Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Practitioner Mr. Li Changrong from Hubei Province Arrested; Wife Passes Away

    Mr. Li Changrong is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hubei Province. Over the past five years, his home was searched and he was arrested six times. He spent a total of 450 days in detention. In order to catch Mr. Li, the police went to his home every day and intimidated Ms. Wang Zihua, his wife. She passed away on the night of September 24, 2004. It is unknown what was the cause of her death, but there were obvious bruises on her body. On October 25, 2004, police arrested Mr. Li soon after he returned home.
  • Ms. Chen Guiqin from Heilongjiang Province Dies As a Result of Persecution in January 2004

    Ms. Chen was formerly an elementary school teacher in Yichun City. In July 1999 when the Jiang Zemin group started to persecute Falun Gong, she went to the National Women's Council in Beijing to appeal for an end to the persecution and she brought with her handwritten stories about how she benefited from the practice. Unfortunately, a plainclothes police officer mixing with the staff at the Women's Council abducted her to the Heilongjiang Province's resident office in Beijing. She was then taken back to her hometown and detained at a local police station. From then on she suffered torture, harassment and brainwashing until she passed away at home on January 6, 2004.
  • Wife and Three Children Suffer Great Hardship as Mr. Zhao Zonglu is Detained and Persecuted in a Forced Labour Camp for the Second Time

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Zonglu was sentenced to three years of forced labour. He is currently still being imprisoned and persecuted in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing. His wife has had to bear the heavy burden of providing for the family. She does not have any form of employment and depends on selling miscellaneous goods at her roadside stall to support the family. It is extremely difficult for her. They have three children. The eldest daughter is a disabled child whom the couple had adopted out of pity.
  • Brutal Torture Method Used in China's Prisons on Falun Gong Practitioners: "Wearing Dead Handcuffs" (Illustration)

    The North Suburban Prison of Shijiazhuang City uses a torture method called "Wearing Dead Handcuffs," that was previously reserved for criminals who had been sentenced to death. It was banned, but is now being used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The hands, wrists, and the lower and upper arms of the person all become swollen due to this torture.
  • The Brutal Persecution of Schoolteacher Ms. Guo Xiurong in Hebei Province

    Ms Guo Xiurong was a teacher at the Zhangtun School in Nanpi County, Hebei Province. After practising Falun Gong, she was free of diseases and her character noticeably improved. During the relentless persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin and his cohorts, Guo Xiurong was nearly tortured to death several times. Also her husband was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment for practising Falun Gong
  • Ms. Zhou Yafang, A Practitioner from Hunan Province Dies From Torture-Related Injuries Sustained in Police Custody

    Ms. Zhou Yafang resided in Hunan Province. She was only thirty years old when she died. Simply for practising Falun Gong, Zhou Yafang was detained for over two years by the Qidong County Public Security Bureau. Ms. Zhou was beaten by the labour camp guards until her face was shapeless and the torture eventually reduced her to an emaciated shell. As a result of the torture, she lost consciousness. She was released when she was on the verge of dying and she died in her home at the end of September 2004.
  • Severe Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    The authorities at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp have followed Jiang Zemin since July 20, 1999 to persecute Falun Gong. They torture practitioners savagely. In order to hide their crimes, they whitewash the facts by telling lies to practitioners' families and the public. Practitioners detained at the Women's Division have experienced tortures in small cells, and intensive brainwashing and forced labour, among others. Each small cell (confinement room) holds three to four cages made from stainless steel pipes. The cages are about 2 metres long, 1.5 metres wide and 2 metres tall. Practitioners were locked in these cages to force them to abandon Falun Gong.
  • Li Lin Loses Eyesight Due to Torture

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Lin from Jilin Province was arrested in August 2002. He was tortured in the Yushu City Detention Centre, which resulted in severe damage to his eyesight. Then he was sentenced to four years in prison and he has currently been jailed in the Jilin Province No.2 Prison for more than 10 months, where he completely lost his eyesight.
  • Practitioner Ms Niu Minjie Paralyzed due to Torture at Women's Prison in Hebei Province

    43 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Niu Minjie, lived in Shijiazhuang City. In 2002, because she financially supported several persecuted practitioners, she was taken to the County Jail. The police shackled both her hands and feet together for months, causing her muscles to atrophy in both legs and she lost the ability to walk. Now in prison, both her legs are now completely paralyzed, and she can no longer take care of herself.
  • Policemen Put a Snake into a Female Falun Dafa Practitioner's Clothes and Beat a Seventy-Year-Old Man

    On June 26, 2000, policemen from Weifang City, Shandong Province, abducted 10 practitioners including Ms. Zhang Cuixiang and Ms. Zhou Xuehong. The policemen tied the female practitioners to utility poles, hit them on their breasts, kicked them hard on their private parts, and yelled obscene words. What happened next was even more horrifying. Policemen got hold of a snake. They lifted up Ms. Zhang Cuixiang's clothes and put the snake in! The villains later did the same thing to Ms. Zhou Xuehong.
  • As of Early 2004, At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Known to Have Died from the Persecution in Jieyang City

    During the past five years in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, the number of Falun Gong practitioners known to have died from the persecution has reached at least seven. The number of practitioners illegally detained was at least 14, and those illegally put into labour camps was at least 60. At least two practitioners were illegally put into the Provincial Legal and Law Institute, and at least four are currently being held in detention centres. Over 3,000 practitioners have been detained, arrested and put into brainwashing classes, including those who were detained more than once.
  • A Non-Practitioner's Eyewitness Account of the Police Brutality on Tiananmen Square in July 2001

    I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but my mother and my older sister are. On July 20, 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square to look for my mother and my sister who went to appeal for Falun Gong. From July 20 to July 22, when I was looking for them, I observed a more complete picture of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Several policemen in the centre were hitting Falun Gong practitioners on the head with electric batons. Practitioners' blood was sprayed all over a banner, yet they still carried on holding the banner and protecting it with their bodies.
  • After Repeatedly Suffering Unjust Persecution for Remaining Steadfast in Her Belief, Ms. Zheng Xueqiong from Dazu County Died in March 2004

    Ms. Zheng Xueqiong, 65, was a resident of the Zhonghe Street Neighbourhood Community, Longshui Town, Dazu County, Chongqing City. She started practising Falun Gong in the spring of 1997. Falun Gong healed her partial paralysis and she no longer needed to take medicine. Ms. Zheng was sincere, kind, tolerant and generous. A lot of people perceived the greatness of Falun Dafa in her.
  • Savage Torture at Xinyu Detention Centre Sees 5-Inch Nails Driven into Practitioners' Hands and Feet

    According to inside information, Ms. Dong Qixin was kept handcuffed in what is called the "handcuffed airplane" (1) torture for three days. Since Ms. Dong refused to cooperate with their demands and renounce Falun Gong, the police used an even more savage torture. They drove 5-inch-long nails through her hands and ankles and into wooden boards. This torture has lasted for more than two months. This news has been kept from Ms. Dong's children. No family members have been allowed to visit.
  • The "Seven Dishes" Torture in the Leshan City Detention Centre

    Yuan Tao beat me, causing my face to bleed. Yuan and Zheng also burned my arms, fingers, and chest with cigarettes. Luo Peihua said, "I got word from the higher-ups that if we beat you to death, it will be treated like nothing has happened at all." Luo and Zheng said, "We'll stop hitting you if you curse your Teacher (Referring to the founder of Falun Gong)." I did not utter a word from the beginning to the end. The five of them stopped beating me after they were exhausted.