Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at Xingfu Town Brainwashing Centre in Weicheng District of Weifang City

    The Xingfu Town Brainwashing Centre was set up in the Xingfu Town Justice Administrating Centre in Weicheng District, which is one of the seven persecution points in Weifang City. Many Dafa practitioners have been persecuted there, and countless tragic events have occurred there. Evil deeds that occurred there have been exposed on Dafa websites many times.
  • 61 Year Old Falun Gong Practitioner Yao Jingmin from Shaanxi Province Dies as a Result of Torture in March 2004

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Jingmin from Shaanxi Province was 61 years old when he was sent to a forced labour camp, although the legal age limit for forced labour is 60 years. After more than four months of solitary confinement and torture, Yao Jingmin's whole body became swollen, his face became severely distorted and he could not take care of himself. He died as a result of torture in March 2004.
  • Additional Information About Mr. Xiao Pifeng, Who Was Tortured to Death in 2003 for His Belief in Falun Dafa

    Mr. Xiao Pifeng was from Shandong Province. Beginning on July 20, 1999 when the persecution began, he went to Beijing to declare that Falun Dafa is good and to urge the government to stop persecuting practitioners. For that he was jailed four times, detained six times, and sentenced to a labour camp for three years. On August 24, 2003, Mr. Xiao was tortured to death in the Qiugu Forced Labour Camp.
  • Young Practitioner Du Weifeng Suffers Mental Collapse from Brutal Torture at Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Du Weifeng from Liaoning Province, suffered brutal persecution when he was only a teenager detained in the Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp. He endured tortures such as electric shock, standing straight for long periods of time and many other abuses, which led to a mental collapse on two occasions from which he has still not recovered.
  • A Record of the Crimes Committed by Authorities at Longshan Forced Labour Camp - Part I (Photos)

    The Longshan Forced Labour Camp is located in a southeast suburban area of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The first group of Falun Gong practitioners was sent there around October 21, 1999, at a time when a large number of Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. They were sent there arbitrarily, without following any due legal process. The government knows the practitioners are innocent.
  • Father and Husband Disclose More Details of the Death of Ms. Li Shuhua in 2003

    Ms. Li Shuhua's father Li Fuchen, sixty years of age, works for the Environmental Department in Yushu City. In October 2003, his daughter Li Shuhua died as a result of the persecution, his son-in-law Yang Zhanjiu was unjustly detained, and Li Fuchen's wife Cui Zhanyun was sent to a forced labour camp. During that time Li Fuchen lived a miserable life with his two young grandsons.
  • Illustrations of the Tortures Inflicted Upon Practitioners from Shandong Province in 2000

    Yuhezhen Township Transformation Centre is notorious for their "Great variety of styles and vicious techniques" which they use against practitioners and to persecute Falun Gong. Their tortures often included shocking practitioners with electric batons; whipping them with wooden sticks, rubber hoses, or bamboo shoots; sticking needles under their fingernails; scalding them with boiling water, etc.
  • Urgent Rescue Needed for Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Jilin Prison

    Torture method in Jilin Prison: “Stretching Bed” is the most brutal torture instrument in Jilin Prison. The jailors tie up four limbs of practitioners who have refused to give up their belief to a special bed. The bed has four rings. They fix a practitioner's hands and feet inside the rings, and put force on the rings. Now the practitioner's body is raised above the bed boards by stretching the four limbs. Additional force is then applied to the rings. The person loses consciousness in a few minutes. After 10 minutes, the joints, muscles, flesh, and skin are all separated.
  • Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Practitioner Ms. Zuo Shuchun in Baimalong Labour Camp

    “At the end of February 2001, Ms Zuo Shuchun, myself and another fifteen steadfast practitioners were detained in a separate building. In the first half of March we started our hunger strike to protest the torture. On the seventh day of the hunger strike, guards started to force-feed us. Zuo Shuchun was the first person who was called out by the police, but she never came back. We asked the guards about her, but they tried to avoid talking about it and then we knew something bad had happened to her.”
  • A Family of Practitioners is Severely Persecuted in Weifang City, One Beaten to Death

    On the morning of October 14, 2004, Weifang City Police Department and the "610 Office" broke into elderly practitioners Li Hengnan's and Zhang Yufang's house. They abducted the couple and another visiting practitioner, Ms. Zhang Huiping, who is about 40 years old.They ransacked the house. According to witnesses, the three were pushed into a car with their arms twisted behind them, and Li Hengnan's buttons were torn off. Currently they are being detained in a brainwashing class.
  • "Behind the Stick" Torture Method Used in Qiqihar City Detention Centre

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Cuiling was forced to wear an instrument of torture called "behind the stick." Fetters weighing 19kg (about 42lb) shackled her feet and her hands were cuffed behind her back. Guards chained the handcuffs and fetters together, making her unable to stand, sit, or lie down.
  • Mr. Ma Jijun, a Practitioner from Xinjiang Province, Is Tortured to Death

    Mr. Ma Jijun was about forty years old. On March 4, 2004, the local "610 Office" abducted him and took him to a local brainwashing centre. Later they sent him to a mental hospital, where they continued to persecute him. In the middle of September, the hospital unexpectedly called his family and asked them to pick him up. When his family saw him, they found that Ma Jijun had serious oedema all over his body and that he was extremely weak. On September 27, 2004 Ma Jijun died.
  • Practitioner Wan Liji Dies as a Result of Persecution in Nanchang City; His Daughter Is Left without a Father

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr Wan Liji, 34, died as a result of persecution, leaving behind his four-year-old daughter, who is now being cared for by her maternal grandmother. Liji used to be a member of the special police at the Nanchang Public Security Bureau and part of the Donghu Police Squad. He was mentally and physically persecuted for five years for practising Falun Dafa. He passed away on February 9, 2004.
  • Ms. Hu Qinglan, a Practitioner in her Fifties from Gansu Province, Died from the Persecution in 2001

    Ms. Hu Qinglan, in her fifties, was a practitioner from Gansu Province. She went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities on behalf of Falun Gong. She was arrested and brutally tortured. During that time, the guards didn't allow her to drink water, even though she was forced to do hard labour under the scorching summer sun. When she was finally released in the middle of August 2000, she was extremely weak. She was hospitalized in March 2001 and died at the end of April 2001.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Yanxiang Remains Unwavering Amid Horrific Torture and Atrocities

    56 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yanxiang, was abducted by officers from the local police station in November 2002. The police took her to the Tangshan No. 1 Detention Centre, where she was detained for more than 100 days before she was illegally sentenced to a forced labour camp. In the forced labour camp the guards stripped Liu Yanxiang naked and nine deputies pushed her onto the floor. They used electric batons to shock her hands, feet and back simultaneously. Ms. Liu lost consciousness in a short amount of time due to the intensity of the torture.