Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two Female Practitioners Imprisoned and Persecuted in Jilin Women's Prison
2013-12-10Practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan has been held in Jilin Women’s Prison for seven years and persecuted. She was tortured on the “stretching bed” and is now disabled. Even in her condition, she is still being dragged to the toilet and beaten. Practitioner Ms. Liu Xia has been held in Jilin Women’s Prison for five years. She was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. She was forced to sit on a small wooden stool for a long period of time in front of an open window while wearing thin clothes in winter. She was once tortured this way for over two months.
Ms. Li Qunying Brutally Tortured in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, Now Missing
2013-12-10Ms. Li Qunying was arrested while speaking to people about Falun Gong and the persecution in Daxing County in April 2011. She was taken to the Daxing County Detention Centre and then transferred to Division No. 4 of the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Li was tortured to the point of being in critical condition. The labour camp transported her in a minibus to an unknown location in June 2011. Her whereabouts are still unknown.
Mr. Zhang Jinku and Mr. Mo Zhiqui Sentenced to Long Prison Terms and Tortured in Hulan Prison
2013-12-10Mr. Mo Zhiqui and Mr. Zhang Jinku were sentenced to 12 and 5 years in prison, respectively, for practising Falun Gong. They are presently held in the Hulan Prison of Heilongjiang Province. Both practitioners were transferred to the prison hospital after having been tortured. Mr. Mo could no longer walk normally as a result of the abuse. Ms. Zhang has developed symptoms of tuberculosis and is extremely weak. He is disoriented and unable to control his urine and bowel movements.
Making Sense of “Health Examinations” in Prison and Forced Labour Camp
2013-12-10I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan. I was sentenced to prison and held in the Sichuan Provincial Women’s Prison in Yangmahe, Jianyang City. I was subjected to many physical examinations while detained there. The doctors at the prison collaborated with the guards in actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners were subjected to several physical examinations, which included X-rays of the internal organs and blood draws. I was held for almost three years, but never told about any examination results. I suspect that these physical examinations were done for possible harvesting of my organs.
1.5 Million Signatures Delivered to the UN Call for Action Against Organ Harvesting in China
2013-12-10International Human Rights Day falls on the 10th of December each year, and a significant event set the stage for the occasion at the United Nations. A petition bearing a remarkable 1.5 million signatures was delivered to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The petition asks the UN to initiate further investigations into forced organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to call upon China to immediately end this crime against humanity.
In Her Own Words: Ms. Mi Xiaozheng's Story of Enduring Fourteen Years of Torture and Abuse
2013-12-07Ms. Mi Xiaozheng is a Falun Gong practitioner in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Although she had the highest grades at her university, she was suspended just one year before graduation for practising Falun Gong. She was arrested and sent to brainwashing centres twice, where she was tortured and beaten. Even during her pregnancy she was still harassed constantly, which caused a miscarriage.
Mr. Feng Xingji Persecuted in a Shanghai Prison
2013-12-07Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Feng Xingji was arrested by police because he had made banners saying "Falun Gong Is Good." Mr. Feng was tried in Pudong Court on November 22nd, 2011. Judge Shi Yaohui refused to allow Mr. Feng's lawyer to enter a not-guilty plea on his client's behalf and didn't let him defend Ms. Liu Juan, Mr. Feng's wife. On November 30th, 2011, Mr. Feng was sentenced to four years in prison and transferred to Tilanqiao Prison.
Mass Arrest of Fourteen Practitioners in Maoming--Five Facing Trial
2013-12-07Fourteen Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in Maoming on November 2nd, 2013. Five are still being detained. Families of the arrested practitioners appealed to the authorities to release of their loved ones, but the authorities refused to see them. The police station deputy director claimed that the practitioners would be put on trial.
Female Practitioner Brutally Tortured for Being Steadfast in Her Belief
2013-12-07A female Falun Gong practitioner was arrested and incarcerated for not giving up her belief. The arresting officers were in plainclothes and did not have an arrest warrant. At the police station they slapped her in the face, handcuffed her, and shackled her to an iron chair.
Mr. Yu Ming Endures Ten Years of Torture in Chinese Labour Camps
2013-12-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Ming, had been persecuted and tortured during the past ten years for practising Falun Gong, was arrested again this year after a brief period of freedom. He was able to escape, but was again arrested soon after and incarcerated in a detention centre. His family hired lawyers to defend him, but when they tried to meet their client, officials from the centre made excuses to not allow them to see or talk to him. This practitioner had been locked up in forced labour camps where he was inhumanly tortured until he became emaciated and almost died.
Practitioner Hunger Strikes for 500 Days to Protest His Incarceration - 8,000 Sign Petition for His Release
2013-12-04A 50-year-old practitioner was arrested and incarcerated because he told people the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. During his first imprisonment of five years, he was so brutally tortured that he became mentally disordered. Upon his release, he recovered completely but was arrested again and has now been on a hunger strike for well over a year. Prison officials have force fed him with a sharp feeding tube, not to provide him with nourishment but to inflict pain. Thousands of citizens in Tianjin and Shandong Province have signed petitions to show their support and request that the CCP release him.
Seventy-Eight-Year-Old Woman Loses Eyesight after Five Years of Imprisonment
2013-12-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Ying, 78, was cured of late stage cancer 14 years ago through practising Falun Gong. However, during the 14 years of persecution against Falun Gong, she has been arrested 15 times and sentenced twice for refusing to give up the practice. Nine years of imprisonment has wrought tremendous damage upon her mind and body, and shortly after her release she lost sight in both her eyes.
Ms. Liu Meizhang Passes Away After Three Arrests in Three Years
2013-12-02Ms. Liu Meizhang, 69, was taken to the Mishan Brainwashing Centre on June 25th, 2013, by the local 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). She was released five weeks later, but was still required to report to the centre on a weekly basis. She died on the morning of November 8th, 2013, after having been arrested three times in three years for her peaceful belief in Falun Gong.
Ms. Wang Xiuqing Dies After Enduring 14 Years of Persecution
2013-12-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuqing was arrested and detained many times, sentenced to forced labour twice, and routinely threatened and harassed for maintaining her spiritual belief. In early July 2013, police came to Ms. Wang's home and took her to the Amuer Police Station. The police threatened and intimidated her, ignoring the fact that Ms. Wang was in an extremely fragile condition, unable to walk, and had difficulty breathing. She passed away on July 18th, at the age of 44, after enduring over 14 years of persecution.
Former Manager of a Forest Products Company Persecuted to Death in Prison
2013-12-02Mr. Li Shangshi, 65, was arrested in 2004 and sentenced to a 14-year prison term. He was first held in the Fushun City No. 2 Prison and later in the Shenyang City No. 1 Prison in 2008 and held in the strictly monitored division. He was tortured in many ways and was forced to do hard labour. Once he was on a hunger strike for 28 days. He was tied to the death bed for force-feeding. His stomach was damaged with the feeding tube. He was persecuted to death on November 22nd, 2013.