, are even worse than in the prison
Murder Suspected in Older Practitioner's Sudden Death in Chongqing Forced Labour Camp
2009-02-06On May 13th, 2008, the day after the major earthquake in Sichuan Province, Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Jiang Xiqing, 66, was taken from his home by Communist Party officials. On December 2nd, 2008, his family learned that Ms. Luo had been sentenced to eight years in prison. On July 30th, 2008, Mr. Jiang Xiqing was taken to the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. On January 27th, 2009, Mr. Jiang's family went to visit him at the Camp. He seemed to be in good health at that time. However, within less than 24 hours, on January 28th, labour camp officials called his family to notify them that Mr. Jiang had died. Mr. Jiang Xiqing's death was a complete surprise and very suspicious. The police wanted to cremate his body to cover up the murder evidence.
Honest Farmer in Shanxi Province Arrested, Sentenced to Forced Labour and Tortured
2009-02-06On January 11th, 2009, practitioner Shang Yongfa's family went to Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp to visit him. They noticed a big swollen bloody lump on the back of his head. There were wounds on his forehead, and the back of his right hand was frostbitten. When a family member asked him what happened, Shang Yongfa merely cried and did not reply. Mr. Shang Yongfa, 52 years old, is an honest, benevolent, and helpful man. He was arrested for no legitimate reason and his family is worried about his safety.
Higher-Ups Order Experiments on Practitioner at Yongchuan Prison Hospital, Chongqing City
2009-02-06On May 12th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Shurong announced his determination to practise Falun Gong. The guards tortured him and forced him to attend brainwashing sessions. They made him maintain a sitting position until May 19th, 2008. Mr. Liu went on a hunger strike to resist this treatment. Prison officials decided to do an experiment using Mr. Liu to see how much he could endure. They used shackles and handcuffs to restrain Mr. Liu on a hospital bed. They inserted a feeding tube through his nose into his stomach and force-fed him toxic food and fluids. Every day they administered 2000 mL of fluid, a total of four bottles a day. Every minute, 150 to 180 drops were injected, sometimes close to 200 per minute. One female guard said, "Inject faster. If he dies, then that's it."
Ms. Zhao Guiqin Paralysed from Torture and Sentenced to Three and a Half Years in Prison
2009-02-06Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Guiqin was arrested in September and during her detention was tortured to the point that her legs were paralysed. On October 27th, Ms. Zhao's seventy-year-old mother received a phone call telling her that Ms. Zhao was dying and her legs had been paralysed. Her mother was extremely sad and worried because her daughter had been almost persecuted to death several times before. On December 12th, the court secretly sentenced Ms. Zhao to three and a half years in Donggang Prison.