Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Unreasonable Judgement Handed Down in Northern Shenyang City in 2008
2009-01-10Around the time of the Olympics, the Chinese Communist regime used "social stability" as an excuse to arrest four Falun Gong practitioners from Shenbei New District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. On December 1st-9th, 2008, Shenbei District Court sentenced four practitioners to very heavy penalties. Ms. Wang Shumei was the first practitioner to be tried. Ms. Wang insisted that by following the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance, she did not do anything wrong, and she asked to be released immediately. This made Sun Yonggang, the 610 Office head, very angry. He yelled, "I will have you sentenced to ten years!" That's all it took--one sentence spoken by Sun Yonggang for Ms. Wang Shumei to be sentenced to ten years.
Mr. Xie Chuhua from Denghai City, Guangdong Province, Died as a Result of Three Years of Torture
2009-01-10On June 9th, 2004, police broke into 50-year-old Mr. Xie Chuhua's home, ransacked it, confiscated his belongings, and arrested him. Mr. Xie Chuhua was sentenced to forced labour and was held in the Meizhou Jail for three years. He was severely tortured, which caused internal breeding. He was then sent home by police officers after suffering so much that he could no longer function. Not only did he suffer physically from the tortures but he also experienced extreme fear and horrors, which couldn't be described in words. Mr. Xie Chuhua died in June 2008, after he was subjected to a long period of mental and physical torture.
Retired Schoolteacher from Liaoning Province Severely Tortured Before He Died
2009-01-10Mr. Zhang Shimin was a 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. When he worked, he was an outstanding schoolteacher. Mr. Zhang started practising Falun Gong in 1996 and became very healthy and enthusiastic in helping others. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the suppression of Falun Gong on July 20ht, 1999, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to a forced labour camp in 2001 for one and a half years, because he persevered in practising Falun Gong and telling people the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. In the labour camp he was subjected to severe psychological and physical abuse. He died on October 20th, 2008.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Shandong Province Men's Prison
2009-01-09The Shandong Province Men's Prison, also known as the Shandong Province No. 1 Prison, is located in Jinan City. It is notorious for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The guards in the No. 11 Ward use all types of torture techniques such as brainwashing, hypocrisy, cajoling, force-feeding, sleep deprivation, sitting on a board, solitary confinement, shocking with an electric baton, mental torment, criticism, denunciation, and humiliation to compel practitioners to do things against their will and renounce Falun Gong.
Husband Given Prison Sentence; Wife Sent to Brainwashing Centre
2009-01-09Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Zonglin was formerly the superintendent of the Mingyuan Architecture Design Institute, a part of the Chengdu City government. On August 2nd, 2007, he was arrested at home by police. Jiang's family never received any legal documentation and only heard much later that he was subjected to brainwashing. He was not allowed to sleep for sixty straight hours. On December 8th, 2008, which is the petition reception day for the Sichuan Province government, Jiang's wife went to the government office to appeal for her husband. However she was arrested.
Funing County Court Blocked Road for a Trial, Arousing Public Resentment
2009-01-09On December 23rd, 2008, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) county court conducted an unjust trial of Guo Daoyou, a Falun Gong practitioner in Funing County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Because the court officials didn't dare hold an open trial, about thirty police officers from the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, and the people's court blocked the street on both sides, and stationed police guards from about 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Passersby weren't allowed to walk by. The roadblock aroused people's resentment. Some local people said that a regular trial would not have been blocked like this. They didn't know why the area was blocked this time.
Seven Practitioners Receive Four to Eight-Year Prison Terms in Xingtai City, Hebei Province
2009-01-09Mr. Yin Shunfeng, in his 70s, was given a three year sentence. Mr. Yin, now retired, used to be an official in an auto repair factory. He lives at the Xingtai City Business Bureau Residence Building. He was sentenced to three years of forced labour for lawfully appealing for Falun Gong back in January 2000. Ms. Qian Wanyun, in her 40s, was given an eight-year sentence. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution back in January 2001.
