Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Crimes Committed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Official Li Fuguo from Hebei Province
2009-01-25Li Fuguo male, 40 years old, has personally taken part in the arrest of 13 Falun Gong practitioners from Tanghai County. He has done so ever since he became the Tanghai County Domestic Security Division Head and 610 Office head in November 2006. One of the practitioners has died as a result of torture. Another one has become disabled from torture. Five practitioners were given jail terms. The persecution for the past two years have been the most severe for Falun Gong practitioners in Tanghai County since the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.
Corrupt Police Officers in Chongqing Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-01-25Pan Ronghan used to be the Jiuchi Town registrar but was demoted because of embezzlement and now works in the Security Office. In July 2003, after seeing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in the Jiuchichang Town, he casually arrested four practitioners, two brothers and their wives, and held them in Zhoujiaba Detention Centre for more than a year. While incarcerated there, the practitioners were tortured. To produce false evidence to substantiate his case, he tried buying witnesses for 50 yuan a person but was unsuccessful.
My Experience at the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-25On June 26th, 2008, I was transferred from an addiction treatment centre in Sichuan Province to the No. 7 Section of the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. Three days after I arrived, I was forced to perform slave labour. Whenever we entered or left the workshop's main door, we were required to report to the guards, otherwise we were not allowed to use the toilet. Since I did not report for two days, I had to wait until 11:00 p.m. to use the toilet. Shortly after this incident, the guards required all practitioners who were not "transformed" to work in their cell for about 15 hours a day, rather than the workshop.
Three Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2009-01-24Mr. Xue Junli, 46, lived in Sanqiao Town, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Because he practised Falun Gong, he was detained four times, sent to one year of forced labour, and brutally beaten by guard Feng Xiyao with a rubber baton. The prisoners cruelly beat him as well. He was taken to forced brainwashing sessions three times. The last time he was taken to a brainwashing session, he was tortured until he was very weak, and he died in July 2008.
Exposing the Brutal Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Fujian Provincial Women's Prison
2009-01-24The Prison Orientation Team is the first station set up to persecute practitioners upon their arrival. One or two guards chosen from each large group take turns to brainwash practitioners, forcing them to watch videos that slander Falun Gong. The jail is crowded, and the prisoners are forced to stand. Sleep deprivation and other means are utilized in the brainwashing sessions, where the perpetrators try to force practitioners to write "guarantee statements" to give up Falun Gong. Guards force practitioners to recite the prison regulations, perform exercises, and run in drill formation. Practitioners who refuse to wear a prison uniform are stripped by prison inmates who have been incited to do so by guards.
Chinese Communist Party Officials in Yishui County, Shandong Province Again Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-01-24At about 9:00 a.m. on January 8th, 2009, more than ten police officers broke into practitioner Mr. Zhao Mingjiang's home. They confiscated his belongings including a mobile phone, and took Mr. Zhao and his wife to the police station. Zong Shanbin and a police officer named Yu Hongwei removed Mr. Zhao's shirt and beat him for a long time, causing his face and mouth to become swollen and deformed. They sent him to a detention centre that night. They also beat Mr. Zhao's wife and didn't release her until 6:00 p.m.
Falun Gong Practitioners He Jinliang, Wang Tianyu and Others from Zhoukou City, Henan Province Arrested
2009-01-24On January 4th, 2009, Shanan District Police Department National Security Division leader and two policewomen arrived in a police car at Falun Gong practitioner Mr. He Jinliang's home. They parked their car on the street and knocked on the door. As soon as Mr. He opened the door, the police immediately pushed him into the police car. Mr. He's wife realized that her husband had not come back in and went out to check on him. The policemen pushed her into the car too. Right then, another practitioner, Mr. Feng Zijun arrived to visit Mr. He. Feng Zijun saw the police car and that the door to the home was open, which is unusual. He realized something was wrong and attempted to leave immediately, but it was too late. The police took him away, too.
Mr. Wang Yajun Unable to Take Care of Himself After Being Tortured by Guards in Jilin Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-23My name is Wang Yajun. I was arrested at home on May 16th, 2007, by police for attending a Falun Gong experience sharing conference. I was later detained in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province, for 18 months. On June 17th, 2008, I went on a hunger strike. I was then subjected to more persecution. Under the instigation of the police, drug addict inmates tied me to an iron bed. They handcuffed my hands and legs. Four vicious addicts hit me in the genital area. They also used a pair of slippers to hit my face, and they pulled my hair. After kicking and punching me with their fists, they started to force-feed me. My lower back was injured because of the torture. It bled and festered and developed a hole as large as a fist.
