Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Wu Bilin and Mr. Cheng Dehan Arrested by the 610 Office and Detained in Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre in Hubei Province
2007-09-10Ms. Wu Bilin, 59, went to the family housing area of the "288 Plant" in the Huangpi District to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. A person who was deceived by the propaganda reported her to the police. Officers from the Huangpi District Police Department arrested her, and she is being detained at the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre. To protest the unjust detention, Ms. Wu held a hunger strike for several days. Hu Shaobin (male) with the Jiang'an District 610 Office incited inmates to force-feed her with vinegar and chilli water several times a day. They also violently struck her.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured at Women's Forced Labour Camp in Fujian Province
2007-09-10The guards at Fujian Province Women's Forced Labour Camp maliciously abused imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners. Placed in solitary confinement, steadfast practitioners were prohibited from seeing their family members and from purchasing food. They were allowed two or three hours less sleep than other inmates and they were prohibited from taking a midday nap. They were monitored around the clock by inmates that were drug addicts, prostitutes, thugs, and other criminals.
Former Government Official Mr. Ma Tianyong, from the National Security Bureau in Yingkou City, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2007-09-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Tianyong was repeatedly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the past eight years, for practising Falun Gong. He was dismissed from his job and his salary was suspended. He was arrested and then sentenced to a forced labour camp. He suffered from tremendous stress both physically and psychologically, and he passed away at home on March 29th, 2007. His wife had also passed away, on November 26th, 2002, after being seriously persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp.
Practitioners Tortured in the Third Ward of Shandong Province Second Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-09-09Ms. Gao Wenmei was hung in the air for seven days and seven nights straight. Ms. Che Cui was subjected to unknown methods of torture. Ms. Xu Youfang suffered physical punishment for over 30 consecutive hours because she forgot to announce herself when she entered a room. So far, we have learned that Ms. Cui Guifen, Ms. Zhang Ximei, Ms. Yu Xiuhua and Ms. Sun Yongling are among the many female practitioners incarcerated in the camp. There are many imprisoned practitioners whose names are yet to be revealed, and who are facing physical and mental torture from the prison guards.
Torture of Practitioners at the Seventh Team of Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-09-09Section A is a high security area, where practitioners who are not cooperating with the guards are detained. There is no break for lunch. Apart from basic needs like eating, drinking, use of the toilet and sleep, practitioners are forced to sit on small benches for as long as over 10 hours a day without moving. The guards beat and verbally abuse the practitioners if they move their limbs even a bit. Sometimes practitioners are deprived of normal sleep and kept awake until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning.
Ms. Fan Qingqing from Weifang City, Shandong Province Suffers from Persecution and Torture
2007-09-09Five officers were assigned to torture each practitioner. These officers immobilised the practitioners, then pinched their nose, pried open their mouths, and force-fed them. The "dead man's bed" is supposed to be used only for death row prisoners. However, Director Guo used it to torture practitioners. One of the torture means in the detention centre was known as the "cross." Three wooden boards, each 8 inches wide, were made into a cross shape. A practitioner was handcuffed onto it with arms stretched out horizontally and legs spread wide open. They laid the practitioner on it, so that the wooden board in the centre pushed up against the practitioner's spine. The whole body weight fell on the spine and caused extreme pain. Soon the practitioner would start sweating because of the unbearable pain, their entire body would become numb and they would lose consciousness.
The Crimes Behind Shanghai's Prestigious Labels - "High Class" Products Actually Made at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai
2007-09-08Bee & Flower (Feng-hua) and Maxam (Mei-jia-jing) are both well known brand labels from Shanghai in China, and their products are sold in southeast Asia as well as all over China. Very few people however know that some of these products, such as the soaps, are processed in Tilanqiao Prison and other jails. The companies behind these prestigious labels are participating in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners, which is in violation of international laws.
Honest and Upright Mr. Lu Yuping Was Tortured to the Brink of Death in Tailai Prison
2007-09-08Mr. Lu Yuping was widely recognised as a model of honesty by his superiors at the Land Tax Bureau and was even awarded the title of "Model Worker for Honesty and Uprightness" at the county level in 1996. Starting in 1995, when he began to practise Falun Gong, he became mentally and physically very healthy. Yet he has been tortured to near death because he refuses to give up Falun Gong. Police beat him using a special leather belt, the soles of their shoes, and handcuffs. When he passed out, they poured cold water all over him to revive him and then beat him again. They released him from the chair and squeezed his head, hands, and feet. They stripped him naked and slapped him hard with a leather belt and whips until they were almost broken.