The Brutal and Torturous Ordeals That Ms. Miu Cui Has Endured
2009-01-08Ms. Miu Cui, a Falun Gong practitioner in her 50s, was tortured many times because of her firm belief in Falun Gong. In May 2007, a guard and several prisoners in the Hunan Women's Prison, used a rope to tie Ms. Miu's wrists behind her back and then hung her up in the air. They tried to force her to sign a statement to say she would renounce her belief in Falun Gong. In excruciating pain, she lost control of her bowels and started to bleed from her private part. She was tortured repeatedly until 4 a.m. the following day. When a doctor examined her, he discovered that she was in the last stages of uterine cancer and he told her she probably had a maximum of three months to live.
The Yunnan No. 2 Women's Prison Is Torturing Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-01-08Many practitioners were forced to sit on a small stool for 15 straight hours with no movement allowed. Many practitioners' buttocks became ulcerated and festered. If practitioners refused to renounce Falun Gong, the guards then handcuffed their hands to the iron window frame or made them stand in the same position for long periods of time. Practitioner Zhou Bolian was forced to stand for three days and nights until he fainted and fell to the floor. Fang Shimei was put in confinement for one year, but still she insisted on doing the Falun Gong exercises. The guards then put some drugs in her food and she became mentally disoriented and slow.
Accounts of Forced-feeding at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp and Jilin City Detention Centre
2009-01-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Wenjun held a hunger strike to protest his persection and was tied to an iron chair commonly known as a tiger bench. Mr. Li was then fed through a rigid naso-gastric tube with a concoction of corn flour gruel mixed with salt and unknown drugs. He was force-fed once or twice per day, depending on the decisions made by the Section Chief, Yu, the prison doctor, or the prison manager, Lei. Mr. Li Wenjun experienced great pain and once told his mother, "My body is in a overwhelming amount of pain!"
Mr. Zhen Zhanbo and Mr. Chen Xinye Tried by Court in Shenyang City
2009-01-08On December 22nd, 2008, the Huanggu District Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province tried Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhao Zhanbo and Mr. Chen Xinye. Both of them looked very thin at the trial. Mr. Zhao Zhanbo and Mr. Chen Xinye stated during the trial that the city's police tortured them during interrogation. The court lied to the relatives of other accused defendants by saying that too many Falun Gong practitioners had showed up and taken up all of the space, so they only allowed one member of the accused's family to attend. This deception caused people to be resentful of Falun Gong practitioners. This is an example of how the authorities incite public hatred toward Falun Gong.
High School Teacher Miao Yuhuan Detained in Dalian City
2009-01-07On December 4th, 2008, police violently arrested Ms. Miao Yuhuan, 36, at the high school where she is a teacher. Miao is detained in Yaojia Detention Centre. Her two year-old daughter has been taken to her grandmother's house. The girl's two grandmothers have taken her to Liangjiadian Police Station every day to ask them to release her mother.
Witnessing Ms. Tian Huiying's So-called "Suicide Attempt" in the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-07Ms. Tian Huiying was killed in a so-called "suicide attempt" in July 2005 as claimed by the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was 50 years old. I witnessed the entire process of her being persecuted. A car drove out of the cafeteria in the labour camp and struck Ms. Tian Huiying. The wheels of the car drove over her legs and feet. She immediately lost consciousness. Later on, police said that Ms. Tian had run towards the car to commit suicide and that the people who were monitoring her could not stop her. In fact, there were no guards at the scene. Moreover, the two criminals who were monitoring Ms. Tian were very strong young men. The car hit her on purpose.
Ms. Li Yanhui from Zhoukou City, Henan Province, Sentenced to Four Years of Detention
2009-01-07Ms. Li Yanhui, who worked in a Chinese medicine hospital in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, was recently sentenced to four years in the city detention centre by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. Her second trial will be held soon. Ms. Li has been on a hunger strike for more than 10 days. The police have been inserting a tube into her stomach to cruelly force-feed her. She is very weak and cannot walk without leaning against the walls.
Mr. Yan Shoulin Arrested for Defending Practitioners in Court
2009-01-07On December 2nd, 2008, practitioners Mr. Yan Shoulin, Ms. Yang Chunmei, and her younger brother Yang Bin from Dengshahe Town, Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, were violently arrested by police. Mr. Yan Shoulin had defended another practitioner, Ms. Gu Li, in court in August 2008. Ms. Gu was arrested because she had been people the facts about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. After the trial, Mr. Yan Shoulin was frequently followed until his arrest.