Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Weifang City Government Owned Company Unjustly Persecutes Falun Gong Employees

    Since June 1999, company officials followed Jiang Zemin's regime and started persecuting Falun Gong. More than a dozen employees were fired, expelled, terminated, or forced to resign because they practise Falun Gong. One of the practitioners was forced to have a divorce. The lawless officials use every opportunity and method to coerce practitioners to give up the practice. For example, they refused to issue marriage certificates to practitioners.
  • Hefei City Female Practitioner Suffers Gross Injustice

    On June 6, the Shushan District Court, Hefei City, put her on trial - putting the legal profession to shame. They said to her, "Are you going to continue to practise (Falun Gong)? If you are, you will be sentenced to three and a half years. If you are not, you can go home." Yang said, "Yes." She then appealed to the Mid-level Court of Hefei City. Without notifying her family and lawyer, and without going through any legal procedures, she was sentenced to three and a half years. Yang was taken away on July 25th and no one knows where she is now.
  • Elderly Lady From Baoding City Dies Following Illegal Detention

    Jiang Zemin's personal will and his despotic power has forced the police in various places in Hebei Province to carry out a brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners who cultivate their hearts and practise kindness. They do not even spare elderly ladies like Jiao Fenglan.
  • Force-Feeding with Detergent is Routine Torture at Guangzhou City Rehab Centre

    Those perpetrators used irritating chemical agents such as detergents and shampoos to force-feed Dafa practitioners so Dafa practitioners couldn't stop vomiting. The kind of pain Dafa practitioners endured was beyond imagination and the terrible scene was beyond description. They filled up a toilet bowl with water and hung steadfast Dafa practitioners upside down and pressed practitioners' heads into the toilet bowl.
  • Relentless Persecution Leaves the Lives of an Entire Family in Tatters

    After Baodong's escape, his family led a very difficult life with his mother disabled and his father unable to take care of himself. While Baodong was in detention, his wife Shuying was also forcefully taken to a brainwashing class to be tortured. Their two children were forced to take care of their grandparents while they went to school. The hardships the whole family suffered were overwhelming.
  • Brutal Torture Results in the Agonising Death of Dafa Practitioner from Sichuan Province

    Later, he was sentenced to four years in prison. With total disregard for his life, the brutal beatings he suffered severely injured his internal organs. He was on the verge of death when he was sent to a labour reeducation hospital and diagnosed as "untreatable." On May 27 2003, the callous authorities ordered his family to take him home, when it was virtually too late to save him. At that time he was suffering from excruciating pain throughout his body and had blood in his stool.
  • Seven Common Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    Normally an electric baton has voltage of tens of thousands volts. When it discharges continuously, it emits blue light with static-like sound. When the electric current goes through a person's body, it feels like one is being burned or being bitten by snakes. Every shock is very painful like a snakebite. The victim's skin turns red, broken, burned and festering. There are even more powerful batons with higher voltage that make the victim feel like he is being hit with a hammer.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner in Critical Condition On Hunger Strike Protest in Shenyang City

    Ms. Zhang Yaping is presently detained in the Dabei Prison Hospital of Shenyang City. Her condition is critial. Our hope is that her family members can find out about her current situation and help her get out of there as soon as possible.
  • Details of Mr. Hu Hexiang's Death As A Result of Torture In Police Custody in Qinhuangdao City

    Tortures such as forced squatting for extended periods, lashing with leather straps, forcing practitioners to jump like a frog while hands and legs were shackled, etc. were used. More inhumanely, in the cold winter, the police poured water on the ground to make ice and then forced practitioners to lie face-down on the icy surface to freeze. The hands and legs of many detained practitioners became so swollen from the tortures that they were unable to walk; the handcuffs and shackles cut into their flesh, causing bleeding and infection, which became necrotic due to lack of medical care.
  • Additional Information Related to the Torture and Death of Luo Zhixiang, a Three Months Pregnant Falun Dafa Practitioner

    The "610 Office" Chair, Liu, shouted, "Fine! If she refuses to sign her name, we will cremate the body anyway." Later, people from the "610 Office" went to the Huadu Labour Camp, forced Mr. Huang Guohua to sign his name, and cremated Luo's body. Currently Luo's husband, Huang Guohua, is still detained and being tortured in the Huadu Labor Camp in Guangzhou City, and their young daughter is under her grandparents care.
  • Practitioner Huang Lisha Tortured to Death by Police at the Pi County Detention Centre in Sichuan Province

    Huang Lisha was taken to the Pi County Detention Centre on August 22. She went on a hunger strike to protest her arrest and was force-fed by a tube and given an infusion of unknown substances. In early September she was sent to the Qingyang District Hospital. There she received further intravenous infusions all day long until she passed away.
  • Family Members Examine Sun Jihong's Body and Investigate those Who Tortured Him to Death

    When Falun Gong practitioner Sun Jihong went out to clarify the facts about Falun Gong on September 25, 2002 at the Cao Bridge in the Fengtai District of Beijing, he was arrested by three police agents and taken to the Fengtai Police Station. Three days later he was transferred to the Fengtai State Security Bureau. Two days after that, on September 29, he died from torture...
  • Dafa Practitioner Dies as a Result of Brutal Torture at the Heizuizi Female Labour Camp

    n March 2002, enforcers from Jilin City "610 Office" and Chuanying District Police Department arrested her. She was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labour and was sent to No. 4 Division in the Heizuizi Female Labour Camp in Changchun City. The guards at the labour camp brutally tortured her because she persisted in Dafa practice. Once they allowed her only 22 hours of sleep in 33 days. When she was extremely weak, had difficulty eating and could not take care of herself, the guards were afraid that she might die at the labour camp, so they sent her home on April 18, 2003 on medical parole.
  • Additional Information about How Dafa Practitioner Ms. Deng Shiying Was Tortured to Death

    Her family rushed to Changchun City's No. 1 Hospital, only to find that Shiying was already unconscious and close to death. To shirk responsibility, the jail authority sent out several policemen led by Chief Wu and the Politics Section Chief Li, who mixed threats with promises inn order to deceive Shiying's family members. They returned the 500 Yuan that they extorted on July 17 to the family. They also reimbursed the 96 Yuan travel expenses between Jilin and Changchun that the two family members spent coming to take Shiying home, in a hypocritical attempt to prevent exposure that Shiying's suffered from brutal torture.
  • Remembering Fellow Practitioner Wang Zhiming

    According to sources, the police in Shanxi Province were afraid of taking responsibility for the death of Mr. Wang, so they notified his family members to come take him home. When Wang Zhiming's elder brother and his co-workers went to Shanxi, they found that Mr. Wang was already in a precarious condition as a result of torture and abuse. He was too weak to hold up his head when his brother carried him. It was too late to save his life.