A Non-practitioner Describes the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2007-09-08I noticed that Falun Gong practitioners received even worse treatment. Guard Hong Ying made me monitor practitioners and compelled me to report practitioners' activities, including making a list of who practitioners made eye contact with or smiled at. Two drug addicts would not let practitioner Ms. Gong Jinxiu sleep. At night they made her kneel by a barrel full of urine. When she nodded off, her head would drop into the barrel. Her hair and clothes were wet with urine.
The Persecution of Two Older Practitioners
2007-09-08Ms. Sun Shou Fen is 67 years old. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999 she has been persecuted, detained and sent to brainwashing sessions in the forced labour camp. Police damaged her eyes. As a result, she suffered from optic atrophy and her vision deteriorated. Ms. Sun could hardly even see well enough to walk. When she practised Falun Dafa she was able to stop wearing glasses! However, under the persecution, she almost lost her vision completely. On August 2nd, 2007, she was arrested by policeman Liu Jinhu and others for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in public. When her family members went to the detention centre in Weihai City, police extorted 5,000 yuan from them as guarantee money.
Mr. Yang Xinyu Tortured to Death in Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region
2007-09-07On May 31st, 2007, police arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Yang Xinyu and his newlywed wife Ms. Zhen Haiyan. Policeman Zhang Shibin pointed a hand gun at Mr. Yang Xinyu's head while four to five agents carried him to the vehicle. Mr. Yang was forcibly taken to a brainwashing centre. Zhang Shibin pointed at Mr. Yang Xinyu and said in front of everyone, "If you refuse to be transformed, I will cremate you." The guards encouraged prisoners to beat him cruelly. Thus, Mr. Yang started a hunger strike to protest. Mr. Yang Xinyu's uncle went to visit him twice while he was being severely mistreated, but the Detention Centre Administration refused to let him see his nephew. They called his family only after he died. They found his body had dark bruises under his neck.
Exposing the Crimes of the National Security Division in Wugong County, Shaanxi Province
2007-09-07Before July 20th, 1999 there were over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners in Wugong County. Most of them started to practise Falun Gong in 1999. They hadn't cultivated long before the persecution of Falun Gong started. The chief of the National Security Division, Yan Yong (female), led perpetrators to persecute Dafa practitioners who believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". They raided practitioners' homes, fined them, detained them, sent them to the forced labour camps, threatened them, and forced them to write guarantee statements to give up practising Falun Gong.
Ms. Liu Ying Taken Away by Director of Daqing People's Hospital Zhang Tiehui and Police
2007-09-07On August 23rd, 2007 at 9:00 a.m., Zhang Tiehui, the Director of Daqing City People's Hospital and Harbin Medical University's Fifth Hospital, coordinated the arrest of Ms. Liu Ying while she was at work. The arrest was carried out with the help of Zhang's brother, a police officer, and Liu Rong, a plainclothes agent from the city's Public Security Bureau. Liu Ying's home and office were ransacked, and her computer and personal belongings were seized by police in the raid.
Practitioners Mr. Liu Fufeng and Ms. Zheng Shuhua Die as a Result of Persecution
2007-09-07Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Fufeng, 54, benefited greatly from practising Falun Dafa both physically and spiritually. After the persecution of Falun Dafa began, he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. There he was harassed and threatened by officers from the local police station. He was then arrested and detained at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. He was sentenced to forced labour twice. Both times he was tortured severely. As a result of the persecution, he also suffered the symptoms of diabetes. When he was released after his term of forced labour ended, his health worsened. He died on August 18th, 2007.
Practitioners Tortured in Solitary Confinement Cells and Poisonous Salt Ponds at Jidong Prison, Tangshan City
2007-09-06Every division of the Jidong Prison has solitary confinement cells, which are two metres in length, one metre in width, and have only a small skylight on the ceiling. The walls of these cells are padded with foam to prevent distraught detainees from committing suicide. Solitary confinement in these cells is nerve-racking. Some inmates have nervous breakdowns, and may howl day and night. These solitary confinement cells are the first thing that greets sentenced Dafa practitioners. Each practitioner is locked up for at least 15 days, and sometimes up to several months, until he gives up Falun Dafa. Wardens deprive practitioners of sleep, and as soon as a practitioner closes their eyes, wardens order inmates to prick them with needles. Inmates often kick and hit Dafa practitioners with sticks and triangular belts.