Guards in Lianjiangkou Prison, Jiamusi City, Relentlessly Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-01-23Recently, in the name of so-called "Security Battle for a Hundred Days," guards at Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City used different tactics to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. For example, they did not allow them to go downstairs, to buy things from the store, to be visited by family members, or have their family members deposit money or items for them. On December 17th, team leaders ordered practitioner Duan Tilin to come to the office. They wanted him to copy a pre-written statement. Duan Tilin said, "I can't copy someone else's statement." They said, "What you wrote did not meet the requirements." Duan Tilin said, "I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and I did not commit any crimes." Guard Miao slapped Duan Tilin six to seven times.
Practitioners Imprisoned in Jinan
2009-01-23Professor Zhang Xingwu, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been imprisoned in a detention centre for the past five months. Ms. Zhang Chenglan, another practitioner, was arrested in August 2008 and sentenced to a forced labour camp in Shangdong Province for a year and six months. Her family is filing a lawsuit to rescue her from the brutal treatment. Immediately after Ms. Zhang Chenglan was taken to the forced labour camp, her husband, Mr. Liu Ruping, tried to visit her, but the guards turned him away because he was also a practitioner. Mr. Liu hired a lawyer, who was allowed to see her. The lawyer informed Mr. Liu that his wife had been beaten by the guards.
Li Shigang Sent to a Forced Labour Camp Despite Disability Suffered during Arrest
2009-01-23Falun Gong practitioner Li Shigang was arrested and persecuted in 2002. He fell from a seventh floor during the arrest and became disabled. On April 23rd, 2008 police arrested him again and searched his house. He was sentenced to two years of forced labour on May 26th. Li Shigang currently has difficulty just looking after himself and has trouble even walking up stairs. Even under such circumstances, he is still forced to do heavy labour. He has so far been detained for eight months and denied adequate medical treatment.
The Severe Persecution of Ms. Lu Xueqin
2009-01-22The police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Xueqin from the streets in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, on January 26th, 2008. They took her to Liaoyuan Road Police Station and tortured her there for nine days. She lost consciousness several times. Ms. Lu sustained soft tissue injuries, dislocated bones, and severe, debilitating wounds in the lower back, legs, and feet. She also sustained kidney damage that stopped normal urine production and required a catheter. Then she developed whole-body oedema to the extent that she could not even remove her clothes. Widespread bruises and numerous blood clots developed in her legs, abdomen, and chest. Ms. Lu eventually became paralysed for lack of medical treatment.
Additional Information on the Deaths of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province
2009-01-22On the night of November 28th, 2001, three practitioners from Yilan County--Ms. Zhang Min, Mr. Song Ruiyi, and Mr. Zhang Keming--went to Tuanshanzi Village to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and were reported to the police by a villager. Zhang Huanyou, the village police station chief, and his subordinates soon apprehended the practitioners. Zhang ordered village head Zhao Chungui to organize the villagers to wait alongside the road to intercept the practitioners. When they did, Zhao beat them with a thick wooden stick. A woman practitioner close to 70 was knocked down on the spot. These practitioners later died as a result of mistreatment.
Mr. Xie Chunze and His Family Persecuted Relentlessly in Chenghai City, Guangdong Province
2009-01-22Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xie Chunze, over 30 years old, was arrested by officers of Waisha Police Station in June 2000. He was then detained in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp for two years, where he suffered inhuman torture, and extreme devastation of his mind and body. Under this pressure, he was once known to have lost consciousness for three days and nights. After he woke up, it was seen that he had suffered a mental breakdown. His father Xie Jiqi, ill from the constant fear and fighting, died in January 2003. In April 2005, police officers of Waisha Police Station again arrested Mr. Xie's mother, Cai Yu'e, and held her prisoner at the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre for four months.
Mr. Lei Bifu Arrested After Suffering Seven Years of Persecution
2009-01-22In October 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lei Bifu returned home after he had been forced to flee home seven years prior. Only two months later, on December 12th, 2008, police arrested Mr. Lei at the farmers' market. Once they found Mr. Lei, they shot him with a tranquillizer gun, forced him down to the ground, and beat him with electric batons. They arrested both Mr. Lei and his wife, and beat them all the way to the police station. The couple sustained severe injures. At the same time, eight officers searched Mr. Lei's house. Mr. Lei's wife was released on the second day. Mr. Lei has been detained at the Kai County Detention Centre since the arrest.